Purpose of Residence Keys
I don't understand how Residence Keys are supposed to work in the game. I would think that by giving a sim a residence key, it would allow them to enter the house when the door is locked. This does not seem to be the case.
Also, when I have multiple members of a house, and one hands out a residence key, this option is still available in the dialog options for the other members of the house to give the same guest sim another residence key.
I have not found Residence Keys covered in any of the lessons.
If residence keys are not allowing a sim to enter the associated locked door, what's their point?
Apart from checking there is no other lot trait interfering with it, like "Private Dwelling"? (which discourages visitors)
>> needs to be a 'Good Friends' status with the person that receives the key.; so perhaps monitor the friend status bar also.
From IGN TS4 'Apartments" Guide "..."Keys to friends have no direct benefit other than having a close relationship stop by often. Keys cannot be given to friends for houses in the suburbs in this way."
a few more tips here:
Happy Simming, and good luck with the process.