31 days ago
Anyone else’s cursor endlessly moves upwards when grabbing a body part in CAS??
I just recently downloaded the game on my MacBook Air and I’m trying to make a household, but for some reason every single time I try to edit the body part of a sim, my cursor automatically moves it ...
- 31 days ago
I've had similar issues relating to my Mac's trackpad settings. In fact I think I once had this exact issue, though it's hard to remember.
I've found for gaming overall, it's best to turn off basically all trackpad settings in System Settings. Find a good tracking speed, "click" I keep at medium, I keep "secondary click" to the "click with two fingers" setting, but I turn off all other "Point & Click" settings, "Scroll & Zoom" settings, and "More Gestures" settings.
I'm not sure which relates to this issue, but it'd be worth fiddling around with. Thankfully, you can do this with the game open, so you don't have to keep quitting and restarting.