Forum Discussion

Captian_Skywalk's avatar
7 years ago

Concerning the "Paper Zombie" issue.

I would like to give my idea for the "Paper Zombie" issue. One that should hopefully be a win -- win for everyone, (developers and players alike). My idea should be the easier and less costly fix. Because here is the deal. If you CG changes the whole kit to the NS Zombie it affects more than just Old Daka's zeta. Let me explain. First we all know that it would render the current Old Daka's zeta as completely useless, thus providing the need to remove every player's zeta (who currently has it on OD) and refunding that "whole" zeta into those accounts. But it would also render every mod for that particular NS team (setup for HSR) useless as well. That mod loadout is made only for NS and only good for the current HSR. In other words that mod loadout is useless for any other team and all other game modes of the game. Because that particular mod loadout requires very little to no protection, and a big focus on health (for certain NS only), and focus on offense and crit chance.

Therefore, if CG changes the whole kit on Zombie it not only renders ONE whole zeta useless, but also 30 mods useless as well. And it could cause CG to have to refund one whole zeta and 30 mods for each player for all NS teams in the game. That would be costly for CG.

Here is my proposal. Instead of changing Zombies kit and refunding zetas and mods; why not just reset all players Zombies in the game back to gear level 1. That way each player can make a conscious decision going further and having knowledge of Zombies kit on what gear level to set there Zombies at.That way players can still gear Zombie back up if they want to or they can all keep her at a low gear and use her awesome kit "AS IS", with the "Paper Zombie" setup. I realize it may not have been the intention of CG to make Zombies current kit work the way it does. But it truly is an awesome kit and "Paper Zombie" makes a great key player on a NS team as is.

But again changing Zombies kit affects zetas, mods, and basically the whole mechanics of using the current NS team the way we have learned to use them effectively in the HSR. It might even change the mechanics so badly that it could potentially have a very negative impact on that part of the Raid for all guilds.

So simply resetting all current Zombies back to gear level 1 and only having to refund gear is much easier and VERY much cheaper of a solution than having to refund whole zetas, mods, and drastically changing the whole NS team in the Raid.
  • They arent doing this. They are changing paper zombie nothing is going to stop it.It's goes against the very idea of a game to not gear or level a toon. Paper zombie will be changed and it's fantasy to actually think CG would reunf 30mods and all the zetas! That is pure fantasy my friend. Sorry wish I could say different but I can't?
  • Why would they refund 30 mods? You can just move them to other characters if they're not longer needed on your NS.
  • I know this wont happen, but I think this is the best fix to the paper zombie problem. Nice work OP
  • There's an easier fix that's way more likely: make zombie slow as crap and ramp the speed up (but not the health by much). That way zombie functions similarly to now, but a paper zombie would never get taunt back because it's too slow