Forum Discussion

shesemeaux's avatar
New Novice
2 months ago


So I’ve been trying to successfully move my game to my external hard drive and at first it worked. I used the symbolic link thing. Then I realized some of my cc/mods didn’t make it to my external drive so my sims were half naked. While trying to fix it, I’ve messed something up. Every time I reinstall the game, it creates a The Sims 4 folder directly inside of Documents instead of inside of Electronic Arts now. If I delete it, the game completely uninstalls. When I would reset before, I could just delete that file, start the game and the new files will appear like normal. Also, In this sims file there are a bunch of EP folders that weren’t originally there. Please help.

i also tried to install the game with the link extension with all my mods, saves, trays etc & it will not download. It gets stuck at 2%

I also followed another tutorial that taught me how to disconnect one drive from my computer idk if that has anything to do with it. I moved everything from one drive to my external drive.

9 Replies

  • shesemeaux  I would suggest moving the entire Sims 4 folder to your other drive and using a symbolic link to tell the game where to look.  You could link only the Mods folder if you want, but I can't promise you that it will work perfectly all the time.  Still, it's easy to test.

    Here's how to create a symbolic link:

    The example covers moving the entire Sims 4 folder, but if you only want to move the Mods folder, you can see how the command would work the same except with \Mods added to the end of each location.  And you can move the data to a subfolder on D; in fact I'd recommend that if you're thinking about installing the game there too.  It's critical to keep the program files (what the EA App installs) and the user data (saves, mods, etc.) from mixing.

    If you're not sure what you're doing here, feel free to ask for clarification.  List the folder you'd like to move (the entire Sims 4 folder, or the Mods folder, or Electronic Arts) and the location where you want it.

  • puzzlezaddictDisregard, it’s working again! Thank you so much. One last question. If I want more space for mods and cc, would I have to link my game to my hard drive or is there a way to only link my mods? I don’t want to risk messing my game up again

  • shesemeaux  The actual registry is what to believe, not the reg query command, which should be accurate but is derivative.  (And I've seen a couple other instances of it not switching over after the location of the Documents directory changes.  Sometimes a restart helps.)  But the important question now is what folder Sims 4 is reading.  Here's how to find it:

    If it's now reading C:\Users\your username\Documents etc., you're fine and can proceed to the next steps.  If you see anything else, let me know.

    Please also get rid of the D:\OneDrive folder, if you can.  It's only going to cause confusion.

  • shesemeaux's avatar
    New Novice
    2 months ago

    puzzlezaddictI followed the instructions from that link. the reg query is still saying onedrive though. Did I not do it correctly? i also reinstalled the game to a different location and still got the program files.

  • shesemeaux  Your computer has multiple Documents folders, but only one is the directory.  So you can find any of the folders and check their properties and see the location, all of which will be different.  That's not the question here; the question is where the directory is.

    If the reg query command is saying your Documents directory is still in OneDrive, then you need to change it.  Here's how:

    Again, save the folders I listed, and delete the Sims 4 folder in Documents, now with OneDrive unlinked.  Then reinstall the game to a different location, NOT in Documents.

  • shesemeaux's avatar
    New Novice
    2 months ago

    puzzlezaddictwhen I looked at properties to move the location it already says C:\Users\my user\documents

    but on command it still shows one drive. I don’t see how to fix that on the other forum. I don’t have one drive on my computer anymore I unlinked it and everything. I did that before posting here. I don’t have anything on my hard drive anymore because when I tried to use the link extension to run the game on my external drive, it replaced ALL my files with the program files so all my mods/cc, saves & trays were gone. 
    I deleted it all from my hard drive so now it’s empty. I tried deleting everything. The sims. Ea app & just ran it like normal and the program files still showed up in documents. This is really confusing lol I wasn’t worried about it though because I have everything backed up on Google Drive as well. I just want the game to stop putting the program files in my documents.

    also something weird, my documents file doesn’t appear on the side of file explorer unless I have one drive synced. If I don’t, I have to look for Documents

  • shesemeaux  If you want to stop OneDrive from syncing your files, please see this guide, either the "I want OneDrive to stop syncing my files" or the "I want to get rid of OneDrive" section:

    [CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 saves/user content disappearing (PC) | EA Forums - 11838402

    Don't delete anything permanently, of course, unless you know you're not going to want it again.  If you can't make a backup of your entire Sims 4 folder, back up the saves and Tray folders, plus Screenshots and Recorded Videos if you care about those, plus Mods if you have any mods or custom content you couldn't redownload later.

    The rest is the game's program files, so go ahead and trash all of that, and let OneDrive delete it permanently if necessary.  You're going to need to reinstall the game anyway.

    When you've trashed this Sims 4 folder, change the OneDrive settings as described above.  Then use the same reg query command to confirm your Documents diectory is no longer inside OneDrive.

    Next, reinstall Sims 4 to a different location, somewhere NOT in Documents.  The default C:\Program Files\EA Games is fine.  If the game still shows as installed, please list its location, under Sims 4 > Manage > View properties.  (It shouldn't show as installed, but let's make sure.)  When it's installed again, try to play and let me know how it goes.  Your saves won't be present yet, but if everything else is fine, you can restore them from the saves folder you put aside, and your Tray files and anything else you preserved as well.

    If anytihng goes wrong with this process, stop at that point and describe to me what you see, or post some screenshots.  This can absolutely be sorted out; it just takes some effort sometimes.

  • puzzlezaddict  yes it still says onedrive! I forgot to say, I also tried moving it to the bin previous times but it ended up saying its too big to recycle and has to be permanently deleted. I can;t move it to desktop either it says something about another program

  • shesemeaux  First, let's find out whether your user folder is still in OneDrive.  Search in Windows for Command Prompt, open it, and enter this command:

    reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"

    The result should be C:\Users\your username\Documents unless you specifically chose to move it elsewhere.  If you see OneDrive in the path, or anything else you didn't intend, stop here and let me know.

    Otherwise, please delete the Sims 4 folder in your screenshot, but don't empty the trash yet just in case you need to recover something.  It looks like this folder has both user and program files in it.  Clear the EA App's cache:

    and reinstall the game, but this time, choose the location you want to use on your external drive.  It would be best to create a folder on the external, so you install the game to something like D:\Games rather than directly to D:\, as this will help prevent certain other issues down the line.

    If the folder in your screenshot comes back after you trash it, right-click it and select Properties > General, then list the Location, as in, I'd like to know whether it happens to be in OneDrive.

    If you can successfully reinstall the game to the external and the data in your screenshot does NOT come back, launch the game once to make sure it's working, and let me know where you'd like your user data to be.  Please list the entire file path to that location.

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