Here's the situation... I was banned over a week ago because someone hacked into my account on origin (PC) due to a lousy password I hadn't updated in forever because I had been playing Apex Legends on Steam, not Origin. I can plausibly assume this because my playtime, that Steam shows, did not change or display me playing to my friends at any time. There were also several new friends on Origin that I did not recognize and were very shady. I found this out after coming back to my apartment from a short 1.5 month TDY in another state for military training and seeing that when I logged in I had apparently already completed some of the daily missions (obviously I didn't, but they did). Unfortunately, I regret that I did not start taking action when I immediately found this out, so a week later is when I got banned. So, I began the process of submitting a request too late, but still. I submitted a banned account support request through the only available contact option, email. It said it could take up to 30 days, but my friend told me he was able to talk to them one time over the phone, so I did research and tried a request through a hacked account and submitted a request for both live chat and a phone call on two separate requests (all while the banned account request was still in wait). Both of these bore no fruit, as I never got a phone call, and they just "resolved" those requests. Now, today actually, I have gotten the email back about my banned request and they say they were right in banning me. I AM FED UP! What is this process if those who get screwed over cannot be rightfully compensated with a simple unbanning? I have proof that I was out of state doing military training, I have proof that I only played through steam, I have all the proof necessary, yet they do not believe me? I want an answer on what I can do to get unbanned, and it not be some remark about "contacting the dedicated support team" because obviously they are not that dedicated if they can't see that I was hacked after years of dedicated play and hundreds of dollars spent on a game. Why in the world would I cheat? Does that make any sense? Please give me something I can use, not a generic response EA. I beg of you