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Motion Sickness - Please RE don't forget about us suffering from this annoyance.
Dear Respawn Entertainment. Me as well as millions of other players are already in love with the title you have created with visible passion and talent. But within our ranks, there are those who cannot enjoy your game to the fullest because of the annoyance that is motion sickness. It is an issue that has stopped me from playing some games before sadly.. And I am really hoping it will not be the case this time as I see the insane potential that Apex Legends has. The main issue creating the motion sickness is head bobbing and other small movements our characters/camera do when doing certain actions. Sprinting, sliding, reloading and shooting camera movements slowly but surely build up for a massive headache after (or often before) the match ends. The ideal example of this is the Peacekeeper. Where not the actual shooting recoil (or even the blurring effect after a shot) is the issue but the camera movement after every shot while reloading the shell and the actual reload animation. The game is really hard to endure for more than a single match and even in small doses, it does make people sensitive to this kind of things sick. It's worth noting that that's the only issue. Camera Movement. Everything else is done great. - No horrible motion blur effects known from other games.. - Anti-aliasing works great and does not blur out the game to the point of getting sick from that.. -The game is sharp and fluid which helps. Also, I would like to add that I do understand that most of those effects are for additional visual effect, feedback and in some cases even balance. But giving players an option to at least reduce if not turn off those camera movements in at least some cases would save the game for people with this issue. And while I know it's not the majority of players.. We are a part of the community. Additionally.. For the people who will randomly stumble on this post while looking for help or information.. How motion sickness affect us? - Headaches - Dizziness - An annoying feeling in stomach - In some cases vomiting.. How to reduce the negative effects? - Good lightning behind the display - Regular breaks/Looking away from the display regularly - Keeping the game smooth with at least stable 60fps - Setting up FOV to above 90 - Chewing ginger - And of course there is medicine for motion sickness but it does have negative effects too sadly.. All of the things above don't stop motion sickness but they do help reducing it effects a little allowing you to feel slightly better after a full match. Little update: It seems there is quite a lot of us having this issue actually. More than i thought. I really hope this issue is going to be addressed.18KViews247likes54CommentsSolos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with them, but its extremly rarely. Even if you are playing with 1 friend in squad its mostly hard to comminicate with 1 random guy with or without voice chat. Please consider adding Solos and Duos.8.1KViews199likes402Comments- 36KViews158likes41Comments
Skill-based Matchmaking is mandatory for better player experience.
I was one of the people that believed everything was fine with matchmaking... until a couple of days later when you start seeing a CLEAR difference between the everyday joe that works and cannot play all day everyday and the "others". The game rapidly became frustrating for the "casuals" as those do not have much chance of winning anymore. I can already hear elitists with no counter arguments and just spamming strawman fallacies like "get good" (try to bring objective counter arguments pls) but there needs to be a match making for several reasons: 1)Noobs getting into the game won't enjoy nor will they actually improve if they get vaporised without any chance of learning. 2)Better players will not improve if they simply stomp noobs. 3)You have randos/strangers with work and responsabilities forming squads of casuals without any real teamwork as they don't know each other at all versus sweaty mc tryhards squads that haven't showered in the past 2 days that play all day/night together. With a proper skill-based matchmaking you get: 1)Noobs will be facing noobs giving everybody a fair chance 2)Average Joes facing average Joes for fair/entertaining and non frustrating games 3)Pros, twitch streamers and sweaty tryhards will be put together and the game will be much more challenging for all of them 4)You can even make a "ranked" queue/mode that rewards top squads with bonuses such as crafting metals for example to give an incentive to better players (or masochistic noobs) to play on there instead of the regular queue. The argument of "people will be playing always against the same people" is bs as there is more than 25 million players on the game as of this day. Also, everybody wins. Games will be more challenging, fairer, more rewarding and a LOT less frustrating overall. The only reasons somebody would be against matchmaking, would be because he's pitiful and only wants free wins against worse players or if he's a noob player himself and, well, he's the definition of a masochistic noob lol.7.2KViews137likes331CommentsEasy Anti-Cheat for Linux/Proton available
Today Epic has stated that they support EAC for Proton: To make it easy for developers to ship their games across PC platforms, support for the Wine and Proton compatibility layers on Linux is included. Starting with the latest SDK release, developers can activate anti-cheat support for Linux via Wine or Proton with just a few clicks in the Epic Online Services Developer Portal. From the announcement: When will it be possible to enable this for Apex Legends?Solved8.8KViews85likes34CommentsAdd an option for deaf players to "visualize sounds" - accessibility
There should be an option in the settings to turn on a "deaf mode" so people who are deaf could make the most of the game. I suggest a way to "visualize the sound" through some sort of icon on the screen of a footprint (in case the sound is footsteps, obviously), a bullet in case it's shot, or a grenade, and so on (the icons would be related to the source of the sound). Also, an arrow close to the icon could show the direction of where those sounds are coming from. When enabled, all gaming sounds would be automatically muted so people who can hear don't use both audio and visual at the same time. I've seen a post of a player on a Facebook group who is deaf and solely relies on pings to know what is happening in his surroundings, but since most of the random players don't cooperate, I can imagine how frustrating it is for him when he bumps into enemies out of nowhere without even having the chance to get ready to the fight in advance - as most of the players do. Please consider this feature as inclusion is always welcome. I attached an image I made so the idea can be better understood. EDIT: I decided to brush up on the concept for the sound indicators based on studies and feedback I've been receiving, and here it is:8.1KViews83likes32CommentsSbmm is broken
I understand not wanting to scare off new players by feeding them to the wolves immediately, but the sbmm algorithm you guys have implemented is absolutely terrible. It's made the game a sweat fest of insane proportions. I consider myself average maybe slightly better, but 80 of my last 100 deaths are to players with 10,000 more kills than me, 4k, and 20 kill badges. I've played the game since launch and haven't thought about leaving it until now. I could care less about new content if the game isn't fun anymore. Classic case of fixing what was never broken. Skill based matchmaking is for ranked mode please keep it there.11KViews72likes63CommentsToo many "pro" players ruining everyone's fun.
So...this one is a little stupid and more me being a "salty and sore loser" but in my opinion, I don't care. Whenever I play Apex, i would often think i would get a decent lobby where everyone is at least decent and not too good/bad. but all i get are stupidly high lv players with an insane amount of kills who want nothing more than to ruin everyone's day, including mine. These "pro" players don't deserve to be in lobbies where there are loads of lv level players. These low levels wanna get used to the game and enjoy themselves but when these "pro" players destroy them with nothing more than a Peacekeeper or any full-auto weapons. I feel sorry for these low level players cause they wanna play something thats fast paced, balanced and is not Fortnite/PUBG. But instead they get the sweaty, try-hard, "pro" players whose ego's are bigger than their brains. Why can't players who are, say, over lv 45-50 be put in a match where it's all high levels? give low level players a chance to experience the game without the threat of the sweaty try-hards. These guys just wanna ruin everyone's fun because all they care about is winning and nothing else. It's not even a competitive game. but as always games like these bring out the worst of people. Hate, laugh and troll me all you want, one thing is certain: Low level players need a chance to enjoy the game without any high level sweaty players ruining everyone's fun. High level players over lvs 45-50 should have their own lobby for them where anyone below lv 45 or so won't be rekt by them. Also, nerf Peacekeeper slightly and buff the P2020 slightly. 😉22KViews72likes145CommentsPlease add rewards for level 100 players
I've noticed as some players have been hitting level 100 the common complaint has been there are no more rewards like Apex packs after hitting level 100. At this point the only way to continue unlocking skins or Crafting metals is paying for loot boxes. This is something I believe to be an incredibly bad idea. Here are some suggestions i'll add below to give level 100 players rewards to still work towards. I've bought the Founders pack, Starters pack and played for 100 hours already and feel i've barely gotten too many skins and not even enough crafting metals to make a decent skin yet. * Daily challenges - Much like every other BR these days except rewarding Apex packs 1-3 packs depending on difficulty of the challenge * Either keep the level cap at 100 for each season but allow players to grind XP to unlock Apex Packs while at max level. Either that or allow them to "Prestige up" and reset their level to 1. * Add "Legend levels" where you can level up your favorite legends to unlock character specific skins/poses/banners/finishers/stats etc. * Reward players for winning a match with 1 Apex Pack, 50 Crafting Metals, 100 Legend Tokens - Champions deserve to be rewarded right? Leave your thoughts and feedback below and hopefully the Devs see this feedback and make a few tweaks. Share any ideas of your own, they don't have to implement them all but hopefully if we throw enough mud maybe some will stick.18KViews72likes56Comments[Guide] How to report users and cheaters
{Thank you for pinning this thread :eahigh_file: } Currently there are over 60 separate threads in the general feedback forum alone about reporting players or cheaters so I thought i'd put together solutions i've found on the web and in these threads in a central place so hopefully people can send their reports to the right places. I'll add to this if anyone else has any links/tips on how to report cheaters/players. Please do not post below your 'examples' of cheats or post names/user ID's or people you feel are bad players/cheats, use the tools described below. The more we use these tools to report genuine cheaters the more likely we are to have an impact. Thank you. Cheaters {EDIT 20/03/19} Players can now report cheaters they encounter in-game and it’ll be sent directly to Easy Anti-Cheat. You can do this from either the spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. Screenshots of where to find the report option in the spoiler below [Source: Season 1 Wild Frontier Patch Notes] Report through the Easy Anti-Cheat form here [Thanks to @Zeelmaekers and the CM's who've posted this across a lot of cheater topics] Reporting All platforms EA help has a reporting form for a range of topics including harassment here [Thanks to @Bowi_QC for the info] Origin 1. Open your Friends List. 2. Click the Add a Friend button. 3. Search for the ID of the user you want to report. 4. Click on their name to open the user's Profile. 5. Click Report User (in drop down arrow) and tell them what sort of problem you're having. If you can, include this information: The screen name, Gamertag, PlayStation™Network online ID, or ID of the offender. A screenshot of the action as it happens. A screenshot of the main score screen. [Thanks to @Alpha3741 who posted this on another topic] Xbox One To report a player who has behaved in an inappropriate way or posted inappropriate content: 1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, go to People, and then select the gamertag you wish to report. If the player is not a friend, select Recent players, or select Find someone and enter the player's gamertag to search. 2. From the player's profile, select Report or block. 3. Select Report. 4. Select one of the following reasons for the report: - Player name or gamertag: The player's name or gamertag is inappropriate. - Cheating: The player used unauthorized modifications or attempted to gain an unfair advantage in multiplayer gaming. - Player picture: The player’s gamerpic is inappropriate. - Voice communication: The player used inappropriate, abusive, or threatening language in voice communications. - Unsporting behavior: The player didn’t show good sportsmanship. - Quitting early: The player frequently quit multiplayer games to avoid losing. 5. Select Add comment to provide more information. When finished, select Report. [Source:] PS4 Inappropriate User IDs or inappropriate messages 1. Go to [Friends] and find the profile in your Friends List or search for the player's online ID. 2. Highlight the item you want to report and press the Options button. 3. Select [Report] and choose what you want to report: [Source:] All other report reasons 1. Search the profile of the player that you want to report and press X; 2. Once inside of the profile press Option with the controller; 3. Select Report; 4. Something in profile; 5. Online ID; 6. I think it should not be on PlayStation Network; 7. Select Harassment; 8. Then Next; 9. Enter information as to why you're reporting the user in the text box; 10. Select Next to finish and submit the report. [Thanks to @Bowi_QC who contacted PSN live chat for the info] CM Edit Update with some info on toxicity reporting. Fighting Toxicity Apex Legends is a place for you to join forces with other players where you can express yourself, your individuality, and have fun. But it’s not just your space, it’s everyone’s. Harassing, bullying, threatening, offending, or any toxic behavior towards others is not acceptable—ever. That’s why we’ve recently updated Apex Legends with a way for you to report toxicity in-game. When you sign up for your EA Account, you agree to play by fair rules. We’re counting on you to keep toxicity out of the dropship, the ring, and everywhere in between. Read more about how we're building healthy communities for all gamers. WHAT DOES REPORTING LOOK LIKE? Post match you can report players using the button listed at the bottom of the screen. After choosing to report a player, we’ll ask you to choose a reason for reporting. If you select Cheating, we’ll ask you to pick from a list of common cheating behaviors. If you pick Other, we’ll send you to the player’s Origin page. From here you can pick from a list of reasons you’re reporting this player.Solved312KViews67likes454CommentsLets Talk About 'Skill-Based Matchmaking'?
INTRODUCTION Hey there, let me start with that I know that most of the users here are players of Apex, but this also seems like this is my best chance at getting some communication from the Apex Developer team on their thoughts and actions regarding SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking) as it currently is. Although I don't have high hopes given the track record of the team's communication to players about certain issues given how busy they are, let's do our best to offer them our insights regarding this topic in a respectful way. I have yet to find a better outlet where I could talk about ideas with the developers, so this is my shot in the dark, at worst if that doesn't work I hope this thread might offer them insights into the current SBMM design. I encourage other players to talk about their experiences in unranked / casual / quickplay matchmaking below in a reply. TOPIC To start, I am a predator level player who has achieved a competitive predator ranking. I have around 900 hours in the game at the moment and I offer my thoughts from the mindset of a higher level of player than the average. I play for more than two hours per gaming session. I have played Apex since the launch before it even finished downloading, and I feel like I am being punished for playing unranked games. When I enter unranked lobbies, at least half of the teams I fight are pre-made, as in they are a full squad who queued up together. On top of this, they tend to be around the same skill as players I have fought in Platinum competitive matches. I understand based on my previous experience with competitive games why SBMM is added, its primary goal is to encourage a space for newer players to not feel intimidated by players with a better understanding of the game. Despite understanding why someone would want to add this to an unranked mode, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that the current model is not sustainable. As you perform well, you are placed against other people that perform just as well. You are punished for performing well by being pitted against players of an equal or higher skill level. Your options are to perform better than you did in the previous match, or just die. As someone who now plays mostly with a group now to feel like I can reasonably compete with other squads, I can no longer play alone or with some lower level friends in unranked matches unless I severely outplay the enemy teams. Over 500 of my hours were playing solos, to meet people and have fun, largely before the SBMM change. Ranking systems like how the current SBMM is designed are best fit for competitive play, not what should be unranked. Developer Questions Do developers see this as a potential problem? What potential changes are the developer team considering to address this issue? Is this a higher priority issue? Recommendations I enjoy this game and want to keep playing, but my time played the last month or so has been steadily declining as a result of this experience. I cannot see myself playing as much alone or with a team as things stand. I would like for there to be a better line of communication with the developer team. If I were to make a recommendation, it would be to scrap the higher end of SBMM. Limit SBMM to apply to those on the lower end of rankings. Imagine if we were all ranked by numbers ranging from 1-100, players rank 30 or below would be matched to players of a similar skill level, but once you reach any ranking above 30, you would match with anyone within the range of ranks 31-100. A battle royale game should be a game with a disparity in skill, only one team can win. I understand that encouraging a healthy environment for new players is important, so this is my recommendation with that in mind. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from everyone. ☕9.3KViews61likes222CommentsI am afraid of buying EA products in the future - I am banning EA from my wallet
Yesterday I received email from EA with following content: We want to notify you that we found your EA Account to be in violation of our Rules of Conduct. While reviewing your account, we identified the following violation: Apex Legends - Harassment There are 3 quotes of me using inappropriate language followed by this: Being part of a gaming community should be positive, fun, fair, and safe for all. This means that we take any breaches of our Rules of Conduct, including toxic behavior, very seriously. We outline our commitment to this in our Positive Play Charter: For this violation, we have suspended your account for 72 hours, effective immediately. A reminder here, we take a cumulative approach to these offences and if we continue to see behavior like this, we will again suspend or ban your account. Our Rules of Conduct are Section 6 of our User Agreement which you can read in full here: You accept this agreement when you create an EA Account and download any of our games. -------------------------- I was banned from whole Origin and I can't log in into any of the games I have there. I can't log in to the Battlefield Bad Company 2 (I have it on Steam also) that was released 11 years ago, even before Origin existed. So they did not ban me from Apex for 72 hours or chat restricted me there, they banned me in all of their games. I have this EA account since Battlefield 2. That game was released in 2005. This is the first time EA punished me in last 15 years. I have not been banned or in other way punished by EA ever before. So, frustrating Apex Arenas had to happen to bring the worst out of me. What do they accomplish with this suspension? - It does not stop me from playing Apex, it is free to play game. I can always make new account. I can always type what ever I want in the game before they ban me. I could be toxic in Apex Legends right now. - I dont care about cosmetics in any game. I did buy battle pass 2 times because I wanted to support the company. - I also bought Battlefield Hardline in the past even if I never intended to play the game. I wanted to support them. - So, the only thing they did is: they lost my trust. I am legitimately scared of buying any EA products in the future. "A reminder here, we take a cumulative approach to these offences and if we continue to see behavior like this, we will again suspend or ban your account." So they can permanently ban me in all of their games if I use "excessive shouting (all caps)" ever, in any of their games. It seems like a huge coinflip for me... I am not sure I am willing to take a risk with this company. Or maybe they can ban me after they read this or if I write on reddit about how bad their game mode is: They actually suspended my account 1 hour after I wrote that. ------------------------- Some xenophobic dude insulted me over the voice chat in Apex Legends and made fun of the way I speak English. I was already tilted too much, I wrote something proportionally bad in text chat and I am banned now. There is uncertainty... will EA in the future release game mode that is unready, unpolished and rushed.... and will I be tilted because I play that mode.... will they ban me for ever in Bad Company 2 🙂)) because this mode is tilting me and xenophobic people are thinking they can spread their xenophobia freely? Should I roll the dice? Is this new business model? Ban guys who own too many skins so they need to buy skins again? EA it is not only my fault I am tilted while playing Arena mode it is your fault also. From the email "Being part of a gaming community should be positive, fun, fair, and safe for all." You failed with this. Arena mode is not positive, it is not fun and it is not fair. It is frustrating. - You release that game mode without leaver penalty. It is frustrating. - You are uncapable of releasing timely patch with leaver penalty that is working properly. - You did not make adjustments to idle kick timers and someone can AFK whole match (intentionally) and not get disconnected. It is frustrating. - You match random solo players to play vs full premade party. It is frustrating. - You team up lvl 500 players who reached Platinum + in BR mode with people who just started playing the game. It is not fun for lvl 500 guy and it is not fun for new players. It is frustrating. - You are uncapable of fixing connection issues and we have to play 2 vs 3 or even 1 vs 3 so often. It is frustrating. You knew there are connection issues that are caused by bad code in your game but in BR it did not matter as mush as it does in 3 vs 3 game mode. - Origin stops responding very often and there are problems connecting to the game because of this. It is frustrating. - After few days of playing arenas we can only play for KDR, win streaks or win %, there is no other meaningful progression in that game mode. - And when I play for win rate and you match me up with xenophobic dude who is intentionally not helping the team and insults me over the voice chat.... I dont want to play your game anymore. Ever. I decided to ban EA from my PC and my wallet. You don't have my trust anymore and I am afraid of playing on your network again. I don't want to waste my energy in any of your games because you can ban me in a game I bought 11 years ago because I was tilted in bad Apex Legends Arena mode.SolvedAnonymous4 years ago16KViews48likes56CommentsHeirloom Refund System
2 Days ago on the day of the announcement '' System Override '' event, i bought a bunch of Apex packs with some money i saved up, and i finally got an heirloom ( i had 0 ) was kinda bummed it was Bloodhounds cause im a Wraith main but atleast it was an heirloom. About 2 hours after i read the news about the upcoming shard system for the heirlooms, and i was extremely bummed after hearing that, considering had i just waited 3 days i wouldve gotten the kunai for my main. Was asking a couple of EA Supports about this and unfortunately there is no 'refund' action in place atm, for any items ingame, Was thinking it could be really nice (especially for someone like me) if there was an 'heirloom refund system', maybe it wouldnt be a full heirloom return, but half of the shards needed or something, so i could get closer to the 500 packs progress, that is now towering before me for me to optain the kunai. So ye, an heirloom refund system, is my hope currently <3Solved6.9KViews48likes13CommentsMiddle East Server.
First hand i would like to Applaud on the great job you guys have done to produce this astonishing game, Never the less i would beg of you ( i will literally get on my knees and beg ), Every single BR game that I've played I've been experiencing this issue, ( not only me EVERY other player in the Middle east ). Middle Eastern gamers feel like they are being overlooked, left to play with more challenges due to the fact that there are no servers close to us in this region. It causes a major delay that has a significant impact on game play . The game is so good that i would like to enjoy it on the full extent,. SO strait to the point. 1. The Game PING for people in the middle east is never less than 70 ( 70 on a good day probably when have the globe is asleep ) 2. Shots are not registering 3. The delay is real and ruins the competitiveness in the game “If you are far away from the server, you will have some sort of delay in your game so pro players which are closer to the servers will have an advantage over us,That is why we need a server to match with people who has the same ping as us.” Every game i expect it to be better but the sad truth is it wont i have over 150+ hours on the game, Most of my friends are on it ( recommended by myself ) . I seriously get on twitch and watch the streams play and envy how they play on so low PING. SO if i heard it correct you guys Using Amazon server hosting, the closest Amazon Server is In the Island of Bahrain + It's cheap ( i did the research ). Trust me just by getting ME servers it will encourage an entourage of people to play ( who doesn't want to play on a BR game with less than 20 PING ). Please do this ASAP , Get ME servers and don't give us fake promises. Regards : Mattar9.6KViews47likes31CommentsThe Iron Crown Event: Just a predatory monetisation tactic?
Please note: This post isn't meant to dissuade players from making their own choices. I am merely providing my opinion through criticising the developers' use of shady business tactics to swindle players out of their money. I pose to you a question... Who is the biggest enemy players must face in Apex Legends? The biggest enemy players have to face in Apex Legends is not the better skilled players who always join in as a well co-ordinated team. It's not that one guy who gets all the good loot as soon as they hit the ground at the start of the match after landing right in front of you when you only get left a Mozambique and a dozen level one sniper stocks. It's not that one player with 10,000+ kills in possession of a backpack and guns full of level 4 items. It's not even the leviathans that step on you. No it's none of them. The biggest enemy every single player has to deal with is EA. This is clearly evident from what can be seen in this latest Iron Crown update. EA & Respawn are blatantly presenting the community of Apex Legends, there entire player base, with despicable predatory monetisation tactics. For those who aren't aware of the pricing for the new event items, allow me to briefly explain it here; Crowns (yet another in-game currency) are earned through playing the event, but only a total of 120 Crowns can be earned though said gameplay. All other crowns can only be earned through event specific apex packs. Each event apex pack costs an average of $7 with each pack giving only a 50% chance at providing an event skin or item. In total any player will have to spend around $150-160 in order to get enough event packs to obtain every event item available during the event. Then and only then are you given the "opportunity" to purchase... yes that's right, PURCHASE, as in spend even more money on, a preview for Bloodhound's heirloom set. Also bare in mind the fact this this additional purchasable content is merely just a preview. A PREVIEW! It is not the entirety of Bloodhound's heirloom set. Just a single melee skin... FOR $35! So you would still have to open at least 500 loot boxes in order to be guaranteed the set. But oh wait... they're not loot boxes are they. They're "surprise mechanics". No. What's surprising is how EA is allowed to get away with what essentially amounts to encourage people to participate in acts that are tantamount gambling. Sure EA's representatives, lawyers and defence team in the ESA will tell you no, it's not gambling. However, that doesn't change the fact that this form of monetisation scheme is malicious on the most fundamental of levels. The worst people affected by this can essentially boil down to tree types of individual. The young, the malleable and you. The young, mostly children and the early teen demographic, are persuaded into spending money on things like skins for what $20 each, with their common to legendary tier system to make it seem like it's the only way to experience some form of success in games like Apex Legends. And the malleable? Well they're the ones EA takes advantage of through their susceptibility to gambling or those who may have addiction problems and are the clearly the most exploitable victims of this system. Then there's you. The average generic consumer who must specifically fork out on your hard earned money just to obtain something you think looks nice in a game you enjoy to spend time on. Fun Fact EA: Not everyone can afford to spend $200 on cosmetic dlc! If you want to see a larger profit overall, then things have to be better affordable to your consumers. Otherwise the only people you truly sell a product to are the rich and the vulnerable with compulsive personalities. EA would see a much higher growth rate in their profits if they actually considered pricing their products to anything that can be considered even remotely fair. So we as a community need to call this for what it is. Consumer exploitation through the use of predatory monetisation tactics. Heck, all you have to do is take one look at the Apex Legends subreddit right now to find that the majority of the community aren't talking about the bug fixes and core gameplay improvements. No, they're discussing their disgust at the developers' attempt to make money off of them because they enjoy the game. I, like many others who share these thoughts on the matter, would advise players to not encourage this dreadful display of greed by EA and Respawn. Hey Respawn, want to know how you capitalise? This is it... "REspAwn - Creators of EApex Legends".3.2KViews45likes143CommentsSeer: The Most OP Broken Unfun Game-Breaking Legend Ever.
I have nothing good to say about Seer. Nothing. A new character should not remove fun from the game, but the devs have managed it with Seer. The abilities are OP/broken. Cooldowns are basically nothing. Visually, the abilities TOTALLY RUIN playing the game. Most of Seer's skins are worse than the default, if not TERRIBLE. The devs are going to have a LOT, and I mean A LOT, of work to UNDO the destruction that this Legend/Season has done, if Apex Legends wishes to stay a competitive FPS... Yours truly, A die-hard Apex Legends player.5.1KViews45likes91Comments