lettyxx Your saves need to be in the folder Sims 4 is reading. Here's how to find it:
The saves need to be directly in ...The Sims 4 > saves, not in a subfolder; and they need to be named properly: Slot_xxxxxxxx.save , where each X is a hexidecimal digit (0 to 9, a to f). The saves with a .verx extension are backups, and you can ignore these for now, but keep them around in case you need them.
If you can't find your save files at all, open Terminal, in Applications > Utilities, copy and paste this command into the window, and enter.
find / -name "Slot_*" 2>/dev/null
The search will take some time. When it's done, expand the Terminal window so you can see all the results. Click cmd-shift-4 and drag your cursor over the window to capture it, then attach your screenshot to a reply here.