Forum Discussion

FreddyFox1234's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

Mac users get ready to move from Origin to EA App

I didn’t know which discussion category to put this in, but Sims Community is reporting that Mac users are soon going to be asked to move from Origin to the EA App. See for useful info.

This was always inevitable, but I for one have been kind of hoping Mac users might be overlooked and not have to move away. :) Having heard so many negative accounts from Windows users, I’m kind of dreading this.

How do others feel?

9 Replies

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  • Lol, yeah, for once I actually wished we Mac users would have been overlooked as usual! I’m not looking forward to it either, and I plan to hold off as long as possible. It’s my understanding that EA will send me a link at some point when they want me to sign up, but unless they lock me out of Origin at the same time, I’ll ignore it. I have no desire to struggle with losing my packs or saves, etc., like the Windows users did. I’m also not sure whether you can turn off automatic updates in the EA app. If not, that’s a major problem for me too, as a mod user. (Not to mention the fact that most updates introduce new bugs. Even the last SDX introduced a bug related to the backpacks.)

    The only upside is that they’ve gotten in the habit of giving away platform-specific freebies, but mainly for console or the EA app, so we won’t miss out on those freebies anymore. Although I actually did some workaround trickery involving a borrowed PC and a temporary install of the EA app to get the last one (one of the CAS kits, can’t even remember what it’s called now) into my Origin game!
  • I think I’ll make the switch once I’ve heard how others get on. If it’s a total nightmare, I’ll hold back - and for me it needs to work for both TS3 and TS4. If it’s looking OK, I’ll switch.

    I too hope you can turn off automatic updates. I want to be able to control when my game updates. I’m not bothered about the mod aspect, but I hate settling down to play and then finding that there’s a major update that will take half an hour to download before I can play.

    I didn’t know there were freebies for those using the EA App. I knew about console freebies. I guess that’s one (very small) upside then. :)
  • sparilis's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    2 years ago
    I really, really, really don't want to move from Origin to the EA app. Origin is working just fine for me. Are they doing this because they don't want to maintain both apps?
  • I'm another one that's not switching until there is absolutely no option. As long as I can launch and play my game offline I'm not switching. I had been holding out on buying the last six kits, but with this switch over coming I bought the ones I felt I would use most while I can still use Origin. The only other way I would opt in is if we get a music/band pack, and even then I'm not getting the app until the pack, and more importantly the app itself, have proven not to be a total disaster. Complete disaster or not, if that's the only option I have to play my game and tell my stories I'll go in, but that's it.

    In all honesty this switch from Origin, which has worked just fine thank you very much, to the EA App is a textbook example of the old saying "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." I don't understand why we even needed Origin to play an offline game, but, it's been a total rockstar. I can count on two, maybe three fingers, the number of times Origin interfered with me playing my game. And it has never, ever, forgotten what content I own.
  • @sparilis Yes, the EA App is meant to completely replace Origin, which I think EA sees as having served its time. I don’t know why because Origin seemed to work fine for everybody, but I guess they have their reasons why they think it needs replacing. We Mac users were lucky in being able to keep Origin a bit longer while they focused on PC players, but now its our turn to have Origin removed.

    @DaniRose2143 I too have never understood why we needed a client like Origin and now the EA App to play the game - though presumably the fact that it acts as a shop has a lot to do with it. But other games don’t need something like that — or maybe there are some that do? I don’t play enough other games to know. :)
  • Saw a message on Origin about this last night. I have a windows partition on an old Mac that I used for Sims 2, so I already have the EA App on there. I haven't had any issues, but I only play Sims 2 on there. That game doesn't go online at all, so beyond when I installed it, I haven't even been online.

    Hopefully everything will go smoothly. I've got my game and library backed up in case it doesn't.
  • I saw the notice on Origin this morning when I logged in to play the game.


    I really don’t want to give Origin up. It works on my computer, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

    The only thing I might tolerate about the EA app is if it’ll let me quit the app and still be able to play the Sims and do other things in the background so I don’t have to have 5 or 6 applications running at the same time.
  • I know "It works fine for me" posts doesn't mean much, but... the EA App have worked fine for me on Windows, the only issue I am having is that the app requires me to log in and doesn't remember my account when I'm in offline mode so I have to log in every time I want to play in offline mode but that's a small thing for me to live with so I can still play the game without having to update.

    Apart from that, the app runs well, it doesn't require a lot of resources and it is much better designed in my opinion. I was able to transition from Origin to the EA App without having to update The Sims 4, I can turn off automatic updates and play the game in offline mode and the client works great with game pass or steam if you use any of those services.
  • @logion It’s really good to hear about your positive experience. I guess the thing is that you tend to hear more from the people for whom the app isn’t working well and who experience problems with it. Those who don’t have any problems tend to be less vocal, so for those watching on like me, we get an unbalanced view. The same applies to bugs in updates and DLC. It’s always good to get a bit of balance! Let’s hope that Mac users’ experience is like yours.

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