Forum Discussion
I went through the process of following BlueBellFlora instructions on how to create an symlink in order to store my games files on a USB since I was running out of space on my MacBook Air. All the steps went perfectly but once I opened Sims I wasn't able to load any of my saved games, I was forced to start over. Please help!
Also, when I try to reverse the link through terminal I get this message
~ % mv ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts_bkp
mv: rename /Users/janellejack/Documents/Electronic Arts to /Users/janellejack/Documents/Electronic Arts_bkp: No such file or directory
Is the Electronic Arts folder in your Documents folder showing as an alias? Or is it showing as a normal folder? (Step 2, No. 3 here )
- TriniJanee4 years agoNew Novice@Bluebellflora Shows up as an alias
- Bluebellflora4 years agoHero+@TriniJanee
And are there save files in it? Something has gone awry in the command not only because your saves aren't loading but also because the message you're getting back from Terminal is telling you it doesn't exist.
Can you post a screenshot of the alias showing the file path in the bottom of the Finder window and also the folder you moved to the external, again showing the file path? And a copy/paste of the Terminal commands you used.- TriniJanee4 years agoNew Novice
Yes, when I click on the alias files it does brig me to the External drive and shows all my save files, mods, etc.
Terminal command used to create symlink were:
mv ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts /Volumes/JJ/
ln -s /Volumes/JJ/Electronic\ Arts ~/Documents/
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