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[Guide] How to report users and cheaters
{Thank you for pinning this thread :eahigh_file: } Currently there are over 60 separate threads in the general feedback forum alone about reporting players or cheaters so I thought i'd put together solutions i've found on the web and in these threads in a central place so hopefully people can send their reports to the right places. I'll add to this if anyone else has any links/tips on how to report cheaters/players. Please do not post below your 'examples' of cheats or post names/user ID's or people you feel are bad players/cheats, use the tools described below. The more we use these tools to report genuine cheaters the more likely we are to have an impact. Thank you. Cheaters {EDIT 20/03/19} Players can now report cheaters they encounter in-game and it’ll be sent directly to Easy Anti-Cheat. You can do this from either the spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. Screenshots of where to find the report option in the spoiler below [Source: Season 1 Wild Frontier Patch Notes] Report through the Easy Anti-Cheat form here [Thanks to @Zeelmaekers and the CM's who've posted this across a lot of cheater topics] Reporting All platforms EA help has a reporting form for a range of topics including harassment here [Thanks to @Bowi_QC for the info] Origin 1. Open your Friends List. 2. Click the Add a Friend button. 3. Search for the ID of the user you want to report. 4. Click on their name to open the user's Profile. 5. Click Report User (in drop down arrow) and tell them what sort of problem you're having. If you can, include this information: The screen name, Gamertag, PlayStation™Network online ID, or ID of the offender. A screenshot of the action as it happens. A screenshot of the main score screen. [Thanks to @Alpha3741 who posted this on another topic] Xbox One To report a player who has behaved in an inappropriate way or posted inappropriate content: 1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, go to People, and then select the gamertag you wish to report. If the player is not a friend, select Recent players, or select Find someone and enter the player's gamertag to search. 2. From the player's profile, select Report or block. 3. Select Report. 4. Select one of the following reasons for the report: - Player name or gamertag: The player's name or gamertag is inappropriate. - Cheating: The player used unauthorized modifications or attempted to gain an unfair advantage in multiplayer gaming. - Player picture: The player’s gamerpic is inappropriate. - Voice communication: The player used inappropriate, abusive, or threatening language in voice communications. - Unsporting behavior: The player didn’t show good sportsmanship. - Quitting early: The player frequently quit multiplayer games to avoid losing. 5. Select Add comment to provide more information. When finished, select Report. [Source:] PS4 Inappropriate User IDs or inappropriate messages 1. Go to [Friends] and find the profile in your Friends List or search for the player's online ID. 2. Highlight the item you want to report and press the Options button. 3. Select [Report] and choose what you want to report: [Source:] All other report reasons 1. Search the profile of the player that you want to report and press X; 2. Once inside of the profile press Option with the controller; 3. Select Report; 4. Something in profile; 5. Online ID; 6. I think it should not be on PlayStation Network; 7. Select Harassment; 8. Then Next; 9. Enter information as to why you're reporting the user in the text box; 10. Select Next to finish and submit the report. [Thanks to @Bowi_QC who contacted PSN live chat for the info] CM Edit Update with some info on toxicity reporting. Fighting Toxicity Apex Legends is a place for you to join forces with other players where you can express yourself, your individuality, and have fun. But it’s not just your space, it’s everyone’s. Harassing, bullying, threatening, offending, or any toxic behavior towards others is not acceptable—ever. That’s why we’ve recently updated Apex Legends with a way for you to report toxicity in-game. When you sign up for your EA Account, you agree to play by fair rules. We’re counting on you to keep toxicity out of the dropship, the ring, and everywhere in between. Read more about how we're building healthy communities for all gamers. WHAT DOES REPORTING LOOK LIKE? Post match you can report players using the button listed at the bottom of the screen. After choosing to report a player, we’ll ask you to choose a reason for reporting. If you select Cheating, we’ll ask you to pick from a list of common cheating behaviors. If you pick Other, we’ll send you to the player’s Origin page. From here you can pick from a list of reasons you’re reporting this player.Solved312KViews67likes454CommentsIf people can kill me with 2-4 shots . Why can’t I do the same ??
First off im just going to say . I don’t do forums but this game right here has pissed me off so much I had to get on here and say something. But There’s been times I dump entire clips into people and they never die ... like I’m so mad right now not using foul language is like pulling teeth for me . I jus played 10 games straight of shoot people with every last bullet I have and they don’t die . Take tons of damage but never drop or die . I don’t get it even with purple and gold shields I get drop 6- 7 shots the most . I shoot people , reload shoot more reload shoot more , then die .... I’m really just gonna stop playing this game if this isn’t fixed in season 3 because it makes the game playing experience a 0.1 out of 5 . As a first person shooter expert and pro . This games is right behind fortnite as number 2 with its crappy shooting systems or health systems . The game that really ticked me off what me shooting a lifeline with a devotion literally landing every shot in the clip including 3 headshots . This person turned to me after my clip was empty shot me 2 times with a shot gun and I died . Like somebody please give me a reason not to stay on call of duty where people actually die when I shoot them and I drop 30+ Kills with 3 deaths . Like for real I kinda like this game but this has to change . I deserve a way better record then the one I have because I literally destroy people and 90% the time they survive I don’t understand. If there’s a way to do more damage please explain to me how ....Solved139KViews26likes89CommentsEA ID Names
Hello there, my actual name SHOULD be SpiritMusicorum for my EA ID, but for some silly reason my legal name contains "Prohibited Words" because there is a stigma against the word Spirit... As a result my own branding and my own legal name, is forbidden to be used as an EA ID, while normally many people wouldn't care, its a bit of a personal matter to me, to not be allowed to use my own name or be forced to bastardize my name to Sp1r1tMusicorum or find some other workaround, when I have built my online presence with that name, is just not ok, there should be a manual override for legitimate uses of otherwise "prohibited words" to allow us access as we should have to our names.Solved104KViews4likes19CommentsWhat to do if your account got banned or suspended in Apex.
Hi, if your account was banned or suspended, you'll undoutbtedly want to know more. Unfortunately, here on the forum we can not assist directly with bans, we can't invesitgate bans or provide more info. If you have a ban or suspension and you want more info or to appeal, you will need to reach out via EA Help. If you wish to appeal a ban, please take the steps in this article: If you want general information around bans, and why you might have one this article will provide more info: years agoCommunity Admin91KViews17likes172CommentsLog out of apex account
I want to log in to a different account that I have but I don’t know how to log out of the one I’m in. The two account I have are both connected accounts so I’m not sure if that changes anything. Is there any way I can log out of this account to log in to my main account71KViews31likes23Comments(PC) 70-80% Diamond-Master are controller players
Just played 4 to 5 matches at diamond II, and every single team have at least 2 controller players or it's a full controller team. (Almost everyone is streaming at those ranks) 70-80% of the players i searched using the names appearing on the screen are running controllers. Some are very known: Daltoosh Team, Nicewigg team, Calamiti Team, Knoqd team, Soar Team, Snip3down team, Resultah Team, Xedmin Team, The Kine Team, etc, Less known teams and streamers also running full controller teams also at master and predator levels. Why Respawn let aim assist being this powerful? I'm on PC but with so many controllers on higher ranks, feels more like Console with higher FPS Is so stressful to play against controllers; must of them have bad movement, bad plays, and still one clip you only because aim assist do 40% of the Aiming according to Ilootgames. Aim assist needs to be removed on Ranked PC and Tourneys or at least tuned down way too hard. Controller is bad for FPS, bad movement, bad accuracy and even with that Higher Ranks are being dominated by controllers, just because aim assist is a thing. And this is not just me, So many PRO players have complained a lot about aim assist, but Respawn have do nothing.58KViews15likes32CommentsThe client's game account has been banned: Banned
please explain why I was banned? Yesterday I played and everything was fine, I never used cheats at all, I'm already in the third season, what’s wrong? or is it some kind of mistake? What did I break or what? is it possible to fix it?Solved50KViews19likes25CommentsRe: South African Apex Legends Servers. EA/Respawn please Read!
We want south african serves or even a serve that we can play on 80ms ping this apex game lies to u when u load it it states 160ms ping wen u enter the game its 200ms, EA doesnt care about anything, i sent a hacker video to them what they did sent me a fill in form that i already filled in disgraceful how we get treated. Im so angry as a person who wants to enjoy a game that i found a liking to but then gwt put down from the serves every one else in the states and eu play on 20 and 80 ping going against that is pathetic the people from the states even if they go on the eu serves they play below 100ms ping do yourl as EA think thats fair. Waste of time to even send this because they dont even read this.!!!!!!!!Solved47KViews42likes550Comments- 36KViews158likes41Comments
Do you Guys Realize Your Servers Are Empty?(MIDDLE EAST BAHRAIN 1 AND 2)
I am stupified by the amount of wait time I need to be In Bahrain, i.e 1 hour for 1 match now. It was not that bad before, but now, well it sucks like no tommorow. Everyone is going to Singapore server, which is overloaded and as well as gives Packet Loss to participants. I have to tell you guys this, It would had been better if you people had set up a server in India, rather than Bahrain, because Indian Gaming community was very hopeful for this Game. I wonder what made you guys consider Middle East as the Server Placement... I AM SAD. FIX THIS RESPAWN.Solved32KViews33likes70CommentsWhy Am I matched against level 500+ when im only level 20??
I just started playing on PC here, and as soon as i got to about 100 kills, all my lobbies are STACKED. Like my teammates have 3000+ kills, double hammers, and the champion squad has the 20 Kills in one game medal+thousands of kills...Im level F*&king 20, with 100 kills. I do not stand a slim chance against these people, my teammates say "well, were screwed" before we even leave the dropship after seeing my stats. What gives?! This is "Matchmaking" ??!! Is there a setting I must change to find a regular lobby or what???Solved31KViews15likes38CommentsWhy am I in Apex Predator lobbies?
So I am level 9 (NOOB) but it seems like every match I join there is at least 1 predator in there sometimes up to 9 from the dropship and a loads of diamond players. Surely if there is only 0.2% in the whole of the game the probability I get matchmaking with them out of 59 players should almost be near impossible? Especially since I'm level 9 no? Can we please bring this to the attention of the DEVS? Why am I playing against pros? I just want to play with people at a similar level so i can learn and get better as WE level up. Not being thrown in the deep ends and discouraged by getting smashed at the start of every gun fight?Solved28KViews21likes43CommentsServer Tickrate
Can we get servers with a tickrate of higher than 20/s? This is particularly important due to all weapons in the game being projectiles, and while I have limited to experience with the Titan Fall spinoff of the Source engine I do have A LOT of experience with how the source engine behaves in Team Fortress 2, which features several projectile and hitscan weapons along with classes that can move really fast. Why this is important. Accurate Client Interpolation vs Fast moving targets Currently interpolation is based off of data points 50ms apart that may not seem like much and in a lot scenarios is not a big deal (shooting a target that is ADS and strafing) or shooting a target moving in a straight line. However targets such as Bangalore that has the passive speed boost when fired at if they rapidly change directions while sprinting getting a hit on them based off of their model is nearly impossible and can cause some rubber banding issues even for people who would have a stable connection. Another case can be found with pathfinders who can grapple jump effectively and gain a lot of speed and doing a quick small air strafe. Finally falling players can also cause some desync issues especially pathfinders who use the grapple while falling. This issue becomes signficantly worse with higher client ping. Hit Registration Now in Team Fortress 2 projectile based hit registration is ALL server side, and afaik CSGO grenades colliding with enemy players is also detected by the server. I can only assume Apex Legends operates that way as well. Back to my example of a speed boosted bangalore rapidly changing directions a client with a relatively normal ping of 30ms-50ms would see outdated and improperly interpolated data due to all the changes in direction and could very easily see bullets hitting the bangalore but doing NO damage because the server sees the bangalore at a significantly different point than the client. Even with a 0ms client ping, model interpolation will not be 100% accurate but may be accurate enough to register a hit though not where the client had rendedered the hit as happening (particularly noticeable with shotguns where you see most/all pellets hit a model but only a fraction do damage). Gun Responsiveness Now this issue is multifold in Team Fortress 2 projectiles you fire are delayed by [client server update rate (cl_cmdrate) OR total client interpolation whichever is greater] + ping to server. Currently in Apex Legends if you fire just after you send an update to the server the server won't register you firing for almost 50ms + ping. This can lead to a pretty significant delay and further add to the above mentioned issues but instead of bullets hitting a model and not registering the delay may be just enough for the intended target to start moving away from where you were firing at (this issue would affect most noticeably sniper rifles). This also works in reverse where new projectiles won't be rendered until the next server update + ping time making it much harder to dodge shots. Now as for server requirements I'll admit I'm not 100% sure just how much resources it would take to get to the kind of tick rates many competitive / pro players would be asking for ex. CSGO ESEA uses 128 tick servers, CSGO MM is 64tick, and Team Fortress 2 is almost always 66 tick. That being said Apex Legends has 60 players to begin with and a map that makes the maps of CSGO and every other source game look Tiny AND from experience I've seen several 32 person Team Fortress 2 servers consistently dip into the mid 50 tick range. However I still feel asking for even just 30 or 40 tick Servers is justified and likely doable. Edit Here is a video that shows some of what I'm talking about in relation to Team Fortress 2. Huntsman (bow and arrow) is a projectile based weapon. And this video shows how odd model/projectiles desync can be. Though this is done via interpolation and only the interpolation is increased and the tick rate remains the same at 66, since interpolation is directly tied to server tick rate the minimum interpolation is higher the lower the tick rate creating this same issue with less accurate information. Heirloom Shards
I'm so confused. I thought the patch notes said any progress currently made towards heirlooms would convert into shards. "The shards will have the same drop rate as the previous system, so that after 500 Apex Packs, you will have enough Heirloom Shards to obtain an Heirloom set from the Heirloom shop. And don’t worry, your existing progress towards the 500 Apex Packs will carry over with the switch. " I've played since week once, I'm nearly 150 levels into the game, and while I've never purchased packs, I've earned lots of them. It's possible that I just still haven't had the luck to open an heirloom pack, but I just don't think it's possible that I've earned ZERO points towards one. Maybe I don't understand what they mean, can someone tell me what the update was supposed to do??Solved26KViews9likes81Comments