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Joueur à la recherche d'une guilde active
Bonjour, Je viens de commencer le jeu et je suis (un vieux) fan de l'univers Star Wars. Je compte jouer tous les jours et faire mes 600 tickets / jours. je ne suis niveau 67 (une semaine de jeu). Je cherche une guilde active qui m'aidera à progresser et que j'aiderais en faisant toutes mes quêtes. I can speak english too. It's not a problem for me. My ally-code is 793-849-819. Bonne journée9Views0likes1CommentNot being able to buy the Episode Pass
I proceeded to buy this new Episode pass yesterday as it rolled in. I did the purchase on the game store inside the App. When I finished the procedure, a refresh sesión popped up and now I can get the button to activate and I didn’t get the pass.AlazasthasPlace SWGOH Bug ReportsSWGOH Bug ReportsRising Newcomer2Views0likes0CommentsCrosshair (Scarred) - Missing Tier 1 Rewards
I purchased the episode pass and received the rewards from the first 2 nodes including 20 Crosshair shards. I then went to play Tier 1 of the Crosshair event. It gave me rewards but the 55 Crosshair shards were not included. I’m still sitting with 20 shards and can’t play Tier 2 or replay Tier 1 to geek the 55 shards. I spoke to EA help. They said to post it here to get help.21Views0likes2CommentsDarth Vader (Damaged) Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: From the comics and 'The Force Unleashed' -This version of Vader will be different from the other two, and have the Imperial Trooper tag, as a reference to him leading the Empire's ground forces against their enemies Unit Name: Darth Vader (Damaged) Relic Amplifier: Life Support Armour Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Leader, Empire, Imperial Trooper, Sith Attacks and Abilities Basic: Sorrowful Blade Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Sorrow (if they already had it, removes all buffs on them and has a 50% chance of inflicting Fear (doubled for Rebels and Jedi), then call another random Empire ally to assist and inflict Sorrow on them if they critically hit. Sorrow can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. Sorrow: This unit cannot critically hit or evade attacks. Lasts for 2 turns. Special 1: Final Crush (Cooldown: 4) Deals Special Damage to target enemy and inflict Daze for 2 turns. Inflicts 25% additional damage for each enemy with Sorrow. Darth Vader (Damaged) recovers Health(If max out, then he recovers Protection) equal to 20% of the combined Max Health of all allies with Daze. This attack cannot be Countered or Evaded. Special 2: Wave of Terror (Cooldown: 5) Remove all Buffs/Debuffs from all allies and increase their Protection by 5% for each Debuff removed (Max 40%). For each Buff removed, Empire Allies have their cooldowns reduced by 1 and gain 20% Turn meter(Max 80). If an ally turn starts due to this increase, they receive Offense Up, Critical Damage Up and Sorrow. Leader: Surrounded by Fear Empire Allies gain 20% Offense and Defense, and +25 Speed (doubled for Imperial Troopers). Empire allies gain +10% Offense and Potency for each unit with Sorrow. Sorrow does not prevent Critical hits from Empire allies. The Turn Meter of allies with Sorrow cannot be reduced, and their Buffs cannot be dispelled. Unique: Tragic Hero Darth Vader (Damaged) loses 10 Speed and gains 20% Offense and Defense for each unit with Sorrow. At the start of each enemy's turn, if they have Sorrow, Darth Vader (Damaged) Taunts until the end of that turn. Darth Vader (Damaged) has +100% counter chance against enemies with Sorrow and he cannot receive Debuffs from them.dosman2233Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Veteran144Views2likes5CommentsFinalizer/Raddus events stuck and cannot get Profundity
Every day, the Finalizer and Raddus events refresh. This has been happening for months. I have both ships maxed. In that same time, I have not seen a Profundity event. Screen shots are from today.axsnyderPlace SWGOH Technical IssuesSWGOH Technical IssuesSeasoned Novice10Views0likes2CommentsLeia Organa (Jedi) Character Kit Concept- JMLS Lifter
Inspiration: Rey (Dark Side Vision)'s addition has opened the door for more What-if characters to be added. With 'The Rise of Skywalker' briefly showing Leia's Jedi Training, and in other timelines, she does complete her Jedi Training, a Jedi version of Leia would make a great lifter unit for GL Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Key Attributes: - Lifts Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in Grand Arena - Unlocked in Conquest - Can give enemy buffs to allies - Works best with Jedi allies who aren't Galactic Republic Unit Name: Leia Organa (Jedi) Relic Amplifier: Lightsaber Affiliation: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Jedi Attacks and Abilities Basic: Indomitable Slash Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. This attack deals bonus damage equal to 20% of Leia Organa (Jedi)'s Max Health and ignores 50% of the enemy's protection. Special 1: I Have That Power (Cooldown: 4) Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Daze and Blind for 2 turns. If this attack defeats an enemy, all non-Galactic Republic Jedi allies gain Retribution and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. If Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is in the leader slot, he gains 3% Ultimate Charge. Special 2: Force Communication (Cooldown: 4) Leia Organa (Jedi) grants all her non-unique Buffs to all non-Galactic Republic Jedi allies for 2 turns, Dispels all their non-unique Debuffs and grants them 10% Turn Meter. If Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is in the leader slot, he instead gains 20% Turn Meter. While in Grand Arenas: Reduce all non-Galactic Republic Jedi ally ability cooldowns by 1. Unique 1: Now I Am A Jedi Leia Organa (Jedi) is immune to Fear. At the start of the encounter, Leia Organa (Jedi) gains +30% Offense and Tenacity for each non-Galactic Republic Jedi ally and her attacks can't be evaded or resisted. While in Grand Arenas and if the ally leader is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker: Leia Organa (Jedi) starts the battle with 3 stacks of Jedi Lessons and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's attacks can't be Evaded or Resisted. Unique 2: Daughter of Anakin If all allies are non-Galactic Republic Jedi, at the start of battle, Leia Organa (Jedi) gains +30 Speed and 100% Max Health. If Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is in the leader slot, Leia Organa (Jedi) gains a bonus turn at the start of the encounter and she has +50% Avoidance from Sith and Dark Side Unaligned Force User enemy attacks. While in Grand Arenas and if Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is in the leader slot: Non-Galactic Republic Jedi allies can't be defeated until Leia Organa (Jedi) reaches below 80% Health. When she reaches this threshold, Leia Organa (Jedi) gains +50% Offense and Potency. Suggested Teams: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Leader) Leia Organa (Jedi) Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Hermit Yodadosman2233Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Veteran318Views5likes10CommentsCommunity Milestone Event - Jocasta Nu
Hello Holotable Heroes, We’re back with another Community Milestone Event! Featuring character shards from Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, Luthen Rael and our new Conquest character - Jocasta Nu, new Datacrons, Data-cache Currency and Deboss materials! To participate all you need to do is use Conquest Energy in-game. The collective effort of all players helps move progress along and unlock rewards at every milestone! The Community Milestone Event will start from Monday, when the new Conquest run begins. Due to a Holiday landing on the same day, we'll be updating the progress the community is making daily starting from Tuesday, so keep an eye out for what rewards you’ve unlocked together as a community. (Updated - March 3) - CONGRATS! YOU DID IT, WELL DONE EVERYONE! Please note, unlocked rewards will be distributed after the event has concluded. The event will run until the Conquest run ends. Best of luck, and may the force be with you! — Milestone prize breakdown: Milestone 1 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus. Milestone 2 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus and Maul. Milestone 3 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, 1 Datacron (from Set 20), x300k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1 Material. Milestone 4 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, and Luthen Rael, 2 Datacron (from Set 20), x500k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1 and x75 Deboss Mk2 Material. Milestone 5 reward: x20 shards of Darth Malgus, Maul, Queen Amidala, Luthen Rael, and Jocasta Nu, 3 Datacron (from Set 20), x700k Data-cache Currency, x90 Deboss Mk1, x75 Deboss Mk2, 30x Deboss Mk3 Material.CG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team33KViews23likes86CommentsGeneral Skywalker Shards Missing
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? IPhone 15 OS Version: 17.6.1 Ally Code: 111-247-566 What type of issue do you have? Not Receiving Rewards How often does the bug occur? Every Time (100%) Summarize your bug: I beat the first part of the Clash on Kamino event, but did not recieve the first 45 shards for general Anakin because my game crashed and after reloading the game it shows that I have completed the event but have not received the shards Connection Type: Wifi Please select your region: North America Country: United States3Views0likes0CommentsTerritory Battle Idea: The Clone Wars
The Galaxy: The Clone Wars have begun! The Grand Army of the Galactic Republic wages war against the Droid Armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems across many worlds. Sector I Planets: - Naboo - Geonosis Sector II Planets: - Christophsis - Teth - Ryloth Sector III Planets: - Felucia - Florrum - Saleucami Sector IV Planets: - Kamino - Lola Sayu - Umbara Sector V Planets: - Onderon - Scipio - Ringo Vinda Sector VI Planets: - Anaxes - Coruscant - Mandalore Sector VII Planets: - Utapau - Kashyyyk - Mygeeto Hero Units: - Jedi Master Kenobi - General Skywalker - Jedi Knight Anakin - Ahsoka Tano (Snips) - Commander Ahsoka Tano - Grand Master Yoda - Ima-Gun Di - Aayla Secura - Kit Fisto - Luminara Unduli - Barriss Offee - Shaak Ti - Mace Windu - Clone Wars Chewbacca - CT-7567 "Rex" - CT-21-0408 "Echo" - CT-5555 "Fives" - CC-2224 "Cody" - General Kenobi - Queen Amidala - Master Qui-Gon - Padawan Obi-Wan - Jar Jar Binks - Admiral Trench - Asajj Ventress - Count Dooku - General Grievous - Nute Gunray - Embo etc. Exclusive Rewards earned in Special Mission on Coruscant: Chancellor Palpatine shardsdosman2233Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Veteran47Views3likes1CommentBUG REPORT - TW Great Mothers
So I just found a minor bug in Territory War with Great Mothers One of my guild members defeated Morgan Elsbeth (in a R7 GM team, with leader omicron) and I decided to try to finish them off with a weak GAS team I've been working on. I managed to kill GM (GAS counter after losing protection) Nightsister Acolyte "killed" my Gear 12 Rex, which sacrificed Fives (Omicron kicks in, causes Fear on my entire team) Battle freezes because Rex has full turn meter, but also fear and I can not make a turn (see video) I ALSO FOUND A FIX Originally I was going to let the timer run out and submit the battle; after all, another attempt against NS with no leader nor tank would've been easy, but about a minute later I decided to see what would happen if I turned on Auto Battle. turned on auto Battle All my clones took their non-turn with fear GAS got back up NS Spirit attacked GAS Matched continued normally At the point where NS Spirit took her turn, I turned off auto Battle and finished the match normally.Solved20Views1like1Comment- pkjgxageekllPlace SWGOH Technical IssuesSWGOH Technical IssuesSeasoned Newcomer50Views1like6Comments
As soon as I sign into Google Play, I get a message to reload the game
As soon as I sign into Google Play, I get a message to reload the game. This happens in a non-stop cycle. Obviously I'm sure I'm not using the account elsewhere. I'm using a Samsung S21 FE. I've already tried clearing the app data and cache with no luck.marcejoseag0Place SWGOH Technical IssuesSWGOH Technical IssuesSeasoned Newcomer102Views1like9CommentsB-Wing for next Conquest, please!
Please bring us the Blade Wing from Rebels (or B-Wing from the original trilogy), and make it, along with Profundity, more fearsome and powerful than Punishing One w/ Executor! The original Hera Syndulla + Sabine Wren should be the pilots, which means bumping them from the Ghost (Gen. Syndulla can be captain) and the Phantom, but that’s no big deal.. that would match the Rebels episode ‘Wings of the Master’ or just create a Rebel pilot for it and make it look like the one from the original trilogy.. in any case, it has to be the most powerful fighter, and especially an Empire/Bounty Hunter killer! thank youpetersphiloPlace SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionRising Adventurer22Views0likes0CommentsRey and Ezra broken?
I have been playing this game for nine years and am now as close to quitting as I've ever been. The problem is Ray+Ben+Ezra. I simply can't beat it in 3x3. Leia doesn't work. JMK doesn't work. JML doesn't work. Cere+SK+Malicos doesn't work. None of them get even close. Even on, it's clear that most people need at least two or three tries since typical banners are in the 30's. As far as I can tell, you have to get the timing very precise (e.g., kill Ben when Rey is at half health, then kill Rey before he revives and hope you're not forced to attack Ezra). Something in this kit has to give. I don't mind losing; I mind facing a team that's designed to frustrate players like this. It's not fun.mhsiegel14Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Hotshot381Views3likes10Comments- Cksmith1971Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Newcomer96Views0likes2Comments
Polluting my events screen with events I've already completed
You have the ability to distinguish between players who have 330 shards of a unit and those who don't. I unlocked JJB in August. Why are the gungan marquees and the JJB event polluting my events tab with events I have no incentive to play again? It's not like gameplay there was so riveting that I'd like to experience them again. Anyone remember the bug with shield generator stacks in the August JJB event? I remember because I completed the event with the bug in place. I already have the Finalizer and Raddus capital ships at 7 stars. Why are their fleet masteries showing up with a refreshed 24 hour timer every single day now? If I was allowed to play the bonus tier, this would be a fantastic source of SSC. Before this change was made, fleet mastery events for those ships only appeared for a day when they were scheduled during the month and I could get some SSC out of them. Now those two events are permanently stuck in my events tab even though I'm not allowed to get shards to convert into SSC from the final tier. Stop polluting my events tab with events I can't play.177Views11likes6CommentsJedi Master Luke is removing undispellable stealth from Bad Batch
When fighting a Jedi Master Luke team, the enemy jedi are somehow dispelling the stealth off of Bad Batch. Omega's lead describes the stealth as it cant be removed or prevented. The stealth buff icon remains, but the stealth is being removed. Additionally, buff immunity is preventing the stealth from reapplying each turn. Tried a couple different variants of Jedi Master Luke teams, but the same result each time.Solved43Views0likes1Comment
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