Hens wont eat treats (cottage living)
I've been trying to get rainbow eggs and a golden/evil chicken but every time I try to feed a treat to one of my animals it spawns on the ground on the porch (front of the lot) even though my chickens are at the back of the lot. I still get the relationship increased that you usually get from giving an animal a treat, but it doesn't seem like the hen is actually eating it. When I interact with the treat when it's on the ground I can either throw it away or call a chicken to eat it, except the hen basically just ignores me. My rooster actually ate a golden treat when I called it to (when the treat was on the ground), so I think it's just hens.
I'm living on a residential rental lot, but I don't think that has anything to do with it, as I've tested on another lot.. I also play with a fair bit of cc and mods, but I have already tried troubleshooting by playing without mods. It seems that the issue only occurs on the lot in which I actually WANT to have hens eat treats.
I've never tried really playing through the cottage living pack, so having this as my first experience with it is disappointing. Any tips are appreciated!