It wasn't in the patch notes or if it was there was no emphasis on it, removing clubs and giving the tag option only is bad for 2 reasons,
1. Removing clubs some groups of players are looking to play with specific types of people maybe an LGBTQ community for example wants to play with other LGBTQ or wants people to know there accepting of that community and not facing discrimination which they will get because they get force to team with anti lgbt fascists and this decision is in essence preventing people playing in teams by teaming with club mates which defeats the object of the game being a team game.
2. Leaving the tag system is meaningless because nobody wants a tag that says there a member of a club without being in a club. Like i wouldn't go around claiming I'm an Hells Angel unless i had the leathers to prove I'm a member of the club but with the current situation I am free to do so without any form of proof which is pointless. I could say XQC or FAZE as my tag again pointless as im not members of those groups
So in conclusion either remove it full stop or bring back clubs