Forum Discussion

SnakesssOnAPlan's avatar
8 years ago

Uniques vs Leader Ability: Inconsistent Inconsistencies!

Edit: Two points to make here. Point 1 most will not agree with, but clearly that's subjective. Point 2 will likely garner much more support.

Point 1: Since Uniques can no longer apply after death, it's high time we take a serious look at all the Uniques applying after such. Boba, SRP, Old Ben to name a few. Rules are rules, and we should be consistent. And why does Zader's Leader Ability for debuffs end upon his death? That should be a Unique.

Point 2: Leader Ability: If a Leader dies his Leader ability should end, IMO. However, the next in command's (based on position on the battle screen) should kick in. Only way to be consistent and fair, plus the gameplay would be insanely enjoyable with the amount of real strategy involved (which is what this game should be about, first and foremost), and not just about muscling your way through.