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Writers' Lounge - For All Games!
My friend @friendsfan367 suggested, " i think it would be cool to have like a writer lounge where new writers like me could chat with old writers like you. opps i meant experinced." So, here we have it! The Writers' Lounge, where new writers can chat with old writers like me! This is a place to talk about all aspects of your writing! Every Simming and writing question is welcome, and everyone is invited to chime in with writerly suggestions, responses, jokes, feedback, gripes, comments, and conundrums. Even though we're located in the Sims 4 area, writers of stories involving all Sims games are welcome! We have people who write stories using Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4 games--and everyone is appreciated and included! You'll find that we're really welcoming, and we're really cool, and this thread is totally awesome. And we have a few common sense guidelines to help keep it that way. (We've learned from experience! :wink: ) Treat each other with kindness, acceptance, appreciation, and respect. Follow the EA Forum Guidelines. Remember that this is a public forum, meaning that anybody anywhere with Internet access can read what you write. If you're a youngster, don't write anything you wouldn't want your mom to read. If you're an adult, don't write anything you wouldn't want your kid or niece or nephew to read. Please don't feel bad if we pop in for gentle reminders if things get really OT or if we start to veer from the forum guidelines. We still love you! I'll keep the coffee and tea pots full--you bring your favorite mug, and let's kick back and chat about writing! Daily Conversations Join us for daily conversations! We've got themed conversations Monday - Sunday. Of course, you can talk about other things, too! But if you're looking for a specific topic, swing by and join us! Writer/Reader Community Threads You might also enjoy these threads: Freezer Bunny Book Club | Short Story Writing Challenges How Do I Get Started Writing? If you have questions about writing SimLit, please see the following guide, written and compiled by @JulyVee94. A Quick Guide to SimLit Directory of Active Members Here's a listing of the blogs/threads of the regulars here. If you'd like to have your blog or thread listed here, please let @friendsfan367 or me (CathyTea) know. I'm kinda busy, so it might take me a little while to get you listed, but I definitely will list your story here, if you request it! And... Happy Reading! :smiley: Note: Some of these stories may contain adult subject matter. Please read at your discretion. Acarb90 - Metro - A City Story | Thirty: Looking to the future... AdamsEve1231 - Kassiopeia Fullbright Story Series | Colt Family Traitacy | From Riverview, With Love | La Vita Bella | Livin' A Simmin' Life | Meanwhile in Another Part of Town | Other Stories | Simblr | Darkness May Dream AkramA - Castellon Legacy aroseinbloom - A Rose In Bloom Sims Arrowleaf - The Landon Legacy BBQPenguinWings Trish - A Penguin's Adventure in Simming BlackUndecimber - Winter's Alchemy Bugsie2016 - Burton Legacy | Life's Lessons | What Are We Really Made Of? |People of the Light Tribe CathyTea - CathyTea's SimLit Anthology cecerose0208 - Dreams & Drama Blog on Wordpress/ CharmingMaruska - Truly Curly's Disney Legacy Chrinnie - The Alvarez Chronicles CitizenErased - Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust *Completed | Paranormal Neighborhood cshaner - Simfluence: Where Sims Influence the Story cully_c - Short Stories | Simmillionaire | Wonder Child Darra84 - My Incredible Adventure in the Sims 4 World DeafSimmer - Deafsimmer's Sims 4 Stories DeiraShadeweaver - The Shadowden (Tumblr) | Deira Plays Sims (Wordpress) divanthesimmer - Divan, the Simmer's SimLit Blog Dollyllama108 - Catastrophe Theory EiraRose - Song of the Nightingale eXokamikaze - ninjapigsims fabtiffsim - The Ojas Tribe Faoiltearna - Faoiltearna Sims Firande - Black Sheep friendsfan367 - friendsfan36 gameplay9098 - Nerdsimmer's Blog GhostlyPix - Keep Moving Forward iheartdinosx3 - The Belle Legacy ilovebunnys65 - The Watergates InfraGreen - No Stars Over Uptown JellySimwich - Life Is Jes2G - Jes2G Stories JoieWilder - The Thoreau Legacy | Building Us and The More the Wilder JulyVee - Julyvee's Sims Stories | Vee is for Vortex Karilan - Living with Grace Katrinasforest - Clanbuilding for Dummies Kurdaneva - The Red Hourglass | The Dark Tale of C.hana Hale Laura_Jones - The Candle Lit Chronicles LegacySims2017 - Legacy Sims lisabee2 - Simsational lone_cat - Lost in a Magic Realm LostInReverie - From the Hart lovesstorms - Lovesstorms Stories Lynwood - Gieke Legacy | Wishing Upon a Star 2.0 | Operation: Pollinate Newcrest! LyricSimz15 - Eclipse's Simlit Stories Madame Lee - Charming Disney Legacy | Disney Sims Neighborhood Maladi777 - The Heffner Legacy MamaSimMacho - As the Plumbob Turns mamasquirrel - Simetics Simedy mastressalita - Sim Stories MedleyMisty - In the Valley of the Sun Meggles - MeggSims MonaSolstraale - A Turtle's Journey | Tusnelda and Trix MrsRacooney - Daughters of the Warrioress MunterBacon - Ironbound and My Life as a Zombie Nerdfashion - Tales of My Sims OJenn - Memoir Me | Memoir Me Thread orangeplumbob - Second Chances peatock - Velasco Legacy Pegasus - makplays PinotGrigio - Sims and Wine - The Circle PitlordMaggie - Greenwood Estate pronterus - Undead with Benefits ra3rei - Raerei's Fortress Rainydayz179 - Stormy Dayz Gamez rednenemom - The Racket-Rotter Chronicles RipuAncestor - The Fey of Life RoryGilmore34 - Legacies of the Sims RosemaryMariee - Noble Doubt and Other Stories Shadami - Adventures through SimLit Shadyboop - Beast SimmerSteffie - Priest Legacy simscognito - Friends of Foes Simslover163 - Sims Nation, Sims World, All Things Sims Sonniejj - Fiore Legacy Challenge Sourocha - The Life of the Majolentes squirrelwithacup - Nightshade StoriedStorm - The Family Black SunnyShay - Hella Good | Love Shot SummerFalls - SummerFalls Stories supernatural103 - Isaac Sisters swcheppes - Sim-ply Awesome sweetnightingale - Forever In Time | Another World | Colors of Loving | As Tears Go By | Sweet Nightingale's Sims | SimLit Legacies by Sharon TaraIris94 - Bachelorette Legacy TheAemaSimming - McGinnis Legacy TheMummyof4 - Vicarious Living ThePlumbob - The Bloomer Legacy TheYayToast - Rainbow Sundae Thymeless - Can You Hear the Violins? | Centauri Legacy Twiggy - Twiggy's Sims Adventures UniquePuggle - Wallingsford Historical Legacy VanityHigh - VanityHigh Sim Stories Wasting_Night - SimSacious Magazine xMike_BX - Murder Valley Sims Birthday Registry If your name is not on this list, and you'd like to be included (so that you can sample some of SummerFalls' awesome happiness birthday cupcakes on YOUR birthday), please PM CathyTea January 26th - Jes2G January 27th - eXokamikaze February 4th - The Sims! Februay 20th - Sourocha March 5th - Munterbacon March 12th - Swcheppes March 21st - ra3rei March 22nd - aroseinbloom April 17th - Pinmat135 April 18th - TheAemaSimming April 19th - InfraGreen April 23rd - Maladi777 April 26th - rednenemon May 12th - Pegasus143 May 19th -Karilan June 20th - madamelee June 27th - Bugsie2016 June 29th - SimsLover163 July 3rd - ilovebunnys65 July 7th - kurdaneva July 23rd - CathyTea July 26th - Shadami August 15th - For_Eorzea August 17th - friendsfan367 August 23rd - ny275 August 29th - Lisabee2 September 1 - PitlordMaggie September 14th - Shadyboop September 16th - Pronterus and divanthesimmer September 19th - lovesstorms September 28th - VanityHigh Sept 29th - Anua92 October 2nd - SilverDaybreak October 25th - DebraF63 October 26th - Meggles November 4th - LegacySims2017 November 10th - Simscognito November 26th - Faoiltearna November 29th - SimTresa December 9th - AdamsEve1231 December 15th - LyricSimz15 December 17th - StoriedStorm, MedleyMisty, and Acarb90 December 22nd - nerdfashion December 29th - BlackUndecimberCathyTea10 years agoLegend1.6MViews2likes135772CommentsThe grand sequel to: "The first one to page 100 wins!"
One forum later, and this game is still in motion! No longer are we going to just a new page after hitting a record of Page 2207. We're now going for the first to be the 75000th poster! The same rule applies like the original. No double posting and please keep it PG. Let the games begin once more!Burnziie8 years agoSeasoned Ace421KViews4likes53661CommentsNever Have I Ever... [GAME]
Hi hi everyone! So this discussion is a game called "Never Have I Ever" and I'm sure most of you know how to play it but if not, here's an example: Person 1: Never have I ever ridden a horse. Person 2: I have. Never have I ever... And so on. Basically, I'll start, and the person below me would say if they have or haven't done what I said. They would then continue saying "Never have I ever..." the only thing is, if you are saying the nhie statement, it has to be something you've NEVER done. Okay, I'll start. :) Never have I ever skipped school.124KViews2likes18588CommentsHello! Come and introduce yourself!
Hello! Welcome to the Forums! This thread is for new and old simmers to come and introduce themselves, and say a little bit about themselves. We can get to know each other, and welcome simmers to the forums. I look forward to meeting you all, and hearing a little bit about you. Happy simming to everyone!184KViews9likes16198CommentsPlay and Share continued
Since we seem to have missed posts in the other thread, I am starting this one. There is no point fighting with deleted post skips on a continual basis. Anyone who would like to share what you are doing with your game and/or your current may join this thread. Also, if you are new to the sims and have questions re: game play or the forums, I hope you will ask them here. Please be kind and friendly to all posters. I request that we follow the forum rules please. Thank-you!wickichick11 years agoSeasoned Ace451KViews1like15444CommentsWe care! Supporting Simmers going through hard times.
I have started this thread for those simmers who may be going through hard times, and would like to have a place where they can post about how they are feeling , and receive caring support from fellow simmers. We are here for you.156KViews1like9534CommentsThe Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4
This isn't your average legacy challenge. The goal is to achieve ALL LTWs and reach the top of ALL possible careers/professions without repeating any. You can only have ONE child per generation. The Rules Going Solo TS3 Going Solo TS4 Follow us on Twitter @TS_Going_Solo Helpful Links Full list of Jobs (S3) or HERE Full list of lifetime wishes (S3) Aspiration List (S4) Career List (S4) Going Solo checklist to help track your progress Family Echo-This is a valuable tool if you like to keep track of extended family CC magic for those of you that use custom content in your game Active Going Solo Stories - A Race Against Time by Piazzagirl1015 - As Life Goes by Jazen - In Another Life by MischiefTheKitten -Starbound by MischiefTheKitten -Seidhkona by French_Vanilla13 -Elvira Slayer, The True Story by ELIROC -The Island by ELIROC -Life or Something Like It by jeapos88 -Try Everything - A Going Solo Challenge by KaytayRoall - A Solo legacy with a twist-by SOnet104 - Going Solo Challenge by LittleMinxUndr - Jungle Drums by LittleMinUndr - Strictly Solo by Piazzagirl1015 Iron Man Going Solo Challengers Vuneca's Iron Man Attempt The Iron Woman Challenge by Petunia302007 AKA Simfulicious One Woman Show by Jazen I Am Every Woman by Piazzagirl On Hiatus - Going Solo By Vuneca - Aurora Borealis by HollyhocksFluff - The Burnbright Solo, Prettyacy, and Alphabet challenge by Shafer249 -Story of Rosaline by Shafer249 - The Pham Family Going Solo Challenge by carlimact -Pok Family TS4 Going Solo by Carlimact - Solace of Elysium by NewToTheSims AKA LateKnightSimmer Discontinued but still worth reading - Going Solo: The Wasimton, by LittleMinxUndr - Majestyk's Going Solo... Again, by Majestyk - Solo Legacy Challenge: The Vanderburgs, by SuperM1tch - Lonely but not Alone A Going Solo Challenge by octojenn - Nix Solo Challenge, by Nancy01905 - Nancy Edmondson Solo The Sims 4, by Nancy01905 - Here without you by BekahSue - Follow your Dreams by Seera1024 - Safekeeping by octojenn If you like those stories, try these: -A Clockwork Heart by French_Vanilla13 -Fatima's Bachelorette Challenge by Vuneca -Just Simming Along (a collection of stories) by Jazen -Kiss of a Vampire by Jazen -Romance on the Horizon by Piazzagirl1015 -Stories of Mischief (a collection of stories) by MischiefTheKitten -Carlimact Simlings (a collection of stories) by Carlimact -The Love Ship by Sweetinightingale -Piazzagirl's Sim and Challenges by Piazzagirl1015 -Echoes of Eternity by NewToTheSims AKA LateKnightSimmer - First To Last by octojenn -The Proposal: A Bachelor Challenge by NewToTheSims AKA LateKnightSimmer -Diary of a Drifter-A Sims 4 Drifter Challenge by Piazzagirl1015 Other goodies YouTube Solo Challenge By Nancy01905 Here is the image resizer that makes posting in these forums so much better! LittleMinxUndr wrote: I use this tool: Imageresizer from It's a totally free utility under GNU-lisence. It works flawlessly under win8 too. It resizes single pictures to batches of well over a hundred at once. I routiniously resize well over 100 screenshots in under 5 seconds with it. Image Resizer is fast, makes your screens extremely light-weight which is totally what you want for what you're doing and you have almost no fidelity-loss. for the gamebooster a quick registration is needed, but personal details are not asked. Here's the linkage: Gamebooster *****Hey girls, A quick note to inform you all that the image resizer that I use has been greatly updated and has moved hosts. The tool can now freely be had from this link: -Minx If you choose to do this challenge I would LOVE to follow your story. Thanks for stopping by my thread, hope you enjoy the challenge should you attempt it. Happy Simming :)Vuneca12 years agoSeasoned Ace323KViews1like7771CommentsSim Gurus on Twitter
I know some of the forum members don't have a Twitter account or regularly keep up with Twitter so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread where we could keep up with and discuss the guru tweets. Please let's not make this about how you think they should post everything here. That is not the purpose of this thread and will be considered derailment and reported. Please feel free to start a thread in Feedback if you feel that way. :) Starting with: Art of Sims Storytelling
Hi guys! @CathyTea and I were talking, and we thought we'd try making a thread that would be focused solely on writing, especially Sims story writing. The writers' lounge thread is great for being a lounge, but a separate space for more in-depth discussions with a slower pace and less immediate burying of posts could be good too. :) I'm not good at making lists and rules, but here are some suggestions for things to talk about here: the process of writing Sims stories the Sims story community how Sims literature fits into the greater literature community how we use the game as a medium for storytelling the imagery and themes in our work, and also possibly how they are influenced by the game what it means to be a reader of Sims literature the expectations or lack thereof that we have of Sims stories the history of Sims storytelling and all the genres and their relationships to each other and really just anything else you can think of that has to do with writing and reading and community and art and literature I want to emphasize that this thread is open to everyone, no matter what and how you write. I've learned in the last few years that sometimes stuff like this can intimidate people, but we are definitely not trying to be elitist or pretentious or intimidating or anything here. Everyone is welcome, and everyone, from people who just read Sims stories to people who write commentary legacies to people who write hardcore Simlit, has something to contribute. I hope we have fun here! :)58KViews3likes2914CommentsA game of The simmer below me (2nd edition)
I noticed the old simmer below me was from 2009 so I'm starting a new one So here's how it works I will ask a yes/no or true/false question beginning with The Simmer Below Me or TSBM And the person below will answer then ask a new question and so on The simmer Below me likes broccoli This thread was originally created by @Narcissa: Central: The Home of All Things Mafia! No longer being updated! Edit: We have moved away from the Sims forums and now host most of our games url=]here. We may host a game on this forum infrequently, but most of our games will no longer be here. On January 25, 2013, the Gift Gathering section of the Sims 3 forums changed forever. Jojo777 was suddenly inspired to bring a new game to the forums, a game she called "Mafia". The basic premise was a conflict between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. The innocents needed to unmask the Mafia or be killed by them. It was a battle of wits, and, it soon became clear that Jojo's monthly game wasn't enough to satisfy our Mafia fix. That is where this thread comes on. Those of us who enjoy playing these games have formed a little community and together we run one game every weekend. If you like the idea of lynching, murdering, betraying, and outwitting your fellow Simmers, and being lynched, murdered, betrayed, and outwitted by them, you have come to the right place! So, sign up for a game, host one, or just pull up a chair and chat. We don't bite...most of the time! Before hosting a game, you might want to read the hosting guide written by Lissa, found here. Before playing a game, you might want to read the guide for new players written by Renee, found here.38KViews0likes2324CommentsSims 3 Happy Holidays Gift Exchange 2019 - Gifting is Done! Holidays are wonderful times of the year. People have fun and spread good cheer! Do you know what ELSE spreads good cheer? A Sims 3 homemade gift exchange, of course! Interested? SIMtastic!!! Please read on … This is a SECRET EXCHANGE. Please do not reveal your Buddy before the gifting period opens. Certain communication will only be done via private messages so each Buddy will need to check their Inbox on a regular basis. Checklist: Be a Buddy! Use the Buddy Form Letter found in the 4th post. Chat & ask generic questions in the thread. For specific questions concerning gifts & such, send me a PM. Follow the Rules (3rd post) & note the Important Dates (2nd post). During gifting time, compliment & click the “Recommend It” button. Above all, Have FUN!!! Thank YOU @MiaSkywalker for helping with custard-checking BIG Hugs! Addy Index: Important Dates Rules Buddy Letter Form Buddy Letters Buddy Gifts Frequently Asked Questionsadwilson6 years agoSeasoned Ace17KViews1like1281CommentsThe gift of sharing together each day of the year
Hello. :) This thread is for anyone who may like to post each day about something that has happened in their lives that day or the previous day. It may be a happy experience, or an encouraging thing that happened, or a sadder experience and you would like to share and find support here with simming friends. Also, if you would like to instead post a nice photo or poem or encouraging quote or any thing nice that you have seen , it would be a delight to see it. :) Everyone is very welcome to post in this thread! :) I also just wanted to let you know about a thread that I have set up in another section of the forums. It is called. " We care! Supporting Simmers going through hard times" The link to it is We are here to support you.15KViews1like1190CommentsHow Many Plan on Buying Paralives vs TS5?
Now that Paralives is an actual real thing people won't have to deny it anymore (Steam has a whole page dedicated to it) will you buy it and or continue to wait on TS5's possible MMO? After reading all the job openings for Maxis new AAA game, it's very possible (looking like it's true) that TS5 will probably be multiplayer in some form or fashion..will you jump ship with Maxis?45KViews1like1167CommentsLife by You vs. Sims 5 (Rene)? Rod Humble and Paradox's Life Simulation Game
Rod Humble, a former real-life Sims executive and Sims 2 NPC, is reportedly working on a life simulation game since 2018. For context, Paralives started development in the same year. The most publicly-available details of the project can be read in this excellent profile, though it is light on specifics. A few days ago, Rod on Twitter announced he's going off social media for a few months to intensely work for an important time in the game. The tweet is here. The text is as follows: Taking another break from social media & community my friends. Nothing bad, just clearing my mind to focus on an important time for the game. I hope some of you will be future customers and my focus is on delivering a great game to serve you. Love you all, seeya in a few months. I think he could be gearing up for a first announcement or teaser of the game. What do you guys think? I'm very excited. Would you guys buy Sims 5, this new competitor, or both? Edited to add: Announcement Event Announcement Trailer years ago51KViews1like1086Comments- Jayel-17 months agoSeasoned Ace3.2KViews6likes1056Comments