Forum Discussion
I still haven't had any crashes on the new patch, but I admittedly haven't had much time to play. In the mean time, try this:
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db
If you've got crash dumps in this folder, they could contain useful information about the problem. Check the time and date of the crashes - are they lining up with your recent issues or are they older/unrelated to this? If they are current, download Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community (free from MS). After it's installed, you can open these crash dumps and get the details. I had three crashes from last week:
Dump Summary
Dump File: 547808e8-a0af-44fd-a782-d59f0967f498.dmp : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\547808e8-a0af-44fd-a782-d59f0967f498.dmp
Last Write Time: 1/27/2020 9:28:44 PM
Process Name: r5apex.exe : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe
Process Architecture: x64
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Heap Information: Not Present
System Information
OS Version: 10.0.18363
Dump Summary
Dump File: 792f7345-0261-4d00-8e3f-26518b89dc5d.dmp : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\792f7345-0261-4d00-8e3f-26518b89dc5d.dmp
Last Write Time: 1/27/2020 9:15:19 PM
Process Name: r5apex.exe : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe
Process Architecture: x64
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Heap Information: Not Present
System Information
OS Version: 10.0.18363
Dump Summary
Dump File: 666dc910-9526-4deb-8d80-1a9d250c9e54.dmp : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\666dc910-9526-4deb-8d80-1a9d250c9e54.dmp
Last Write Time: 1/27/2020 11:33:27 PM
Process Name: r5apex.exe : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe
Process Architecture: x64
Exception Code: 0xC000001D
Exception Information: The thread tried to execute an invalid instruction.
Heap Information: Not Present
System Information
OS Version: 10.0.18363
I'd encourage others that are having the same types of crashes to do this so we can start to gather some information. As you can see, I had two different types of crashes that night.
@EA_Kent or another moderator: I know there are a lot of complaints happening on the forums at all times, and especially around the release of new patches and content. I'm asking for some attention on this issue now only because folks are now being punished for game crashes because the game interprets this as the player voluntarily quitting.
We've got several other threads about this issue on the first couple of pages:
I realize that this may get chalked up to a niche problem affecting a small subset of people with particular hardware, drivers, updates, or any other factor outside of your control, but this does seem to be affecting a growing number of people and is worth a look.
Thank you,
New patch crashes just as badly and in exactly the same way as before. (I even had a crash on the server loading screen (where it shows the ruined Cap City) today. @VT41 Nice find on the DMP file location! Getting VS now to check them out! Not sure they line up though. (I don't have any DMP files for yesterday, and I crashed multiple times. Same for today where I've had 5 crashes in the last 2 hours, and there's only one dump.)
Edit, last 3 dumps are all r5apex.exe:
0xC0000005 - The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
4th last one is:
0xC000001D - The thread tried to execute an invalid instruction.
If anyone at Respawn/EA wants the files to check them with symbols, let me know!
- 6 years ago
I also just crashed - first time this patch and first time since installing new NVIDIA drivers. So this is also not fixed for me. It did not record a crash dump in the crashpad folder - just clean exist to desktop. Disappointed.
- 6 years ago
Aaand crashed again moments ago:
Dump Summary
Dump File: e080d2ee-414c-4577-906f-9a4075ede982.dmp : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\e080d2ee-414c-4577-906f-9a4075ede982.dmp
Last Write Time: 2/5/2020 12:17:22 PM
Process Name: r5apex.exe : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe
Process Architecture: x64
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Heap Information: Not PresentSystem Information
OS Version: 10.0.18363 - 6 years ago
I've just noticed that we all have 32GB RAM. I'm wondering if there is something going on where the system is storing something in memory that the game can't access and it bails?
- 6 years ago
i9 9900k
2080 ti
32 gb ram.
I have tried 4 different drivers.
Updating windows.
Played on different windows user.
Regedit fixes.
And pretty much all other well known fixes.
But nothing helps.
Sometimes it crashes right as I get in to a game. And sometimes it crashes after 2 or 3 full games.
I have 9 crash-pad files since I re downloaded the game yesterday and it seems as everyone of them are the same.
I have attached a screenshot of the error found in the crashpad DMP files.
I had similar issues at the launch of the game (when I had a 1080), I had issues at season 2, small issues with season 3, but the worst so far is season 4.
Here is the error in text:
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it. The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr. (2b38.3d78): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x14: 00007ffec941c144 c3 ret 0:015> .ECXR Unable to load image A:\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for r5apex.exe *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for r5apex.exe rax=00000000094e0000 rbx=0000000000000300 rcx=0000000000000300 rdx=000000000000dd55 rsi=0000000000000038 rdi=000001f861abaac0 rip=00007ff6558ee647 rsp=00000040934087d0 rbp=000000409340e520 r8=000000409340a000 r9=000001f759d85620 r10=000000000000094e r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000300 r13=000001f759d8d648 r14=000001f75a07b720 r15=000001f759db0634 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246 r5apex+0x23e647: 00007ff6558ee647 f30f597f0c mulss xmm7,dword ptr [rdi+0Ch] ds:000001f8`61abaacc=????????
I get " invalid HTML was found in the message body." When trying to publish this on EA so to see the full error message look at the image attached.
- 6 years ago
my game is crashing lots to and mom said she thot it was from me playing to many games lol but I think something happened before the new patch during sorei. I think I might go play run from tarkov because my friend daniel said it does not crash as many times as apex lol but I will try it and see @VT41 if you find a fix let us know because then we can all fix and play the game together maybe add me and we can see if we still all crash possible team names are crash bandicoot or crash into me lol
- 6 years ago
Game is just infuriating now, 10 kills in and bang another crash.
Thing is the respawn developers dont care as its been going on for ages
- 6 years ago@Thadellex Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely be sure to let you know if we come up with a fix. Great ideas for team names, keep it up! 🙂
- 6 years ago
I had crash problems where my computer needed hard reboot several times.
Ive tried all the weird things, disabling all kinds of things.
But nothing helped.
Then i reverted back to Nvidia driver 418, and i havent had a single crash since.
So if you can live with an older Nvidia driver, then crashes are gone, atleast they are for me.
Good luck.
- 6 years ago
exactly same System 2080Ti I9 9900K ... keeps crashing.. tried over 3 different drivers... new fresh OS install.. nothing helped.. i don't have any hope das we get help..
- 6 years ago
All I'm seeing is people with very high end systems crashing.
2080, 2080Ti, 1080Ti.
not many report of GTX 1050 crashing...
One of my friend is running the game fine with the Asus RTX 2070 ROG STRIX OC, i9 9900k, 32GB 3200Mhz.
We run pretty much the same softwares, voicemeeter, Discord, etc etc.I have an Asus RTX 2080 ROG STRIX OC, i7 9700k, 16GB 3200Mhz.
He never crashed.
I crash all the * time.
No clue why.
- 6 years ago
Anyone running any overclocks on there systems?
GPU CPUS? - 6 years ago
@FladFornemmelse I downloaded DDU ( to completely remove the existing drivers and then downloaded the 418.91 driver ( I've played several long games with no crashes. Too early to call it "fixed" but it is optimistic.
Graphics performance is noticeably reduced in certain areas, especially on the jump ship and in the early part of the game. But I'll trade that for a stable game for now. Thanks for the tip! Hoping this works for others of you.
- 6 years ago
64gb ram.
Can't finish a game keeps crashing.
But in my case it locks my entire computer up and I need to force restart. "CTRL ALT DEL" dose not work a complete computer freeze happens. Just stays frozen on the APEX screen no blue screen or anything only started to happen after update.
- 6 years ago
I have overclocks on both
GTX 2060 Super +
i5 9600kf clocked to 5ghz
Crashing every other game
- 6 years agoany update on this? have you had crashes yet or is it still working?
- 6 years ago
* this stupid game, ive tried everything i can think of just to fix this busted * game, and literally NOTHING has worked, and now i cant even do a live chat with ea anymore so i can waste my time with the useless support people, im so frustrated
- 6 years ago
I have a similar problem, after the update Holo Day, constant crashes after 5 minutes of the game or earlier, after the update of season 4 crashes even when loading.System, I9700k oc 5000mHz ,rtx 2070s and memory overclocked from 3200Cl14 to 4133 CL16.
I tried everything, rolled back Windows, the problem still remains. Before the update, season 4 helped to enter the game, then find the anti cheat in the folder with the game and make a repair as a result, anti cheat disappeared from the processes, it was possible to play about 5 games without crashes, now it does not work.
System Ninja show this mistakes C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\0d2b5963-8425-40fe-969a-a6c54c7c91ff.dmp | 893.37KiB | Memory Dump
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\2b30f79a-a4ee-4f28-b9c5-fbc2d400fbdc.dmp | 563.75KiB | Memory Dump - 6 years ago
At least for me, NVIDIA driver 418.91 is a no go because my RTX 2080 SUPER isn't supported by it (card too new/driver too old).
- 6 years ago
I think I have solved the issue for me.
2 hour game session without crash which is very long for me since I used to crash every game.
So I was thinking about how almost everyone with the issue has good computers. Then I also remembered how people who got allot of frames in Season 1 had lag issues.
And I know that some games and game engines don't like to many frames. For instance Skyrim. In skyrim the physics start lagging if you have more than 60 frames per second.
So to me it makes sense that maybe Apex cant handle to many fps.
I have always been running the game with about 180-240 frames. It would lock at 240 since I have tripplebuffered vsync on and my monitor is 240 hz. But sometimes I would get more than 240 frames. So maybe the frame lock is bugged? Maybe at some instances you get up to like 300 frames for just a split second and that is triggering the crash?
But anyways this is what I did to solve the issue for me (could still crash I will post an update if it does)
I installed the latest nvidia driver.
I downloaded the nvidia inspector tool.
I launched the nvidiaProfileInspector and selected Apex Legends.
Scrolled down to Frame Rate Limiter and put 200.8 fps. (I just took a random number that wouldn't be to low)
There is a Limiter v2 but I used the one that looks like this [~] 200.8 fps.
I started the game and now it seems to work. I have never been able to play for this long since Season 4 patch.
I hope this works for you too.
- 6 years ago@RylaiLUL Thanks for the heads up - I will definitely give this a shot! I can say that while the v418.91 drivers seemed to help me play longer without crashing, it did eventually crash for me, so that is not the permanent fix I was hoping for. I will experiment with limiting my frames as you've described.
- 6 years ago
In playing at a limited 140 fps and it still crashes so I think it's a fluke. Sometimes I can play for hours and sometimes it crashes frequently withing the first few minutes just like season 3 did in the beginning
- 6 years ago
Im fairly certain it has to be with the CPU's AVX instructions. For some reason this game is SUPER Sensitive to ANY kind of CPU overclock regardless of voltage/stability etc. If i run an OC greater than 8700k's factory boost of 4700mhz it'll randomly crash to desktop with no error message. When i lock at 4700mhz its 100% no crashes. Confirmed this multiple times over. It may be the reason why many high end rigs are crashing compared to older stuff. The implementation of AVX on this game needs some serious looking into. As a possible temporary solution - I suggest anyone with a high end intel CPU run a minus 1 - 3 AVX offset. See if that makes any difference and gives more stability.
- 6 years ago
@1Pumpp I think you're spot on here. In trying to diagnose this issue yesterday and wondering about the stability of my overclock, I downloaded OCCT (, put it on Large Dataset testing with AVX2 instructions, and it immediately crashed my system, so I knew that I was at the very least having some problems with AVX instructions. Every other game and aspect of my system was stable so I didn't have reason to believe I was having issues. I run with an AVX offset of 0 for my overclock, so I went back in to adjust LLC and core voltage settings and I can now complete a full AVX2 stability test with no errors and relatively low temps. Incidentally, I've not had any Apex crashes yet either... I'll keep playing to see if this was the root cause.
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