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Daily 600 not tracking
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? All devices OS Version Very version Ally Code: (Find it here: ) I am Grandepatron if you want to be my ally just ask. What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug When 600 is completed it does not show up on management tab. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Do 600 energy for tickets before your daily reset. Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country Reality Skewed Gamers This bug has been around for a long time. With a new raid coming some time in the new year maybe we can finally fix a 18 month old bug. Just search #ididmy600 on twitter. Or I have a video for you to explain more. AI Issue in Cleansing correct character
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android Phone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Samsung Galaxy Note 5 OS Version N/A Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 851-693-825 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Since a fix to Hermit Yoda prioritizing Strength Flows from the Force, Thrawn's AI on defense will pass turn meter to the lowest effective-HP character (Health and protection combined) over an actually debuffed character. This is a problem and results in a significantly hampered AI defense, especially since it completely destroys a specific defensive strategy against Jedi Training Rey teams. If Thrawn simply prioritizes the lowest eHP character, please specify it in Grand Admiral Command's description. Otherwise this seems like a pretty severe bug in the cleanse functionality of Thrawn's move. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Load up a fast R2, BB8 and Jedi Training Rey vs Thrawn, Shoretrooper and a low eHP character like Tarkin. Use JTR's Mind Trick on Shoretrooper while using only Secret Intel and R2's stealth. You will see that Thrawn will not cleanse Shoretrooper, but will 'cleanse' Tarkin instead. Connection Type Mobile Please select your region North America Country USA N/A2.5KViews105likes19CommentsJarJar Event is Broken
The first time it released the generator had 20stacks in first battle but now has only 10, you have no chance to get through all the B1 300+ with only 10 generator stacks of plasma shielding. Thanks CG. Update: Even if you manage to beat tier1 every tier is effected and tier3 was hard before now try with 10stacks instead of 20 and also tier 5 has 2 waves......good luck11KViews95likes115CommentsSWGOH Marquee event shard discrepancy
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone 8 Plus OS Version 11.2.2 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Not receiving all shards from marquee event Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Connection Type Please select your region North America Country United states Lvl 80+ characters are not getting as many shards in the marquee event as lvl 79 and lower. Lvl 79 and under end with a 3* character 15/30 and lvl 80+ end with a 3* character 0/30Solved11KViews84likes306CommentsState of the Galaxy: Player Edition
CG_MeatheadI appreciate all this information in the latest community update. ( ) . I appreciate the work being done on the game. I can see that there's an effort here to ensure continued success of this game and that's encouraging. I like the change to raid tickets and I like the new simmable events. With that said, I have some questions and some concerns. I actually tried to compile a TLDR, but I honestly don't feel like that's appropriate, all things considered. Questions: CG_Meathead wrote: One group in particular we wanted to focus on with these changes was our Free to Play players and how they will interact with the new Episode and Quests systems. Can you (or Crumb, who the actual quote was from) detail how these changes put the free to play or low spending player on better footing than before the changes - or at least a net neutral footing? I'm not seeing anything in this system that's particularly beneficial to those players specifically - it was called out and there wasn't a follow up to support the callout. CG_Meathead wrote: The rewards inside the Free Track are about equivalent in value to earning 4 Tier-10 boxes, (a.k.a. red boxes) and 4 Tier-9 boxes from our previous Galactic Challenges. This seems to imply that players that were reliably getting tier 10 boxes are having their rewards reduced if they don't pay for the pass, or pay to get the marquee to 7*. Is that the intention? If this isn't accurate, could you please elaborate? I want to be wrong about that - help me be wrong. CG_Meathead wrote: The cost of the Episode Pass will be $20 (USD) and will provide a significant amount of value. The $20 Episode pass in addition to the $10 Conquest pass is $30 a month - is there any possibility of bundling both of these for $25? I know it's only $5 but that's a lot more palatable and closer to being in line with a monthly subscription to AAA live service game. If a person were to get both of the plus passes that person is paying $70 - the price of a AAA title. Everyone will place a different valuation on the rewards for those two products, but I feel like you're pricing out most of your player base at that price point - wouldn't it be better to hit a ~$40 price point and increase buy in as opposed to leaning so heavily on the folks that are already paying most of the bills? CG_Meathead wrote: There will always be a new Marquee unit released to start each Episode, with most Episodes containing a second Marquee released midway through the Episode. With episodes being 4 weeks, this is roughly one new unit every two weeks, not including legendaries, conquest units, and galactic legends. This roughly approximates the pace of releases that we've seen this year and it's been less than enjoyable trying to keep up - much less back-fill holes in my roster. Is there any talk of adding new sources of signal data to the game, or is the expectation that on top of all the new stuff you want us to buy, we'll also still be scrambling to buy signal data and relic materials? Concerns: Over the past several months we've seen the pressure to add relics to characters skyrocket and we've seen our previous investments devalued and in some cases completely invalidated. In a few months that's going to ratchet up even more with a new raid that we'll have to gear for, or lose rewards if we don't. As a result, it's getting harder and harder to justify opening my wallet for any character - the cost to benefit ratio is trending down hard these days. I've never heard so many of my friends express so much dismay with the game - and indeed, I don't recall ever feeling this pessimistic about where the game is headed, or my chances of continued engagement. After playing for nearly 8 years now, I'm sure you can see how alarming that is. It would be fantastic to one day get an update like this that isn't overshadowed by negative sentiment over things that CG refuses to engage with the community about. We have other problems and other concerns, and I get that your post was never supposed to be about those things, but there's no conversation happening anywhere about any of it - that being the case it should come as no surprise that what should be a cause for celebration is being dragged down by people posting negative comments and angry responses. It's not that we don't WANT to be happy about new things - it's just hard to be happy about things we didn't ask for when the elephants in the room are being ignored: The GAC squish has become oppressive - again. We're ALL being pushed farther and farther down - not just the folks in Kyber 1 - any movement there affects most of the players in some way or another. K1 is as small as it's ever been. Is this a concern? Is it intentional? Lots of players are feeling like they're being punished but we have no clue what we should even expect because no one will talk about it. Clearing the air on this would go a long way to settle some unrest. Is K1 supposed to be 500 people? If that's the goal then at least we know what to expect and can move on. People are waiting on the JarJar event and the expected window for its return has passed - is it really beneficial in any way at this point to keep people wondering about when it's coming back? Just give them a date so they'll stop asking. They're already mad about this - dropping the date isn't going to make that worse and would at least resolve that one sticking point. The changes to dagger have made fleet arena a miserable experience for many players who have heavily invested in the newest meta fleet. A lot of people are upset about this and we're getting no communication about it. This has made the experience objectively worse - I can count on one finger how many people I've talked to that feel like it's a positive change. Was the intention to make the mirror more frustrating? That's what has happened - is that the desired outcome? Surely it can't be. And I can't not mention all the high relic Sith Assassins out there that are now more or less completely useless in any context. Chimera has been pushed into obsolescence - I get that it was a "bug fix" - but the fact that it was done AFTER so many people had come to rely on this very expensive counter is not fair to players and it's very difficult to see how this was 'fixed' in good faith - the optics here are REALLY bad, so some clarity for people would go a long way. We all got used to a thing - and then the thing was taken away. I know there's more to the story - but that's how it landed. Assault Battle rotation - This is another instance of removing rewards and asking us to pay to replace them. This devalues investment in ALL assault battles and further monetizes a part of the economy that players have come to depend on - as with Leviathan and Chimera, you've changed the product after the sale. Player investments are being disregarded - At this point this is a pattern - even a theme. We keep getting rewards taken away from us that we invested resources or money to get. All of the above items are examples of this. We don't mind the chase. We enjoy the chase. We even need the chase to stay engaged. Keep giving us things to chase - that's great - but don't erase my progress. Don't invalidate the miles I've already run - or I'm very likely to stop running. Increased pressure but no additional avenues for the required resources - Players are being asked for deeper and deeper buy-in to new characters and higher relic levels but there are no additional avenues to acquire what we need - and in fact it feels like CG is actively putting obstacles in the way in the form of the most expensive cantina farms in the game, removing signal data sources in the form of assault battles, and reducing crystal income with the GAC squish. It's really difficult to interpret any of this as a positive change. Newer players probably don't feel these things and probably don't really care. Newer players are not the people that made this the most successful mobile star wars game of all time. That was us - that was the veteran players who are looking on and wondering what is going on over there. We are feeling somehow both targeted and unseen - and some of us are closing our wallets and questioning whether the next thing to go will be our willingness to log in to the game. Meathead, if you got this far, thank you for reading. Maybe you're not the guy that can address all these things - and that's ok - I really believe that you would if you could. But if that's the case, maybe it's time for someone to come talk to us that CAN talk about these things. To anyone replying to this post - please try to be respectful - I've done my very best to do that in this post, and I'd thank everyone to mimic that effort.2.4KViews78likes36CommentsDefense of Dathomir bonus tier is broken
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Android OS Version All Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 425-652-956 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Defense of Dathomir, bonus tier is broken Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to do the event, grievous is unkillable Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country Canada Can't do the event, please send zetasSolved9.4KViews55likes164Comments9th Anniversary Details
Hello Holotable Heroes! First and foremost, HAPPY 9th year anniversary of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! Another year of awesome in the books all because of you amazing folks! Thanks for being a part of this journey of ours. When is the party? 11-18 - 11-24 What activities will there be? Double Drops 11-22 to 11-26 Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod Battles Party Favors? Anniversary Inbox Gift The Myth the Legend, CHEWBACCA 3 Ability Material Omicron 2 Ability Material Zeta 25 Ability Material Omega 20 PAZ VIZSLA 10 IG12 10 KELLERAN BEQ 10 BOKATAN 10 THE MANDALORIAN 10 STAP 10 PADAWAN OBIWAN 10 MASTER QUIGON 10 Credits 1,000,000 Ship Building Materials 1,000,000 Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage 30 Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer Prototype Salvage 30 Data-cache Currency 250,000 Mk 3 Carbanti Sensor Array 5 Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype 5 Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller 5 Mk 8 BioTech Implant 5 Fragmented Signal Data 40 Incomplete Signal Data 20 Carbonite Circuit Board 100 Bronzium Wiring 80 Chromium Transistor 20 Aurodium Heatsink 5 Electrium Conductor 5 Zinbiddle Card 5 MK 1 Bonding Pin 60 MK 1 Fusion Disk 60 MK 1 Power Flow Control Chip 60 MK 1 Fusion Coil 60 MK 1 Amplifier 60 MK 1 Capacitor 60 Mk 2 Circuit Breaker Module 15 Mk 2 Thermal Exchange Unit 10 Mk 2 Variable Resistor 10 MK 2 Pulse Modulator 25 Mk 2 Micro Processor 10 FREE - 9th Anniversary Mystery Chest (Web Only)[Collected Daily] FREE - 9th Anniversary Calendar (Web Only) New Player Anniversary Calendar (Claimable for Levels 10-84) Anniversary Portrait & Title Deals: Special Anniversary Crystal Offers! In-Game Crystal Promos Buy Anniversary Bag of Crystals at 25% More Crystals Unlock purchasable Anniversary Box of Crystals at 30% More Crystals Buy Anniversary Chest of Crystals at 25% More Crystals Unlock purchasable Anniversary Crate of Crystals at 30% More Crystals Webstore and PC Crystal Promos Buy Anniversary Crystal Container at 25% More Crystals Unlock purchasable Anniversary Crystal Chest at 30% More Crystals Buy Anniversary Crystal Coffer at 25% More Crystals Unlock purchasable Anniversary Crystal Treasury at 30% More Crystals What has been your favorite SWGOH moment this year? Share it with us in the comments and leave your Ally Code (Don't tell the PMs I'm doing this)CG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team49KViews54likes1741CommentsTerritory Wars: defensive banners bug -- only 10 awarded, not 20
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPad What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPad OS Version iOS 11.2.2 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 357-937-533 What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%) Summarize your bug My guild was only awarded 10 banners when one of our members placed a defensive team, instead of the 20 that were supposed to be awarded. As a consequence, we will be 10 banners short on defense and it could very easily cost us the Territory War. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Place a defensive squad in a territory? We did not observe any thing strange until the score showed up. Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country Canada My guild was only awarded 10 banners when one of our members placed a defensive team, instead of the 20 that were supposed to be awarded. As a consequence, we will be 10 banners short on defense and it could very easily cost us the Territory War. Here are pictures of the bug. It is clear that we were not awarded the proper number of points (banners). As you can see, we are in the defensive setup phase, and all team placements are supposed to result in 20 banners, not 10. See Jon Snow's score below, the total score for the guild, and the note about Jon Snow being awarded 10 banners in the middle territory. EDIT @CG_Kozispoon Our team is aware of the issue and looking into it now.Solved10KViews53likes119CommentsTalia AI doesn't behave as a proper cleanser. the toons is useless (post rework)
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Iphone OS Version 10 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 253132859 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Talia AI doesn't behave as a real cleanser after her rework (still behaving as a healer, not a cleanser). Makes the character totally useless especially after her zeta Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? run talia in a night sister team against for example a team that uses Han Solo, he will stun someone and when talia takes a turn you will realize she doesn't dispel the stun, instead uses her second special Connection Type Mobile Please select your region North America Country United States of America Talia special 1 (water of life), used to be a healing special that would trigger when toons are below 50% hp. With Nightsister rework, a cleanse ability was added, and some very good synergy were created with night sisters. However since AI still considers this ability as a healing abilty and not a cleanse ability, talia ends up never using this ability, and cannot be used as a reliable cleanser on a night sister team. Therefore talia becomes totally useless after her rework, because the rework do not match with how the abilityy is supposed to work (if you have a cleanser ability, the ability should have that flag and behave as such, dispelling debuff if there is a debuff)839Views52likes3CommentsEpisode Update
Hello Holotable Heroes! We’re excited to share some upcoming changes to Episodes that will be arriving in a pre-holiday update. Thank you for your feedback! We’ve been carefully reviewing your feedback and analyzing data on the initial release of Eras and have some improvements we want to make to better your experience. What’s Changing in Episode 2? Increased Episode Currency Cap: The maximum Episode Currency cap will be raised from 30,000 to 100,000. Episode Track Changes: The first 4 milestones on the Episode Track will have the amount of required Episode Points reduced. Milestone 1 requires 1000 EP Milestone 2 requires 2000 EP Milestone 3 requires 3000 EP Milestone 4 requires 4000 EP All other milestones continue to require 5000 EP as before Quest Changes: Recurring Episode Quests have shifted in the schedule based on player feedback. For example, the quest to complete 5 Galactic Challenge feats will now appear the day before a new GC starts, instead of the same day, letting players who complete the GC immediately when it starts complete the Episode Quest without having to wait 3-4 days for another GC to start. Another example is that quests to earn 10 keycards in Conquest will appear on the day Conquest starts, instead of the second day, so you maniacs who reach the red box on day 1 won’t have to eke out a few more keycards on day 2. The recent change increasing the EP reward from 300 to 350 for each Daily Quest will also persist into Episode 2. Shipment Adjustments: Two new shipments will be added to the Episode Shipments tab: One additional shipment containing 2 more Omicron materials One additional shipment containing 16 more Micro Attenuators (a.k.a. Mod reroll materials) The existing Kyrotech Salvage shipments will provide 10 pieces of Salvage instead of 2, with a corresponding price increase. Updated Character Shard: Character shards will be updated to focus on characters that will be helpful in the current and future Episodes. Episode 2 Characters Hunter Wrecker Tech Echo Omega Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) Saw Gerrera Nightsister Zombie Ezra Bridger Galactic Challenge Adjustments: The “Complete the battle” feat will return to Galactic Challenges, and GCs will have 5 feats from now on, instead of 4. Removing it was definitely something we misjudged, and we apologize to players who felt left out of GC content in the meantime. While we recently adjusted the EP rewards in our GC feats, they will change again to accommodate 5 different feats and to make the math towards reaching the end of the Episode track easier for all players. Three types of feat will reward 300 EP apiece: Complete the battle Complete the battle with a full squad of a specific faction Complete the battle while accomplishing something specific in combat Two types of feat will reward 450 EP apiece: Complete the battle with a recent Marquee character at a set Star level Complete the battle with an active Episode pass These EP rewards will be consistent across all tiers of the GC, making EP more front-loaded across all GC tiers and easier for players to earn. A F2P player who completes their available feats in any tier will now always earn more EP than when they had completed that same tier before. As Episode 2 will have no Marquee unit releases, the feat to complete the battle with a recent Marquee character will be replaced by an additional in-combat feat for each GC in the Episode. Therefore GCs in Episode 2 will have 4 feats that reward 300 EP and 1 that rewards 450 EP. This will be the expected format for any GC that has not had a featured Marquee character within the previous 2 weeks. Again, we appreciate all your feedback, so please keep it coming. See you all on the Holotable! UPDATE: What will you replace the New Marquee Shards with on the Episode Pass for Episode 2? For this Episode, the Episode Pass will have 20 shards each of Night Trooper, Death Trooper (Peridea), and Captain Enoch. We have rearranged some Zinbiddle Cards and Impulse Detectors to accommodate the above, but the total amounts of those two items remain the same.CG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team26KViews51likes77CommentsAbility Icons Disappearing
Hi all, We are aware of an issue where the battle enters a soft lock due to the ability icons disappearing (selecting Auto battle doesn't change anything). While we've been looking into this, we haven't been able to get a consistent repro and we are still investigating. If you've encountered this issue, please don't create any new threads, but instead comment on this thread with the following info so we can consolidate all the reports: Screenshot(s) Device Model and OS Game Mode (Squad Arena, Grand Arena Championships, Raids, Territory Wars, etc) Thank you in advance and apologies for the inconvenience this issue is causing meanwhile.31KViews49likes800CommentsZombie Rez Issues with Daka
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android Phone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Android OS Version 7.1.2 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 774-849-619 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Zombie when paired with Daka, does not appear to be getting the TM and offense/defense up granted by Daka unique upon revive. Upon revive, Zombie should be at 45% TM with offense/defense up when paired with Daka. Looks like Zombie is only getting the 25% TM granted by her own unique, with no buffs from Daka Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Use Zombie and Daka together. Once Zombie is killed and revived, she does not gain the proper turn meter or offense/defense buffs Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country USA Unique Zeta/Zombie TM Bug
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android Phone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Android OS Version 7.1.2 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 774-849-619 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug If Zombie is killed from > 50% health, Talzin is not gaining the 35% turn meter she should be granted by her unique. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Use Zombie and Talzin. One shot kill Zombie from > 50% health. Talzin will not gain 35% turn meter Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country USA on New Updates
Hi everyone! I’ve been a Galaxy of Heroes player for almost two years now, playing consistently every day. I’m a grind account—typically not caring how long it takes me to grow, generally being very patient about my progress, although I do still occasionally spring for lower-cost Hyperdrive bundles that propel me towards my goal. This is my first time posting on the forums, because EA and Disney have just ticked me off that much with these latest updates which, to me, smacks of corporate greed trying to wring more money out of people. I’m curious about your thoughts—what are the pros of this latest update, what are the cons of this latest update, how does this update contrast with previous updates that perhaps also felt like money-grabs, etc. I encourage you to leave a comment and answer the following: Do you think this update is good overall, bad overall, or a blend? For you, what aspects are good and what aspects are bad? Are you considering leaving this game due to this update? Why or why not? Any additional thoughts or comparisons with previous updates? I appreciate you all. This game has become a part of my daily routine, but I feel as though it’s now going to take me three times as long to achieve anything. I almost deleted it this morning, but thought I’d check in with the community first to see your impressions. Thanks so much in advance. UPDATE: CG_Meathead , here’s a solid start to a growing, comprehensive list of all the issues introduced with these latest updates. I really hope you take these frustrations seriously and consider some of the solutions that have been suggested. If you’re actually trying to create a more positive, free-to-play experience as you’ve suggested, you are not succeeding with this latest update. You don’t have to sacrifice free-to-play options that allow us to grow in order to provide pay-to-play products.TheRobConnollyPlace SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSeasoned Vanguard3.4KViews43likes127CommentsJar Jar Event bug
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Pixel 6a OS Version 14 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug The Jar Jar event shield generator is not getting the additional 5 stacks at the start of the encounter in the first tier. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By playing the event Connection Type Please select your region North America Country United States Just like I stated in the "Summarize your bug" section, the shield generator is not getting the additional 5 stacks at the beginning of the event in tier one.Solved5.4KViews43likes118CommentsWon TW, however, guild shows unranked and 0 GP won
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? All OS Version 11.2.6 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 185-871-124 What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug The Guild I am Leader of, won TW, however, we have an "unranked" status on leaderboard and it says 0 GP defeated. Some sort of known bug? Important to know- during this War, I linked an android account to my iOS account. SPECULATION: If I had to guess- our unranked and 0GP issue is because I linked my account to Android during last war - now able to switch between any device- likely this messed up some sort of ID relay/reference, as all information is reported through the guild leaders account (?) - so our war information likely failed to report through my account, given whatever was changed when I linked accounts during war. Seems like culprit? Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country USA Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? All OS Version iOS 11.2.6 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 185-871-124 What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug The Guild I am Leader of, won TW, however, we have an "unranked" status on leaderboard and it says 0 GP defeated. Some sort of known bug? Important to know- during this War, I linked an android account to my iOS account. SPECULATION: If I had to guess- our unranked and 0GP issue is because I linked my account to Android during last war - now able to switch between any device- likely this messed up some sort of ID relay/reference, as all information is reported through the guild leaders account (?) - so our war information likely failed to report through my account, given whatever was changed when I linked accounts during war. Seems like culprit? Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country USA 571Views41likes0CommentsTerritory Wars - remaining squads
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iphone 7 OS Version 11.2.2 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 364-655-542 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug In Territory wars, the remaining squads count is not updating when a squad is defeated Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Log into TW and defeat an opponent squad see if the number changes Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country United States When looking at opponent territory it shows 23/23 even though multiple squads have been defeated.Solved4.8KViews40likes55CommentsAssault Battle Update
Hello Holotable Heroes, We wanted to give you an update on the Assault Battle scheduling. Starting in December, all 9 Assault Battles will return with an altered cadence schedule. New Schedule: Each Assault Battle will take turns on the first four Wednesdays and Saturdays of the month, with an additional Assault Battle on the first Monday of every month. While we have 9 Assault Battles, this is how our schedule will be. The team is currently exploring options on how to handle the cadence when more events become available. When we have more information to provide on that, we will make sure to message you about it. Thank you for your support and feedback and we look forward to seeing you on the Holotables BONUS NEWS: Sneak peak of our Holiday lineup that will include even more Assault Battles! Imperial Remnant (Peridea Patrol) Dates: 12/07/2024, 12/26/2024 Forest Moon Dates: 12/14/2024, 12/28/2024 Military Might Dates: 12-21-2024,12/30/2024 Ground War Dates: 12/28/2024, 1-1-2025 Places of Power Dates: 12/04/2024, 12/25/2024 Fanatical Devotion Dates: 12-11-2024, 12/27/2024 Secrets and Shadows Dates: 12/18/2024, 12/29/2024 Rebel Round-Up Dates: 12/2/2024, 12/24/2024 Duel of the Fates Assault Battle Dates: 12/25/2024, 12-31-2024 Super Extra Bonus Information: A few other events are also going to be running extra times during the Holidays! Be on the lookout!CG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team14KViews39likes43Comments
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