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Lost all my progress and money :/
Today earlier for some reason my Plants versus Zombies 2 app stopped loading. it would show the loading page at first them disappear and go back to my android's main page. After researching, I tried to clear the cache as nothing else would work and you guys are so inaccessible. This however led to my entire progress being wiped out. I have spent at least a hundred dollars on this game? I use it as stress relief while studying, as I am doing now. As i get the impression you guys are no damn help but am I really to accept that I just have to start over and MAYBE this won't happen AGAIN? I spent because I wanted to progress, not to let it go to waste. I need this fixed or at least a refund I am a poor college student already stressed out and I kept playing your game even though it's a greedy money-grubbing machine but this, this is an outright callous scam. Wonder if I'll even get a response lol. I've searched up a few threads on this topic and NONE of them had a response. Fix it, OR. give. me. my. money. back.Solved191KViews23likes176CommentsPVP and Gameplay Feedback
Most of my experience comes from Turf. I have also played smaller game modes where imbalances are easier to notice. Movement: Walking while shooting is too slow. This is especially so with low HP classes like Sunflower, Imp, Acorn, Rose, Nightcap, and Scientist. In the healer's case this makes it harder for healers to stay with their team in order to give them constant heals, and healers are too slow to strafe. Overall, low HP classes suffer because they are too easy to hit. Bunny hopping should not be a requirement to dodge with characters that have such low HP. That should not be how they are designed in a Class based shooter with a higher TTK. This slow movement reduces the gameplay to hiding and corner peeking to do well. Is this a cover based shooter, or a movement shooter? It seems like a movement shooter with all the sprinting and jumping, which is what I would prefer, but the slow movement confuses that. Why even have different Health Pools between classes if they are all going to walk about the same speed? This is why I play Tanks more. Aim Assist: Heavy Aim assist is too helpful. Holds the hand of players by pointing the Reticle on the enemy when they zoom in on the enemy while looking in their general direction. Basically, it is like an Aimbot. All-star is underwhelming as a Tank and Defense Class. He does too little damage at close to mid range for being so slow and big. Football cannon: Feels terrible now that it only does 7-8 damage. Just a tiny bit better than Food soldier, and its not fun to fight high mobility plants with such low damage per shot. Rev Up mechanic: The time it takes to start firing is an important part of balancing the Football cannon. If All-Star gets more damage like before he was nerfed, I would not mind a longer rev up time. Right now, Football Cannon feels more like an Assault rifle rather than a minigun. Imp punt - Without High Fuse, Imp punt is too unreliable to be effective. Even when you land a direct hit with Imp Punt, most of the time it will bounce off and do 15 damage instead because the Max damage range is so small. It could use more damage, but my main concern is that it is way too hard to land the Max 100 damage. I would suggest that the Max damage covers a bigger area. It is also very annoying that zombie teammates can block my Imp Punt. Same can be said with Chili Bean Bomb being blocked by teammates. Dummy shield - A little too weak on HP or the Shield deactivates too quickly. I understand that Shields aren't very good at long range fights because of their being no Fall-off damage, so they are more of a mid - close range tool and fall back option. Even so, Dummy Shield still feels a little weak in close ranges. I also wouldn't mind Tackle getting changes or buffs because it feels like an inferior version of Spin Dash in many ways. I would be fine if Tackle could move through enemies again. Foot Soldier and Corn and probably Imp too: Z1-Assault Blaster, Cob Busters, and Imp Blasters / Z-mech's primary aren’t very fun to use. Unlike GW2, these guns have a very high rate of fire with low damage per shot. These weapons aren't fun because they rely on landing so many shots. There are 2 problems with this: 1. Because of the high Jump height and Sprinting, you have to constantly be hitting your enemy with pin point accuracy while they move fast or are jumping up and down. But with Nightcap or Peashooter for example, this isn't as big of a problem because their weapons rewards well placed shots, rather than spraying shots. It doesn't feel good when a player puts effort into aiming and lands multiple hits only to not get the kill. 2. Having to shoot an enemy so many times risks making weapons feel weak. Having a high rate of fire does not solve this, especially when the movement is so fast when jumping or sprinting. I suggest a higher damage per shot, and a lower rate of fire, while still making these weapons feel like automatic weapons. GW1 and 2 have done it, so can BFN. In Imp's case, I would love to see Imp with a shotgun too. I would make a nice sidegrade like Shogun Guard. Scientist, Electric Slide, and Rose still have too much Survivability: Scientist is basically invincible with his instant Warp, even more so with the Sticky Healy Thingy change. Electric Slide’s outta fight activates instantly. Rose’s Arcane Enigma activates instantly. There is little to no risk of dying as these characters. Their defensive abilities activate too quickly to allow any punishment from the enemy. Rose having a 60 sec cooldown still is not enough to justify that she can easily run away with Arcane Enigma. As a nerf, all it really does is make her less aggressive when flanking. Arcane Enigma in GW2 was very balanced because it had a wind up before activating. Same thing with GW Warp. I also don’t know why abilities that make a player invincible allows them to contest points. Contesting points is one of a Tank class's big roles, but instead you have Supports and Attack Classes who contest a point more easily with a press of a button, and easily wastes time for the enemy team. Without even death timers, I don’t see how this could be a balanced feature. Space Cadet and Space Station: Has nothing to justify that she can transform instantly. This can be exploited in the middle of a fight, especially in close quarters. Also, there still seems to be lingering invincibility after Transformation. Ejecting from Space Station has a really low height. If your Space Station is low and under fire, and you eject, you will probably die anyway. Team up classes: Oak and Space Station Maybe Acorn passenger without armor maybe a bad thing, but I am not sure. I also think shield break was an unnecessary ability for a defense class, and I have not really noticed it in pvp. Acorn Passengers weapons: I like that shots are fast enough that I can just point and shoot, but I still feel like it is hard to aim it. Space Station’s shields are arguably a little weak. Maybe a small HP buff to them? Citron: Naval Laser No zooming in, can’t be canceled, and you can’t choose when to fire after activating. Overall, the lack of control makes this ability a big commitment and very difficult to use effectively. Imp: Underpowered in some, OP in others, and kind of dumb. First of all, what is Imp's role even supposed to be? The pause menu doesn't really explain. The way I saw it in GW2 was that he was a Flanking class who could use Mech to make strong offensive pushes. My main problem is Z-mech. Z-mech is barely anything more than an ability that gives extra health and explodes. It feels like a gimmick. 1. Z-mech's primary feels awful (again, high rate of fire and low damage per shot) and it overheats very quickly. In my opinion, it doesn't do good damage either. It has no armor, no health regeneration, and it dies in seconds because it is so easy to challenge at mid to long range. It is barely an offensive tool, and feels more like an awkward defense tool. 2. The instant invincibility from Robo-Call combined with Explosive Escape ENCOURAGES Imp players to make dumb plays and spawn Z-mechs in front of the enemy team. Might as well since Z-mech is useless for anything else. 80s action hero: A character with a Charge shot who is way too good at Sniping. This has been a problem with charge shot characters since GW2. I think he reaches Max Charge damage too quickly. (Damage Fall-off would also solve this) Certain Upgrades: Rapid Fire, Spin Class, Ripcord, Hardened, Epiphany, Defibrillated. Most of these upgrades either break a class design or a design of an ability, or they just literally make you better at the game. Spin Class: Breaks the design of All-Star as a high damage mid range fighter by almost complete getting rid of Spin up time of the Football cannon. As long as this upgrades reduces Rev Time without any drawbacks, All-Star will NEVER be balanced. Hardened: Acorn has a very small hitbox and is difficult to hit. Solo Acorn should never have over 75 HP by default. Epiphany and Defibrillated: Allows you to regenerate HP while Invincible (while in Arcane Enigma or outta fight). This is absolutely broken because not only can you retreat safely while invincible and regenerating HP, it can single handedly turn small fights into your favor because you now have more HP. All with just one button press.150KViews11likes13CommentsPlants vs. Zombies™ 3 Soft Launch Update
(From the official Plants vs. Zombies blog post) Hello Zombie Zappers, We have had an amazing journey with you so far and hope you have gotten many hours of enjoyment out of this soft launch of Plants vs. Zombies 3. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from all of you during this test and now it’s time to pull the game back to incorporate your thoughts and reimagine a few things. The current game will no longer be available after November 18th, 2020. We look forward to sharing our next PvZ experience in the near future and hope you will also continue to enjoy PvZ 2. On behalf of the team, Thank You! We’re working to deliver players more of what PopCap does best - crazy, irreverent FUN for all. Bruce Maclean149KViews24likes0CommentsGW2 - Guide to unlocking legendary characters and items
This is a detailed thread concerning how legendary characters and items can be unlocked in Plants vs Zombies GW2. These items/characters have a super ultimate "Legendary" rarity that cannot be earned rather quickly. They are only awarded to you after you buy a ton of the most expensive sticker packs from the sticker shop, which means the process of earning every legendary item and character is very long and tedious. This process consumes a lot of coins overtime, and only players who play GW2 nearly everyday have the most hope of earning them. Let's see how these Legendary items/characters are unlocked: Buying a lot of either the Wondrous Pack of Greatness, Fertilizer Fun Pack, Amazing Brainz Pack or Zany Zombopolis Pack overtime can earn you any of these items/characters: Items RGB Cats! - Legendary hat for the Citron Class Koala Of Darkness - Legendary hat for the Rose Class Face Of Delight - Legendary hat for the Corn Class Boom Box - Legendary hat for the Peashooter Class Rocket Turtle - Legendary hat for the Chomper Class Lord Cinderbottom's Nephew - Legendary hat for the Sunflower Class Blur Bug - Legendary hat for the Cactus Class Epic Disco Bot - Legendary hat for the Imp Class Sidekick Kitty - Legendary hat for the Superhero Class Bling Shark - Legendary hat for the Pirate Class Epic Bat-A-Tronic - Legendary hat for the Soldier Class Epic Dillo Derby - Legendary hat for the Engineer Class Orbital Cube - Legendary hat for the Scientist Class Pop Smarts! - Legendary hat for the All-Star Class Characters Iron Citron Disco Chomper Toxic Brainz Computer Scientist Buying a lot of the Frontline Fighters (FLF) Pack overtime can earn you any of these items/characters: Items Judge Grudge - FLF Legendary hat for the Citron Class Crimson Crown - FLF Legendary hat for the Rose Class Birthday Cake - FLF Legendary hat for the Corn Class Lunch Rectangle - FLF Legendary hat for the Imp Class Hot Beans! - FLF Legendary hat for the Superhero Class Corky Cannon - FLF Legendary hat for the Pirate Class Characters Commando Corn Scallywag Imp Update: the Wondrous Pack of Greatness, Zany Zombopolis Pack and Frontline Fighters Pack have been merged into one - after the sticker shop was tidied up - meaning all legendary items and characters earned in the three packs from before can now be obtained in just one pack: Wondrous Pack of Greatness. Party characters can only be earned by either reaching 25,000 time shards in infinity time, or buying the time-limited Infinity Pack from the sticker shop. The party characters are: Party Citron Party Rose Party Corn Party Imp Party Brainz Captain Partyman The Trials Of Gnomus DLC contains the following Legendary Hats: Jet Topper - TOG Legendary hat for the Chomper Class, RUX-Exclusive* Cuckoo Clock - TOG Legendary hat for the Corn Class Noodle Nester - TOG Legendary hat for the Corn Class You Got Mail - TOG Legendary hat for the Soldier Class Torch Topper - TOG Legendary hat for the Scientist Class, RUX-Exclusive* Funky Skunky Cheerleader - TOG Legendary hat for the All-Star Class, RUX-Exclusive* *Jet Topper, Torch Topper and Funky Skunky Cheerleader are the only TOG hats exclusive to RUX's Bazaar. Hats that can only be bought at RUX's Bazaar (the above RUX-Exclusive hats have already been mentioned): Hungry Hatchling - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Peashooter Class Drake The Snake - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Peashooter Class Outback Bonnet - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Sunflower Class Steven - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Sunflower Class Mr. Linty - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Chomper Class Robot Disguise - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Cactus Class Pickle Jar - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Cactus Class Serene Cinnamon Roll - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Citron Class Alien Crashsite - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Citron Class Hen Hat - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Rose Class Banana Bunker - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Soldier Class Score Judge - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Soldier Class Swine Camouflage - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Engineer Class Mr. Headache - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Engineer Class Tesla Tube - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Scientist Class Sodalirious - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the All-Star Class Motorized Flamingo - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Pirate Class I Am Fish - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Pirate Class Robo Rooster - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Imp Class Space Coaster - RUX-Exclusive Legendary hat for the Superhero Class There are other legendary items in the game that can be earned in various ways: The Everlasting Crown can only be unlocked if you open the 200 star rainbow chest in the Chamber of Gnomes display area. Completing Plant and Zombie quests can give you yellow quest stars for you to use. Remember to save up on those yellow quest stars, and once you reach 200, you can open the 200 star chest in the Chamber Of Gnomes. The chest is found in front of the large golden Hammer Gnome statue. The Gnomish Perspective can be unlocked once you open the last door deep inside the chamber of gnomes. So there you go. I hope people finds this helpful in their cause.149KViews102likes35CommentsYou must be signed in to "psn" to continue
Hi. Having trouble playing PvZ on my Ps4. First time the game forced me to get a plus account. Now that I got it I get the message as shown in the subject. Of course the Ps4 is connected to internet, via wifi. Installed the latest upate after installing the game. Suggestions?Solved104KViews1like29CommentsHow to manually connect a PSN Subaccount to newly created EA/Origin account?
I have not seen any recent posts (as of 09/20/2015) regarding this issue and it appears that older posts with solutions to this issue no longer apply since the manner in which accounts are accessed online have been changed (i.e. can no longer log into EA/Origin account online via PC connection with your PSN account.) PS4 users have option to create sub-accounts for kids in order to keep them away from mature content. I have adjusted all of the internal setting of the PS4 that should allow this sub-account to play games rated "E10+". We are having an issue trying to connect with a newly created EA account. The new EA account is not displaying that is has any "Connected Accounts". Directions indicate that as soon as you log in with your PS4 with the user that is set up as a sub-account that they should automatically connect. This is not the case as after having done so, our EA/Origin account is showing there are no "Connected Accounts". There is no known way for me to manually connect these two accounts either through the PS4 or online through our EA/Origin account. There also appears to be no way to call and or chat live with some form of consumer support as I am redirected back to this forum board. I need someone from customer support to contact me and assist with manually linking these two accounts.Solved103KViews48likes53Comments[Old Report] How to start split screen
I was confused since there's no split screen TV like in GW2. They made it more simple actually, so simple until Zombies got confused, Brainzzz :P 1. Start with account that purchased BfN (Battle for Neighborville). 2. Take another controller, power it on and select 2nd account (doesn't need to buy BfN, but cannot be guest account) 3. Press the SQUARE button on 2nd controller. For Xbox, it would be different button but same concept. 4. Split screen started, you can play together now. I recorded short video below (step 2 doesn't show here): Hope that helps. @EA_David If you can pin it on top, it would helps others since this's one of the most popular question. Thanks.97KViews3likes38CommentsUnable to Connect to EA Servers for PvZ GW (I'm going crazy)
Bought Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare for XBOX 360 and cannot connect to EA servers, no matter what I've tried. Apparently, lots of folks have this problem and the solutions that have been offered have not solved this issue for me. Sure would be nice to be able to play a game I paid money for. We've tried the following: -resetting router and modem -deleting system cache on Xbox (many, many times) -reset network connection on Xbox -opened up port forwarding on the router -disabled firewalls on the router -enabled UPnP -reset router to factory settings -changed DNS to -uninstalled (deleted) and reinstalled game -downloaded the Lawn of the Legends update -rebooted Xbox many times -waited days and days, trying over and over, multiple times per day Also, Xbox Gold account is current and network connection test passes. PLEASE help, any ideas will be tried.Solved89KViews26likes54CommentsWarning! Cannot move data to new device!
After trying for over a week to move my player data from my broken-screen phone to my new phone I have come to the conclusion that Popcap/Ea had planned this as a feature but never implemented it. I have tried syncing with google plus, tried copying the data directly and it simply doesn't work. They cannot even find my player profiles when I sent them the long alpha-numeric player ids from the two devices. Just thought I'd post this warning on the off chance anyone was looking to upgrade their phone. Upgrading means you start this game from level 1 ... again!! A shame that they never thought this would be a problem!!Solved79KViews6likes67Commentsno in game sound!! [PC]
i open the game, in the game menu the sound is good and clear, but when i start any match (garden ops, tdm, gardens & graveyards) i cant hear anything except the stupid voice chat sounds of people, i mute the voice chat but i cant hear the sound of the game, and when i quit that match and get back to the main menu, i loose that sound too, its weird, what may cause this problem?? can you please help?? it so annoying playing like a deaf in the game!! P.S: - i tried deleting the game and downloading again. it didnt work - i tried the "repair game" option in origns and it didnt workSolved79KViews0likes24Commentsintel driver - where do I find xx.xx.15.4251 or later?
Hi! Im trying to play the new game Plants vs Zombies - garden warfare 2 but my computer keep telling me that I need to update my intel drivers to xx.xx.15.4251 or later. But I only find versions with lower number. Anyone else with the same problem?78KViews82likes14Comments
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