Forum Discussion
Aaand crashed again moments ago:
Dump Summary
Dump File: e080d2ee-414c-4577-906f-9a4075ede982.dmp : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\Crashpad\db\e080d2ee-414c-4577-906f-9a4075ede982.dmp
Last Write Time: 2/5/2020 12:17:22 PM
Process Name: r5apex.exe : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe
Process Architecture: x64
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Heap Information: Not Present
System Information
OS Version: 10.0.18363
I've just noticed that we all have 32GB RAM. I'm wondering if there is something going on where the system is storing something in memory that the game can't access and it bails?
- 6 years ago
I think I have solved the issue for me.
2 hour game session without crash which is very long for me since I used to crash every game.
So I was thinking about how almost everyone with the issue has good computers. Then I also remembered how people who got allot of frames in Season 1 had lag issues.
And I know that some games and game engines don't like to many frames. For instance Skyrim. In skyrim the physics start lagging if you have more than 60 frames per second.
So to me it makes sense that maybe Apex cant handle to many fps.
I have always been running the game with about 180-240 frames. It would lock at 240 since I have tripplebuffered vsync on and my monitor is 240 hz. But sometimes I would get more than 240 frames. So maybe the frame lock is bugged? Maybe at some instances you get up to like 300 frames for just a split second and that is triggering the crash?
But anyways this is what I did to solve the issue for me (could still crash I will post an update if it does)
I installed the latest nvidia driver.
I downloaded the nvidia inspector tool.
I launched the nvidiaProfileInspector and selected Apex Legends.
Scrolled down to Frame Rate Limiter and put 200.8 fps. (I just took a random number that wouldn't be to low)
There is a Limiter v2 but I used the one that looks like this [~] 200.8 fps.
I started the game and now it seems to work. I have never been able to play for this long since Season 4 patch.
I hope this works for you too.
- 6 years ago@RylaiLUL Thanks for the heads up - I will definitely give this a shot! I can say that while the v418.91 drivers seemed to help me play longer without crashing, it did eventually crash for me, so that is not the permanent fix I was hoping for. I will experiment with limiting my frames as you've described.
- 6 years ago
In playing at a limited 140 fps and it still crashes so I think it's a fluke. Sometimes I can play for hours and sometimes it crashes frequently withing the first few minutes just like season 3 did in the beginning
- 6 years ago
Im fairly certain it has to be with the CPU's AVX instructions. For some reason this game is SUPER Sensitive to ANY kind of CPU overclock regardless of voltage/stability etc. If i run an OC greater than 8700k's factory boost of 4700mhz it'll randomly crash to desktop with no error message. When i lock at 4700mhz its 100% no crashes. Confirmed this multiple times over. It may be the reason why many high end rigs are crashing compared to older stuff. The implementation of AVX on this game needs some serious looking into. As a possible temporary solution - I suggest anyone with a high end intel CPU run a minus 1 - 3 AVX offset. See if that makes any difference and gives more stability.
- 6 years ago
@1Pumpp I think you're spot on here. In trying to diagnose this issue yesterday and wondering about the stability of my overclock, I downloaded OCCT (, put it on Large Dataset testing with AVX2 instructions, and it immediately crashed my system, so I knew that I was at the very least having some problems with AVX instructions. Every other game and aspect of my system was stable so I didn't have reason to believe I was having issues. I run with an AVX offset of 0 for my overclock, so I went back in to adjust LLC and core voltage settings and I can now complete a full AVX2 stability test with no errors and relatively low temps. Incidentally, I've not had any Apex crashes yet either... I'll keep playing to see if this was the root cause.
- 6 years ago@gehyvian i have 9900ks too and had same problem,i tested 4.8Ghz underclock my cpu by UEFI,now my APEX have no crush about 2days.
- 6 years ago
I returned my gtx 980 to stock, before i was using overclocking of my gpu, it was stable in all my other games but in apex i kept on crashing.
Since i removed all the overclocks i havent had a crash yet!! i have been able to complete 50+ games since yesterday without one single crash! i hope it stays this way. - 6 years ago@1Pumpp THIS, this right here, after two straight weeks of being completely hopeless and ready to give up on the game, this is what finally fixed it, setting the AVX offset to 1 in the bios. i didn't even have an OC on my CPU, and i didn't have any issues running OCCT like VT41, but that's what finally did it for me, thank you so much
- 6 years ago
Its crashing again for me hahah. I played like 4 hours without crash and then it happened again just as I started playing ranked.
- 6 years ago
@VT41 I also tried the OCCT test and crashed after 6 mins. I have now made a reset in my bios to factory settings. I have so far played two games without crash but I will continue playing until it does. Its hard to know if the issue is fixed since the crash is so random. I also put avx 0.
- 6 years ago
@RylaiLUL @1Pumpp - I was able to play for 5 or 6 hours last night while streaming with no crashes. It looks like the fix for me was to return to factory clock speeds. Despite my system being completely stable according to all the benchmark/stability tests AND being able to play Apex on those settings for a couple months with no crashes... something they introduced in a recent patch has introduced stability issues on overclocked systems. I'll keep an eye on this issue because obviously we'd like to be able to play on overclocked rigs, but it's going to take a fix on Respawn's end, and based on the lack of activity or acknowledgement from them on this issue, I doubt it will be coming any time soon.
If anyone has ideas or needs me to troubleshoot an idea, I'm happy to help out.
- 6 years ago@Xenacftw Have you played recently? In previous seasons I was able to play with my OC successfully too, but as the updates progressed my ability to max my OC with apex became less and less to where it is today. If you dont have same the issue thats very interested. Maybe you can list your current components, as it may be related to a type of MoBo or something.
- 6 years ago
@VT41OCCT shows no issue here but I did set the AVX instructions offset to -1 in my BIOS, and did not encounter the crash all evening. May be to early too tell though as I've had previous evenings with no crashes, and then some where every 3rd game dumped out, but I'm hopeful.
(Also finally got to experience the lovely DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED crash today! A first for me! 😉 ) - 6 years ago
I have been able to play now for 6h without a crash since i removed my oc settings.
I would like to say that it is fixed but it could crash again.
- 6 years ago@onikusukiiii4444 really? such * that you cant run the 9900ks at stock with apex, im gonna try that and see if it works
- 6 years ago
Yesterday I played all day without errors. In my case, resetting the frequency from 5000-4800, the memory from 4133 sl 17 to 3600 sl 16 made the game stable. With 5000 it freezes 100%. The overclocking of the video card is not affected. Someone wrote that the game is sensitive to AVX, I also think so, since there were errors with the AVX 2 test during full overclocking. My system is i7 9700k oc 5.0, video 2070s oc, memory 4133 sl 17.I hope it helped ..
- 6 years ago
@1PumppYes i am playing at the moment and i had crashes since i updated to the latest nvidia drivers. Since i downgraded to the version before, my crashes are gone.
My current specs:
8700k 5.3ghz 1.37v, AVX offset 0
32gb Trident Z Royal (3200 oc at 4000mhz)
Aorus Elite Mainboard
RTX 2080 +1000mhz Memory, +110mhz core
And everything is cooled with a custom loop.
I will report if crashes are completely gone after i played some hours today. - 6 years ago
Well, AVX offset -1 did not fix the issue. I just crashed to desktop with no error again. Going to try -2 now.
- 6 years ago@RylaiLUL helped me too, Till I underclocked my cpu to 4.3 GHZ which is my max Turbo value I played like 2,5 hours without any crashes.
- 6 years ago
hi, i had the same problems, just reset GPU and CPU ratio to default value and i can play 2-3 hours without crash. I also disable sli profile and in game graphic option -> default
- 6 years ago
My cpu and gpu run default settings still crash. I also oc my ram 3200 to 3600 and adjust value.
So I change my ram setting and just run default XMP. It's fine for me. I play good for three hours.
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