Not exactly a fix but I've been able to play with this little workaround when it happens.. after the infinite save screen just close the game and when you open it back up don't hit resume on the household at the top, click load game and play that way so it takes you to manage worlds. From there choose a world your household does not live in and choose a random lot (better if the lot only contains base game items and not modified with CC) It should let you load in and save there without the infinite screen and when you travel back home it should be okay from there. Thats been working for me but ofc the infinite screen is sometimes inevitable, so I just repeat that process. In the event you get stuck on loading screen while trying to travel back home or to a different lot (like I have smfh) I found that if you have another sim in the household that you know is at the home/lot you want to go to, click the little square at the top right corner of their icon and click switch control to sim and it will take you home then just bring the sim that's stuck at the lot and making you see the infinite loading screen when trying to travel; they instantly pop up. Hope this helps!