Forum Discussion

NaamarTissue's avatar
New Novice
2 months ago

Sims 4 Can't Download Latest Updates

I've been trying to download this dang update since lovestruck came out. I love the sims but holy, ea needs to get it together because it's just broken update after broken update and then broken packs.


Anyway, I keep getting an error saying something went wrong. When there is no error, the progress bar (doesn't even get to the actual download, it gets stuck on preparing) the progress bar jumps from 6% to 80% to 30% back to 2% etc before eventually giving me an error or just getting stuck for up to 24 hours before crashing. I've moved my mods out, tried clearing the cache, tried repairing it (That had an error too before it got to finish).  i've tried each of these (Except for the mods cause y'know) multiple times and it just doesn't work. 

Anyone struggling with the same?

Seems like lots of people are having problems with the update, so hopefully this will be resolved shortly. 

  • J00yce's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I’ve the same issue and we’re the 30th of July…I really hope that they’re gonna fix it cause I want to play 

    • J00yce's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Well, suddenly the game fixed by itself 

      • NaamarTissue's avatar
        New Novice

        Did you just leave the game alone? Did you do anything to the app? or it just suddenly started working when you loaded it?

  • proudmom707's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I’m on the same boat. I’ve been trying to update/download my sims since the 26th. 
    Hopefully this gets resolved soon.