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Rank match method request(Added and organized content (2025/03/03) )
First of all, I don't know the details of the current ranked match method. [Full party match specifications] -For full parties, skill matches and rank band judgments will be determined by the top players on the team. For example, in a match with 20 full parties, the top 20 players from each team will determine matching based on rank and skill. - The amount of rank point deduction will be reduced if a solo player is killed by a clearly higher-ranked player (or a team with a higher-ranked player). In the case of duos or full parties, mitigation measures will be determined based on the highest-ranked player on the team. Players with a rank of IV or more will be considered higher-ranked. For example, if you are Platinum IV, then Diamond IV or higher will be considered higher-ranked players. However, if the highest rank of a full party is Diamond IV, then Master and above will be considered higher-ranked players. [Duo match specifications] -As with full parties, skill matches and rank range judgment will be made by the top player on the team. -The matching judgment for the remaining person will be set based on the rank of the duo player as the upper and lower limits, and players with close to the average skill of the duo players will be matched. For example, if the duo players are Diamond IV and Platinum IV, players who are close to the average skill of the duo players will be selected from among the Platinum IV to Diamond IV players, and from those players, priority will be given to matching with higher ranked players. -If duo players are of the same rank, they will be matched with players of similar skill in the same rank range. If there are no solo players in the same rank range, they will be selected from the lower rank ranges (prioritizing rank proximity over skill). -Solo players who are matched into a duo will have their rank point deduction reduced if they are killed by a player (or a team with a higher-ranked player) who is significantly higher than them, regardless of the duo's rank. [Solo match specifications] -For solo skill matches, prioritize higher-skill players in the same rank range and gather three members with similar skills (same rank is prioritized over skill). When gathering 20 teams, the players will be paired so that they are as close to the average skill as possible for the current rank range. - When judging a team's skill in a solo match, the average skill level of the three team members is used. -If a player is placed into a match above or below their current rank, they will not be able to be placed into a different rank band for a certain period of time after the end of the match (2 hours?; even better if this can be turned on/off as an option). -If a solo player is killed by a clearly higher-ranked player (or a team with a higher-ranked player), the amount of rank point deduction will be reduced. In the case of duos or full parties, the reduction measures will be determined based on the highest-ranked player on the team. (For example, a high-ranked player is determined to be Diamond IV or above for Platinum IV.) Solo players who are matched into duos will receive reduction measures based on the difference in rank between them and the duo, regardless of the duo's rank. [Other improvement requests] -Establish rank bands in the Master rank based on ranking. For example, Master I from 1000th place, Master II from 1500th place, Master III from 2000th place, etc. Please make something that even people who can't reach Predator can aim for and add measures to motivate Master-level players. -For experienced players, the minimum rank for rank reset demotion will be Gold IV. The method of identification will be the number of times they have reached Diamond IV or higher. The intention of this is to make Rookie to Gold I suitable for beginners and new players. - Ignoring rank ranges and matching only people with similar skills, as has been done in the past, is not fair and there is no point in having ranks, so it is absolutely not allowed. - In casual matches, players gather together with people of similar skill levels.xfunax8 hours agoNew Traveler5Views0likes0CommentsSerpents sting running animation
I recently unlocked the serpent sting universal heirloom and have been a bit disappointed by the fact most of it is off the screen when you run as far as the other animations go it's great but I feel it would be so much better if it was just moved the left slightly so we can see it or something of similar nature4Views1like0CommentsRe-Que
I love that we can re-que while spectating, but I will say when you used to have to go back to lobby to re-que, it encouraged others to play with their last teammates. Now, when I get an invite in game, I see it too late to join them because I re-queued in game. I wish there was a way to like select to play together next game or something. Not a big deal but wanted to share!strwbrry74721 hours agoNewcomer6Views0likes0CommentsBallistic's tac needs to be changed
Ballistic's tactical ability is the only one that that affects other legends' ability to shoot. This is extremely annoying because shooting is the core feature of the game. It's one thing to lose to an Ash while your mobility is limited by an arc snare, but it's way worse to be in a good position and lose the ability to shoot more than half a mag. If it isn't changed, it should be nerfed. Compare it to Fuse's knuckle cluster.... You may get double-stuck by a Fuse and take 60 damage... not really game-changing. If you get stuck by Ballistic's tac, he can push you knowing that you'll never be able to do more than 120 damage to him & his teammates combined. I think the team needs to figure out a creative solution so that players can consistently shoot their guns in a shooter game.Mr_Angry_Giraffe2 days agoNew Novice7Views0likes0CommentsThere is constant server lag
Greetings, I am writing this message using translation. There is constant lag on the servers and this is not related to the computer or the internet, this problem is starting to become annoying, and you are not fixing this in any way, this is a problem that keeps happening intermittentlyPeek_Pool_YT3 days agoSeasoned Newcomer11Views1like0CommentsDear ea and apex legends
I would like you guys to fix apex in ranked season 24 landed got to gold 4 ,,649 points 101 points to go to gold 3 logged on today and I'm 300 out of 750 we don't have South African servers we run minimum 209 ping it's so freaking hard already on our sa players and you guys do this to us it's not even just me it's all my friends that lost points over night but we didn't even touch the game because we are working class so if you guys can be kind enough to listen and create a server for sa so we also can get the feeling of 20 to 30 ping and also give us are correct points in ranked backTitan39594 days agoRising Newcomer12Views0likes0CommentsChange in the command to use Alter's ulti
The way Alter's ulti is designed should be the same as when it is downed, that is, with the same command instead of having to point it at the Nexsus to activate it and thus make it much more accessible. On several occasions under pressure it is not easy to aim in the direction where the nexus is and even more so when there are deathboxes in its path. I propose that it be left with the same command as when it is downed by pressing the up direction button (in the case of consoles) to avoid activating its pass, as in the following example: days agoRising Newcomer7Views0likes0CommentsHey EA and Respawn
I just wanted to inform you both that the game community is aware of what you are trying to do with your French voice actors (and I imagine all Apex voice actors). Just know that if you don’t correct this situation and do replace ANY of your voice actors with ai I and many others will stop playing your games all together. In the meantime until you give new contracts to the French voice actors that ensure they won’t be replaced by ai I won’t be spending any money on your games. Here’s a reminder again, people don’t like greed and care about justice. I won’t support your company if you choose to violate the rights of people by investing in replacing them with ai.FanaticMind4 days agoSeasoned Newcomer15Views1like0CommentsThanks for the good update(Amended 2025/02/27 )
Although it was different from what I expected, I can understand the intention and it was a good update. Thank you for your response. I believe that adjustments will be made while continuing to monitor the changes caused by the update, but I do have some concerns, so I would like to state them as my opinion for reference. - The Mozambique has a headshot detection, which may make it difficult to accurately confirm the effects of balance adjustments. -Burst weapons should be strong when used with cover from buildings, and in firefights without cover from buildings, their DPS should be lower than other ARs, but currently the Nemesis's maximum DPS is too high. I don't know the latest Hemlock's DPS, but adjustments may be necessary in some cases. - Currently, the automatic high-speed reload environment has destroyed weapon balance due to weapon reload speed (SMG balance cannot be adjusted in the current environment). - The intention behind adding the Accelerator is unclear, and it creates a balance that is not just about weapon strength (we are forced to choose it). I think there is some intention behind adding it with the assumption that it will be removed, but if it is to remain in the game, the weapon will need to be significantly weakened. However, that would be an unfun adjustment for players who play Apex. -The insane strength of the Charge Rifle when equipped with a Select Fire Receiver. -Only shotguns have a special behavior when firing from the hip. -The L-Star should be a weapon that can be defeated by maneuvering around. It needs to be a weapon that makes it difficult to win without the protection of a building. Therefore, we believe that further modifications will be necessary once the automatic high-speed reload environment ends. That's all. I hope that we will continue to make life more enjoyable for each other.xfunax5 days agoNew Traveler74Views0likes0CommentsArtificial Intelligence
AI is being used more and more in video game production. It is up to us, the people, to put a stop to it. So pass this hashtag along if you agree, this game has had its ups and downs. AI is not the answer, so let us #saynotoaiColton9535 days agoRising Rookie9Views0likes0CommentsRank match method request(Amended 2025/02/26 )
First of all, I do not know the details of the current ranked match method. -In the case of full parties, skill matches and rank range judgments will be decided by the top player on the team. For example, in a match with full parties of 20 teams, the top 20 players from each team will judge matching based on rank and skill. -For experienced players, the minimum rank for rank reset demotion will be Gold IV. The method of identification will be the number of times they have reached Diamond IV or higher. The intention of this is to make Rookie to Gold I suitable for beginners and new players. -Skill matches will try to gather players close to the average rank band. However, team members (3 people) will be gathered with people of similar skill. If you are placed in a match above or below your current rank, you will not be able to be placed in a different rank band for a certain amount of time (around 2 hours?) after the end of the match. -If a solo player is killed by a clearly higher ranked player (or a team with a higher ranked player), the amount of rank point deduction will be reduced. In the case of a duo or full party, deduction measures will be determined based on the highest ranked player on the team. A high-ranking player is determined by a difference of 4 or more. For example, if Platinum IV, then Diamond IV or higher is considered a high-ranking player. However, if the highest rank of a full party is Diamond IV, then Master or higher is considered a high-ranking player. - Please do not ignore rank ranges and match only people with similar skills, as has been done in the past, as this is not fair and there is no point in having ranks. - In casual matches, it's a good idea to gather people with similar skills.xfunax6 days agoNew Traveler86Views1like0CommentsSTOP BEING LAZY
why is it hard for you guys to freaking recolor tacticals and ultimates, seriously. for example this new skin of loba which is out just has a diff intro anim, but no recolors of tactical or ult whatsoever and im talk overall about all legends. Your monetization is garbage but EA and you bring nothing on table for these new outfits.[Especially old skins to fill this current event :))))))]Non-Intelligent6 days agoSeasoned Rookie19Views0likes0CommentsRevenant Improvement Requests(Amended 2025/02/25 )
[Revenant] - Transfer Ash's passive "Brand of Death" (remove it from Ash). When knocked down, tactical abilities are reset by default. Tactical abilities are reset when ultimate is used. - Choose between Assault or Recon at LV2 perk. The ability to see the contents of care packages remains. LV2 (Recon): When a finisher is successful, all enemies on the same team are highlighted for 1 minute(You can see your allies too). LV2 (Assault): When flying with a tactical, deals 50 damage to enemies that come into contact. LV3-1: Highlight the locations of all enemy team members killed from a death box for 30 seconds(You can see your allies too). LV3-2: When shield is destroyed, movement speed is increased for 4 seconds. Also activates when ultimate shield reaches 0.xfunax7 days agoNew Traveler33Views0likes0CommentsRequest for changes to each character(Amended 2025/02/25 )
[Ash] - Remove Ash's passive "Branded of Death" and transfer it to Revenant. -Air dash distance reduced to one third. - Increases the volume of the ultimate startup and movement sounds. [Conduit] - Changes tactical ability recovery speed from 30 to 20 seconds. Max recovery in 20 seconds, starts decreasing after 20 seconds. [Mirage] -The maximum cloak time when using a recovery item is 3 seconds. The cloak time when reviving an ally is 3 seconds. The two effects stack (maximum 6 seconds of cloak). -When cloaked, highlights and HP will also disappear. However, if damage is received while cloaked, they will be displayed. [Valkyrie ] Added a passive ability that improves shooting accuracy in the air. [Crypto] I wish Crypto's ultimate could not be used when the drone is far away. The reason is that if everything is destroyed by a side attack from another team, it becomes a game of chance.xfunax7 days agoNew Traveler120Views0likes0CommentsAlter Improvement Requests(Amended 2025/02/24)
[Alter] -Melee attack attacks are possible while shooting. - Allows you to enter the tactical ability portal instantly by touching a wall without having to leave the portal. - Selects between recon and controller at LV2 perk. You can still see the contents of your care package. - LV2-1 (Recon): Increases Tactical Void duration by 1 second and allows you to enter portals into the void. Tactical ability duration reduced by 3 seconds. - LV2-2 (Controller): Increases tactical ability stock by 1. - LV3-1: Reduces tactical ability cooldown by 10 seconds. - LV3-2: Ult has 2 stocks, and you can place 2 at the same time.xfunax8 days agoNew Traveler46Views0likes0CommentsPathfinder, as well as most skirmishers just need more.
Pathfinder has been one of the best movement legends in the game since it came out, but that's all he can do is move around the map. Him along with all the skirmisher legends are only able to look into care packages while all other sections like assault have the ability to move faster on broken shields, carry extra ammo, AND automatically reload put away runs after an amount of time. I have used every section of legend over and over and skirmishers I always feel are the weakest of all.LANDANLONG8 days agoRising Newcomer10Views0likes0Comments