Forum Discussion

xAhnaldT101x's avatar
8 years ago

Boba Fett Full Thermal Detonator Team

Hey what's going on guys!?

Got a video I uploaded yesterday that I wanted to share with you. Lot of people asked me to make a Boba Fett lead with only thermal detonator characters of the scoundrel/bounty hunter faction so they could see how it would work under Boba's new leadership so here it is!

Summary: Full thermal detonator team will not be viable because Nute Gunray and Mob Enforcer are not all that good (gameplay was really rough for them and got destroyed by many current meta teams). If you replace those two with maybe other non-thermal detonator characters and a good tank you will probably have better luck!

Issues: Bounty Hunters are lacking a really good tank, currently most thermal detonator/bounty hunter characters will not outrun most other teams like Maul zeta lead or TFP, and thermal detonators can be dispelled which defeats the purpose of a full thermal detonator team.

Feedback for Improvement: Gives us Bossk, Embo, or Jango Fett with one of them being a good tank! Make a leader that would prevent thermal detonators from being dispelled kind of like Vader's zeta regarding DoT.

  • "Ig88isboss;965696" wrote:
    "Vertigo;965692" wrote:
    "Woodroward;965689" wrote:
    Tank isn't really necessary for a bounty hunter Squad. Boba's leader ability turns them all into tanks.

    Stack potency mods and crosses on all bounty hunters. Look for high speed secondaries of course.

    Boba(L), Greedo, Zam, IG-88, Dengar.

    The squishiest one among them (IG-88) has 34,000 health in a full Boba led, potency stacked Bounty Hunter Squad... That is more health than ShoreTrooper has... Dengar ends up with around 56,000 health...

    Tanks are completely unnecessary. There's also no point in throwing extra thermal detonator users in there unless they are bounty hunters. Throwing anyone in there who isn't a bounty hunter actually DECREASES the survivability of everyone in the squad. They lose tons of health to bring in another character with health comparable to what their's was before they brought him in. I get that tanks have damage mitigation, but all that extra health on everyone outweighs the tank's usefulness in my opinion

    Well... If there was ONE person I would consider throwing in there outside of that squad it would be Jawa Scavenger. The auto thermal detonators on AoE, and the Scrap Bomb that detonates them MIGHT make him worth it over another bounty hunter (Dengar most likely) but probably not.

    I feel like having Jawa Scav detonate the bombs is a bad idea because it takes away from Zam being able to roll through multiple enemies with Detonators.

    Only works on jawa allies

    Oh I thought he was just putting him in to AOE explode the detonators, read that too fast. I mean he'd still have a 50% chance to place a TD when he was hit. Not worth it though, and still gets in the way of Zam.
  • Greedo could have Tripwire unique

    Tripwire: (Passive)
    Dispelling/Removing Thermal Detonators make them detonate for +50 % damage.
    When this happens (A Thermal detonating via dispel-ability), allied Bounty Hunters gain 20 % Turn meter.

    Panicked retaliation (Passive) (A defensive move)
    Whenever Greedo is hit with an attack, he has 30 % chance of placing a Thermal Detonator on that attacker.
    Also gains Evasion Up for 2 turns.

    Goading Insult (Passive)

    Whenever a Thermal Detonator is detonated, Bossk gains Taunt.
    For each Thermal Detonator that exploded, Bossk gains 1 % Health.

    1 Thermal detonated: Bossk Taunts for 1 turn.
    2-4: Bossk taunts for 2 turns.
    5+ Bossk taunts for 3 turns.
  • Food for thought,

    Instead of making thermals un-dispelleble make them punish targets that have bombs/exploded or cleansed in any manner other than exploding from timer.

    Make it something like this: place thermal detonators on all targets that explodes after 2 turns, if the thermal detonator is removed in any way before 2 turns deal an additional 25% damage and inflict 1 DoT

    I think that makes thermals more unique and actually more viable
  • "Whazn;965502" wrote:
    "Varlie;965378" wrote:
    "AhnaldT101;99415" wrote:
    Feedback for Improvement: Gives us Bossk, Embo, or Jango Fett with one of them being a good tank! Make a leader that would prevent thermal detonators from being dispelled kind of like Vader's zeta regarding DoT.

    I would like to see it go a step farther. Make it dangerous to disarm TDs.
    Tamper Proof - Detonators applied while is alive have a 50% chance to resist dispells. If dispelled, the Thermal Detonator explodes immediately doing 50% more damage. This ability ceases when dies.

    Maybe change that so if dispel is resisted it explodes immediately for 50% more damage. Make cleansing be a gamble.

    I thought about that but I was wanting to keep it unexploded for the characters you can take advantage of it. But that works as well. Make people have to think about an AOE cleanse.
  • "xReDeMpx;965974" wrote:
    Food for thought,

    Instead of making thermals un-dispelleble make them punish targets that have bombs/exploded or cleansed in any manner other than exploding from timer.

    Make it something like this: place thermal detonators on all targets that explodes after 2 turns, if the thermal detonator is removed in any way before 2 turns deal an additional 25% damage and inflict 1 DoT

    I think that makes thermals more unique and actually more viable

    It sounds like we're all in agreement on making TDs a risky option to dispel. Hope the devs are listening.
  • "powerOfTheDarkSide;967750" wrote:
    Thanks Ahnald, we love you, you're amazing, and you make awesome videos. Thanks for all the entertainment!

    Hey no problem! Always fun to make these videos and its great to hear you guys are enjoying them!

    "Varlie;966597" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;965974" wrote:
    Food for thought,

    Instead of making thermals un-dispelleble make them punish targets that have bombs/exploded or cleansed in any manner other than exploding from timer.

    Make it something like this: place thermal detonators on all targets that explodes after 2 turns, if the thermal detonator is removed in any way before 2 turns deal an additional 25% damage and inflict 1 DoT

    I think that makes thermals more unique and actually more viable

    It sounds like we're all in agreement on making TDs a risky option to dispel. Hope the devs are listening.

    You guys have been having a great discussion on this and I really do hope the devs saw this forum discussion or the video. I really do like the idea of letting TD's be dispelled but making it very risky to do so. Not all that easy to diffuse a bomb or get rid of one so they should incorporate that somehow. Kind of like hot potato :D
  • "Vertigo;965692" wrote:
    "Woodroward;965689" wrote:
    Tank isn't really necessary for a bounty hunter Squad. Boba's leader ability turns them all into tanks.

    Stack potency mods and crosses on all bounty hunters. Look for high speed secondaries of course.

    Boba(L), Greedo, Zam, IG-88, Dengar.

    The squishiest one among them (IG-88) has 34,000 health in a full Boba led, potency stacked Bounty Hunter Squad... That is more health than ShoreTrooper has... Dengar ends up with around 56,000 health...

    Tanks are completely unnecessary. There's also no point in throwing extra thermal detonator users in there unless they are bounty hunters. Throwing anyone in there who isn't a bounty hunter actually DECREASES the survivability of everyone in the squad. They lose tons of health to bring in another character with health comparable to what their's was before they brought him in. I get that tanks have damage mitigation, but all that extra health on everyone outweighs the tank's usefulness in my opinion

    Well... If there was ONE person I would consider throwing in there outside of that squad it would be Jawa Scavenger. The auto thermal detonators on AoE, and the Scrap Bomb that detonates them MIGHT make him worth it over another bounty hunter (Dengar most likely) but probably not.

    I feel like having Jawa Scav detonate the bombs is a bad idea because it takes away from Zam being able to roll through multiple enemies with Detonators.

    Well the idea was to have options on ways to detonate them instantly. Oftentimes Zam misses out on being able to detonate her detonators for some reason or another, in those instances, being able to detonate them instantly with another character could be quite good, especially with the debuffs that will get dropped on the enemy from this method, and it will basically give the entire rest of the team a full turn (if you spam Greedo and Zam together, which I would).

    I forgot that scavenger's detonators are Jawa only. That makes him less useful in this setup. He'll still get some out, but if he isn't significantly upping the number of detonators being spread around, he's not cut out for this squad. The losses the other Bounty Hunters suffer is greater than what he produces in that instance (IMO).

    (Sorry for late reply, I actually did reply earlier, but my post pulled one of those disappearing acts after I edited it).

    EDIT: Actually Scavenger could still be good in here with a starting turn order. Boba AoE first, followed by IG-88 AoE, then Zam td spam, then Greedo td spam, then Jawa Scavenger scrap bomb (BOOM) all the bounty hunters go again... Boba executes whoever has the most debuffs. Zam exposes, etc. etc.

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