Forum Discussion
@growndan Not showing any issues at the moment on our side. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
@EA_Cade I have been having the problem and it has been happening very often, When I win a game it kicks me to the menu says go to, Also it doesn't add the win to my stats on my legend. I should be on 30 wins (ish) with lifeline but because off this problem occurring I am only on 16 wins. I won a game about 5-10mins ago and it also did it then when i had 14 kills. If you could find what is wrong that would be great.
- 6 years ago
Lucky you man! At least you can play through a game I can barely manage to get off the dropship before I get kicked
- EA_Cade6 years ago
Community Manager
@Perpetualxlight Hey there! Is this still happening? If so, are you getting an error message of some kind when it does?
- 6 years ago
Yes it is! I'm on Xbox one. It doesn't give me an error message it just tells me to go to I've been scrolling through these threads trying to resolve it with the troubleshooting and I even tried clearing the MAC address and restarting my Xbox but it isn't working
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