can't build in build mode
I'm hoping someone who knows how to fix this issue or anyone with some ideas as to why it could be happening will reach out to me and give me some tips and tricks to help!
I'm in the middle of building a new house and for some reason when I go into build mode to try and build it works one time. I'm truly only able to build one singular wall and then it just bugs out and I'm no longer able to build or place anything then I have to restart my whole game and it does the same thing every time. Does anyone have any idea as to what is having this happen? because when I take my mod folder out to see if it's any of my mods causing the issue, it still happens so at this point I don't think it's any of my mods and this is the first time I've had this happen to me. I've tried looking into Youtube videos and nothing has worked so far. I'm still currently not able to build in build mode or place anything after I build one wall, it completely bugs my game out still. Any help would be great!