I can't access any of my maxis store content
Seeing all the sales for the maxis store towns in the EA Launcher is pretty darn infuriating since none of it works, because the game can't recognize the legitimacy of it all. 😠
I had to wrestle with the game in order to get it to download it all to the launcher, but even after that when i had installed it all, it then decided to delete it all as soon as i started the game, and it also disabled all my DLCs as well just to add the cherry on the top.
These problems have been since the maxis store first launched and i am so sick and tired of doing the job of the Developers for them!
And it's ten times worse now since the maxis store website have basically been abandoned.
Not to forget that the last time i got it to actually work, it had some straight up broken content sold on the store.
Like the castle kit which had it's walls wrongly scaled, preventing you from actually building with it, because nothing would actually attach to it, because it was all considered to be bigger then what it actually was by the game, And not to forget the actual castle advertised with the kit was not even included unlike how the builds was for most of the other kits.
Another broken pack which i can unpleasantly remember is the World bundle, which would hardlock the whole game for most of those who bought it, and i think if i remember correctly it was because you could buy some of the content from it separately which messed up everything if you tried to download the town after that, and because of how the point system works for the maxis store meant that many would buy random bits and pieces of content here and there without realizing it.
There should be a line of code which prevents duplicates from being downloaded, and another code to delete the old code and replace it with the new code in the right order since downloading them in the wrong order can mess up the game.
When i pay for additional content for my games then i exspect it to work, the last thing i exspect is to be forced to do the work of the developers for them.
I am genuinely considering to take this up with the court of the european commission for games. 👨⚖️