5 months ago
Sims 4 Won't Load Game
Hi! I recently updated my game and since the update I have not been able to play. I can get to the main window to either launch a new game or load another but once i try and play all it does is get stuck on the loading screen. If undownloaded the EA app and redownloaded. I have reset the game. I have troubleshot the game. Ive tried logging out. Ive tried everything. I even deleted all my games (so upsetting). Help!!
Follow these steps to launch a new clean game - https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-Mac/READ-FIRST-Sims-4-Mac-Help-Guides-and-Troubleshooting/m-p/4612394#M163
Does it still happen with none of your current user data in the new Sims 4 folder?