Constant BSOD/whole pc freezing
BSOD hints at a driver issue(eac? it did pop up a few times but eac wasn't consistently listed. I believe it could be how it's interacting w the other drivers). Updated every driver(+ ddu) I can think of, including windows version, bios, and visual c++ redist.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 6800H GPU: RTX 3060
definitely not a hardware/ram/load issue. No issues with normal usage, or even compiling/running heavy c++ applications. Probably not temperature too - ran on similar temperatures for at least months and never had issues. never had frame drops or stutters from thermal throttling.
minidumps from bsods point towards r5apex_dx12.exe or easyanticheat_eos.sys(iirc). has anyone faced this issue or is currently facing this issue?
going to run a network reset and chkdsk next to see if that helps.
edit: yea that didn't work, I'm stumped.
perhaps I shld also mention that I've also reinstalled eac using their setup exe with the product id from settings.json
attached the 3 most recent(yes there are many more) minidumps from bsod. couldnt find anything about pc freezing.