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Re: South African Apex Legends Servers. EA/Respawn please Read!
We want south african serves or even a serve that we can play on 80ms ping this apex game lies to u when u load it it states 160ms ping wen u enter the game its 200ms, EA doesnt care about anything, i sent a hacker video to them what they did sent me a fill in form that i already filled in disgraceful how we get treated. Im so angry as a person who wants to enjoy a game that i found a liking to but then gwt put down from the serves every one else in the states and eu play on 20 and 80 ping going against that is pathetic the people from the states even if they go on the eu serves they play below 100ms ping do yourl as EA think thats fair. Waste of time to even send this because they dont even read this.!!!!!!!!Solved47KViews42likes550Comments[Guide] How to report users and cheaters
{Thank you for pinning this thread :eahigh_file: } Currently there are over 60 separate threads in the general feedback forum alone about reporting players or cheaters so I thought i'd put together solutions i've found on the web and in these threads in a central place so hopefully people can send their reports to the right places. I'll add to this if anyone else has any links/tips on how to report cheaters/players. Please do not post below your 'examples' of cheats or post names/user ID's or people you feel are bad players/cheats, use the tools described below. The more we use these tools to report genuine cheaters the more likely we are to have an impact. Thank you. Cheaters {EDIT 20/03/19} Players can now report cheaters they encounter in-game and it’ll be sent directly to Easy Anti-Cheat. You can do this from either the spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. Screenshots of where to find the report option in the spoiler below [Source: Season 1 Wild Frontier Patch Notes] Report through the Easy Anti-Cheat form here [Thanks to @Zeelmaekers and the CM's who've posted this across a lot of cheater topics] Reporting All platforms EA help has a reporting form for a range of topics including harassment here [Thanks to @Bowi_QC for the info] Origin 1. Open your Friends List. 2. Click the Add a Friend button. 3. Search for the ID of the user you want to report. 4. Click on their name to open the user's Profile. 5. Click Report User (in drop down arrow) and tell them what sort of problem you're having. If you can, include this information: The screen name, Gamertag, PlayStation™Network online ID, or ID of the offender. A screenshot of the action as it happens. A screenshot of the main score screen. [Thanks to @Alpha3741 who posted this on another topic] Xbox One To report a player who has behaved in an inappropriate way or posted inappropriate content: 1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, go to People, and then select the gamertag you wish to report. If the player is not a friend, select Recent players, or select Find someone and enter the player's gamertag to search. 2. From the player's profile, select Report or block. 3. Select Report. 4. Select one of the following reasons for the report: - Player name or gamertag: The player's name or gamertag is inappropriate. - Cheating: The player used unauthorized modifications or attempted to gain an unfair advantage in multiplayer gaming. - Player picture: The player’s gamerpic is inappropriate. - Voice communication: The player used inappropriate, abusive, or threatening language in voice communications. - Unsporting behavior: The player didn’t show good sportsmanship. - Quitting early: The player frequently quit multiplayer games to avoid losing. 5. Select Add comment to provide more information. When finished, select Report. [Source:] PS4 Inappropriate User IDs or inappropriate messages 1. Go to [Friends] and find the profile in your Friends List or search for the player's online ID. 2. Highlight the item you want to report and press the Options button. 3. Select [Report] and choose what you want to report: [Source:] All other report reasons 1. Search the profile of the player that you want to report and press X; 2. Once inside of the profile press Option with the controller; 3. Select Report; 4. Something in profile; 5. Online ID; 6. I think it should not be on PlayStation Network; 7. Select Harassment; 8. Then Next; 9. Enter information as to why you're reporting the user in the text box; 10. Select Next to finish and submit the report. [Thanks to @Bowi_QC who contacted PSN live chat for the info] CM Edit Update with some info on toxicity reporting. Fighting Toxicity Apex Legends is a place for you to join forces with other players where you can express yourself, your individuality, and have fun. But it’s not just your space, it’s everyone’s. Harassing, bullying, threatening, offending, or any toxic behavior towards others is not acceptable—ever. That’s why we’ve recently updated Apex Legends with a way for you to report toxicity in-game. When you sign up for your EA Account, you agree to play by fair rules. We’re counting on you to keep toxicity out of the dropship, the ring, and everywhere in between. Read more about how we're building healthy communities for all gamers. WHAT DOES REPORTING LOOK LIKE? Post match you can report players using the button listed at the bottom of the screen. After choosing to report a player, we’ll ask you to choose a reason for reporting. If you select Cheating, we’ll ask you to pick from a list of common cheating behaviors. If you pick Other, we’ll send you to the player’s Origin page. From here you can pick from a list of reasons you’re reporting this player.Solved312KViews67likes454CommentsSolos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with them, but its extremly rarely. Even if you are playing with 1 friend in squad its mostly hard to comminicate with 1 random guy with or without voice chat. Please consider adding Solos and Duos.8.1KViews199likes402CommentsSkill-based Matchmaking is mandatory for better player experience.
I was one of the people that believed everything was fine with matchmaking... until a couple of days later when you start seeing a CLEAR difference between the everyday joe that works and cannot play all day everyday and the "others". The game rapidly became frustrating for the "casuals" as those do not have much chance of winning anymore. I can already hear elitists with no counter arguments and just spamming strawman fallacies like "get good" (try to bring objective counter arguments pls) but there needs to be a match making for several reasons: 1)Noobs getting into the game won't enjoy nor will they actually improve if they get vaporised without any chance of learning. 2)Better players will not improve if they simply stomp noobs. 3)You have randos/strangers with work and responsabilities forming squads of casuals without any real teamwork as they don't know each other at all versus sweaty mc tryhards squads that haven't showered in the past 2 days that play all day/night together. With a proper skill-based matchmaking you get: 1)Noobs will be facing noobs giving everybody a fair chance 2)Average Joes facing average Joes for fair/entertaining and non frustrating games 3)Pros, twitch streamers and sweaty tryhards will be put together and the game will be much more challenging for all of them 4)You can even make a "ranked" queue/mode that rewards top squads with bonuses such as crafting metals for example to give an incentive to better players (or masochistic noobs) to play on there instead of the regular queue. The argument of "people will be playing always against the same people" is bs as there is more than 25 million players on the game as of this day. Also, everybody wins. Games will be more challenging, fairer, more rewarding and a LOT less frustrating overall. The only reasons somebody would be against matchmaking, would be because he's pitiful and only wants free wins against worse players or if he's a noob player himself and, well, he's the definition of a masochistic noob lol.7.2KViews137likes331CommentsTtk changes apex legends
It would be nice to see some change to the ttk there's no reason I should unload a whole SMG clip in to someone's head and upper body just to get killed by them with a pistol. I feel it's a little longer than bf5's ttk. I didn't play titian fall all that much so I can't make to comparison between this game and that one but just some slight tweaks would be appreciated.Solved8KViews21likes314Comments[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were lots of cool and reasonable ideas for changes, that would make game better and fun for everyone. Octane and Loba still joke legends and require a buff. I usually play lifeline/mirage/wattson/bangalore and i like where they at. I dont understand why u keep nerfing Pathfinder, i rarely play him, but even i think its unfair what u guys did to him, just make a compromise already and buff the grapple cd a bit. I always liked Bloodhound but rarely played him cause i hate his ultimate, but the changes u did are making him very strong and i also like lvl50 bp skin, gonna main this dude now. The thing is why u buff legend which already at a solid state, when u have legends that are very bad.. Weapons: Another thing i dont understand, why buff Hemlock and Prowler, they are very great guns, people are crying about hemlock since last season and every high level player use prowler cause its insane, why u buff guns that doesnt need a buff? I played about 10-15 games won some of them tried all guns, i can say only 1 devotion is way too strong, u give a care package weapon to everyone and u only nerf mag size? no damage/recoil nerfs? no spawn rate nerfs? Also Rampart got passive boosting her LMG skills, so she can get a care package gun by just finding all attachments? This is not balansed at all, why we need other guns where there is free care package gun for all? This one should be nerfed asap. Other weapons are pretty solid, i like the Volt as alternative to R99, still not sure how to properly use it, dont think it require a nerf though. Armor: Changes are interesting, i still not sure if it require a change, For me Games were much fun with EVO shields and less ttk, its more risky to play without thinking what u doing, ur without a cover for a second = dead, so it provides more tactical gameplay. Ranked: I was Diamond3 season 5 and 4. U mentioned that only ~4% of playerbase reach ranked and higher, if u didnt know Diamond3 (Pred lobby) is where all higher rank players play together, its full of cheaters, yes u can sometimes see a cheater in Normal but its like 1 of 100+ games maybe even 200, but in pred lobby every single lobby have atleast 1 cheater, a lot of people boosting accounts ( 2 cheaters + 1 guy (without cheat being boosted) the dude plays bloodhound and scans (get assists) his 2 cheater teammates destroy everyone. This is just 1 example of boosting i saw with my own eye`s. I live in Asia, and i had to swap to EU and play with ping, because asian servers ranked is just 50% or more cheaters, u can often see Cheater Vs Cheater. That is insane my friends. I assume because of how different the situation is on different servers or how low is high rank playerbase u dont pay much attention to this problem, but if u want feedback i can say this is the biggest problem of Apex Legends. Matchmaking: skill-based matchmaking is not working well guys, im fine with having lvl 30 guys on my team when i play normals, cause i dont play solo much anyway. But if ur a newcomer and u constanly being put in high skill enviroment ul be pissed, its very hard to improve if u play with guys who destroy u in 1 second, cause thats what lvl 500 do to a lvl30 newcomer. Game should be fun, it should be fun in normal gamemode, but new guys will not like this, u also can see a lot of SBM topics in this forums. Maybe u should consider this, but also be aware of smurfs. Thanks everyone for attention and spending time reading this mess, please give ur opinions on what i said and what u think about the game urself. Hope we will make Apex best battle-royale together. [Admin - Updated thread title]7.3KViews18likes272CommentsQuality of Life Changes - community requests
Hi legends, This new QoL thread is inspired by @Cabowse's thread here. This is a place to get your own request on the list, or to link a good idea you found somewhere else! The ideas from the linked thread are placed here as well, included many Reddit posts and/or Twitter ideas. Do you have a Quality of Life request? Check if it is already in the list below. Post it so I can add it! One rule: I will only put QoL changes in the list, not requests for buffs/nerf or other game parts. There is however no real definition of what a QoL change is, but we'll try to follow how Respawn categorizes the patch notes. Like so: Quality of Life Not Quality of Life Damage counter Sheila angle increase from 120° to 180° Pinging Ammo Mirage decoys create footstep sounds. A new VO line when using a Phoenix Kit A request to turn down SBMM or add Solo mode Hard to define QoL requests will be put in the list just to be sure. Contents Legends Ash - Bangalore - Bloodhound - Caustic - Crypto Fuse - Gibraltar - Horizon - Lifeline Loba - Mad Magie - Mirage - Octane - Pathfinder Rampart - Revenant - Seer - Valkyrie - Wattson Wraith Consumables & other items Weapons Consumables Other items Gameplay Ping Challenges Team Trident Options Miscellaneous Menu & settings User interface Gameplay settings Menu items & clubs Other settings Customizations Skins Banners Skydive emotes Miscellaneous Gamemodes Map specific Firing range Miscellaneous Battle royal Arena Nothing yet dsa Friendly ultimate grenades should have a different color u/Xatik Use crows to make following tracks slightly easier, have them fly in a specific direction rather than just up. Cabowse Footprint colour during ultimate more easily distinguishable from enemy colour. Cabowse Make the ultimate timer small like Rev's Death Protection Timer u/designty White markers above friendly gas traps Cabowse Friendly and enemy gas to be different shades of green, friendly gas darker and less saturated, enemy gas brighter and more saturated. Cabowse Being able to ping friendly gas (from the ultimate) Noob_Chemist Allow the 'pick up a gas trap' button to be different form reloading the gun on controllers. u/GucciBeckham Drone can scan through glass. Cabowse Ability to pick up banners with drone with greater ease and from slightly further away LIONLIONpoodle Let crypto see the area his drone can go on the minimap. u/whatisabaggins55 Allow Crypto to say ultimate is ready while in his drone Adendon Allow Crypto to accurately ping items while Crypto is in his drone while on a trident. Abendon Improve accuracy when trying to scan beacons. Abendon Indicator that a teammate or crypto is in range of the EMP when in drone mode. thelok1s Friendly ultimate fires should be recognizable by teammates. DYSPROssium Allow ult to be fired straight up. Eshshshss Friendly ultimate should display different markers than enemy ones. u/Xatik A clearer timer for the protection dome to show how much time there is left instead of the distance. u/zancray Nothing yet - Using Lifeline's tactical while it's on cooldown will proc a voice-line to teammates telling them that it isn't ready (cool-down 3 seconds) Cabowse Allow Loba to pick up the banner from teammates with her ult. CampletelyCrazy Personalised voice-lines when specific legends use the BMB or when specific items are taken c0mpl3x1ty1 Nothing yet - Do not allow Mirage's revive to be visible through the dome of Gibby DYSPROssium Allow player to control skydive decoys the same way as ground ones. Abendon Jump-pad active the moment it hits the ground Cabowse Pathfinder has new voice-lines that activate when he gains a lot of momentum from his grapple, these can be heard by anyone that is near him. Cabowse Make it possible to mount Sheila when crouching. Cabowse Hold ability buttom sets down a wall (or Sheila) directly. CompleatBeet Give Revenant unique animations, instead of the Caustic one. u/Lemurrituals Nothing yet. A warning indicator if you want to ult and there is something in the way Heli0sH00K Ability to easier cancel the tactical. RSArussian Cancel heal ability if you start jeptack. SollitaryMassacre Don't activate friendly caustic traps when they are over each other. Noob_Chemist Make it clier for teammates when their abilities or grenades are canceled by Wattson's ult. Abendon Visual cues (portal becoming unstable) for 10 seconds before a portal is about to close. Cabowse New inspect animation for Kunai Knife to be inline with other newer inspect emotes TrainWRTKTiff [Go to contents ↑] WEAPONS Default all select fires to either of the modes, instead of being weapon dependent. u/100721 Display the zoom level of the selected gun. u/zancray Allow reloading the Mastiff to be cancelled by aiming down sights, instead of having to shoot or switch weapons. Just as with the 30-30 u/zancray Make it possible to reload a gun while you switch out attachment between the guns, as well as reloading while you swap the weapons from place. DYSPROssium Add a settings option to make weapons automatically switch back to default firing mode when swapping or holstering your weapon. Senti3nt_Gr4vel CONSUMABLES Ability to request Ultimate accelerants CompleatBeet Shield cells to be a permanent item in the crafting machine. Useful for players running with Gold shields or a Sentinel. Cabowse Allow the usage of ultimate accelerants without picking them up first. u/zancray Show players how much healing items of a sort they already have when they point at the healing item on the ground. u/jarek104 A button when looting anything to replish all resources for which you have a partial stack. E.g. if I have 3x syringes, 5cells, and a stack of ammo that is not full, this button will "top up" each of the stacks as much as it can from the deadbox (it will not consume more inventory stacks) RSArussian A button in the lootbox to apply all upgrades to players weapons. RSArussian Make the game smarter in showing wich healing item you can use. If you have full health but are down on shields, show the shield. qwopper47 OTHER ITEMS More options regarding crafting Ammo, ability to craft full stacks of a specific ammo type. Cycle ammo options using the swap weapon button to select 1 type instead of 2. Cabowse Being able to start the countdown of the grenades while holding it in your hand. ExiledPhoenix42 Allow players to ping the key of a loot vault in their inventory, to remind teammates that you have it. Instead of dropping it down and picking it up again. DYSPROssium Allow players to ping the golden arm from a Marvin in their inventory, preventing it to be dropped and picked back up. DYSPROssium Always sort the ammo type in the player's investontory in the same order that the guns are placed. So if the left gun is Mastiff and right is R99, always have the shotgun ammo first and then the light ammo. DYSPROssium Show the amount of ammo in a stack when pinged u/FuriusAurelius Make it much clearer if an item is dibsed by a teammate by showing an icon of that teammate above the item. u/dsav99 Now that we have only evo shields, remove the auro of the shield when the shield is empty for that player. u/24carrott Crafting rotation should be visible from inventory view. real_HukurouKun Don't cancel crafting while in the ring. Abendon [Go to contents ↑]24KViews13likes228CommentsLets Talk About 'Skill-Based Matchmaking'?
INTRODUCTION Hey there, let me start with that I know that most of the users here are players of Apex, but this also seems like this is my best chance at getting some communication from the Apex Developer team on their thoughts and actions regarding SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking) as it currently is. Although I don't have high hopes given the track record of the team's communication to players about certain issues given how busy they are, let's do our best to offer them our insights regarding this topic in a respectful way. I have yet to find a better outlet where I could talk about ideas with the developers, so this is my shot in the dark, at worst if that doesn't work I hope this thread might offer them insights into the current SBMM design. I encourage other players to talk about their experiences in unranked / casual / quickplay matchmaking below in a reply. TOPIC To start, I am a predator level player who has achieved a competitive predator ranking. I have around 900 hours in the game at the moment and I offer my thoughts from the mindset of a higher level of player than the average. I play for more than two hours per gaming session. I have played Apex since the launch before it even finished downloading, and I feel like I am being punished for playing unranked games. When I enter unranked lobbies, at least half of the teams I fight are pre-made, as in they are a full squad who queued up together. On top of this, they tend to be around the same skill as players I have fought in Platinum competitive matches. I understand based on my previous experience with competitive games why SBMM is added, its primary goal is to encourage a space for newer players to not feel intimidated by players with a better understanding of the game. Despite understanding why someone would want to add this to an unranked mode, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that the current model is not sustainable. As you perform well, you are placed against other people that perform just as well. You are punished for performing well by being pitted against players of an equal or higher skill level. Your options are to perform better than you did in the previous match, or just die. As someone who now plays mostly with a group now to feel like I can reasonably compete with other squads, I can no longer play alone or with some lower level friends in unranked matches unless I severely outplay the enemy teams. Over 500 of my hours were playing solos, to meet people and have fun, largely before the SBMM change. Ranking systems like how the current SBMM is designed are best fit for competitive play, not what should be unranked. Developer Questions Do developers see this as a potential problem? What potential changes are the developer team considering to address this issue? Is this a higher priority issue? Recommendations I enjoy this game and want to keep playing, but my time played the last month or so has been steadily declining as a result of this experience. I cannot see myself playing as much alone or with a team as things stand. I would like for there to be a better line of communication with the developer team. If I were to make a recommendation, it would be to scrap the higher end of SBMM. Limit SBMM to apply to those on the lower end of rankings. Imagine if we were all ranked by numbers ranging from 1-100, players rank 30 or below would be matched to players of a similar skill level, but once you reach any ranking above 30, you would match with anyone within the range of ranks 31-100. A battle royale game should be a game with a disparity in skill, only one team can win. I understand that encouraging a healthy environment for new players is important, so this is my recommendation with that in mind. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from everyone. ☕9.3KViews61likes222CommentsGun Recoil
Where is it at? Every player who can beam me from 100 meters with a 99 has ZERO recoil. Almost everyone i watch even good pros have zero recoil. This is virtually impossible to not see some kind of shift randomly. Why are you allowing people to use mouse macros / scripts to bypass recoils all together? I have said it before I'll say it again the game is not fun it does not have fair game play it caters to people using scripts to bypass your mechanics built into the system. Is this not a cheat it self to alter / bypass a mechanic of the game? I do believe its in the hand book that any altering to mechanics of the game memory or the game mechanics and more is a bannable offense. Yet its allowed here? I am confused are we allowed to use recoil scripts to alter your mechanics or should we be dealt with accordingly? Your handbook for rules says no. Yet the fact players are still doing it says yes. Care to elaborate on this?4.7KViews34likes207CommentsWhat to do if your account got banned or suspended in Apex.
Hi, if your account was banned or suspended, you'll undoutbtedly want to know more. Unfortunately, here on the forum we can not assist directly with bans, we can't invesitgate bans or provide more info. If you have a ban or suspension and you want more info or to appeal, you will need to reach out via EA Help. If you wish to appeal a ban, please take the steps in this article: If you want general information around bans, and why you might have one this article will provide more info: years agoCommunity Admin91KViews17likes172CommentsLet there be solos!!!
Im so tired of always getting the worst teammates because all they do is throw the game leaving you alone to die and treat the game as a solo when you literally have a whole team. They also get knock like not even killed and just rage quit I don't think I could even count how many times it have happened and that leaves me having to fight a whole team by myself so just LET THERE BE SOLOS!!!2.9KViews36likes171CommentsToo many "pro" players ruining everyone's fun.
So...this one is a little stupid and more me being a "salty and sore loser" but in my opinion, I don't care. Whenever I play Apex, i would often think i would get a decent lobby where everyone is at least decent and not too good/bad. but all i get are stupidly high lv players with an insane amount of kills who want nothing more than to ruin everyone's day, including mine. These "pro" players don't deserve to be in lobbies where there are loads of lv level players. These low levels wanna get used to the game and enjoy themselves but when these "pro" players destroy them with nothing more than a Peacekeeper or any full-auto weapons. I feel sorry for these low level players cause they wanna play something thats fast paced, balanced and is not Fortnite/PUBG. But instead they get the sweaty, try-hard, "pro" players whose ego's are bigger than their brains. Why can't players who are, say, over lv 45-50 be put in a match where it's all high levels? give low level players a chance to experience the game without the threat of the sweaty try-hards. These guys just wanna ruin everyone's fun because all they care about is winning and nothing else. It's not even a competitive game. but as always games like these bring out the worst of people. Hate, laugh and troll me all you want, one thing is certain: Low level players need a chance to enjoy the game without any high level sweaty players ruining everyone's fun. High level players over lvs 45-50 should have their own lobby for them where anyone below lv 45 or so won't be rekt by them. Also, nerf Peacekeeper slightly and buff the P2020 slightly. 😉22KViews72likes145CommentsThe Iron Crown Event: Just a predatory monetisation tactic?
Please note: This post isn't meant to dissuade players from making their own choices. I am merely providing my opinion through criticising the developers' use of shady business tactics to swindle players out of their money. I pose to you a question... Who is the biggest enemy players must face in Apex Legends? The biggest enemy players have to face in Apex Legends is not the better skilled players who always join in as a well co-ordinated team. It's not that one guy who gets all the good loot as soon as they hit the ground at the start of the match after landing right in front of you when you only get left a Mozambique and a dozen level one sniper stocks. It's not that one player with 10,000+ kills in possession of a backpack and guns full of level 4 items. It's not even the leviathans that step on you. No it's none of them. The biggest enemy every single player has to deal with is EA. This is clearly evident from what can be seen in this latest Iron Crown update. EA & Respawn are blatantly presenting the community of Apex Legends, there entire player base, with despicable predatory monetisation tactics. For those who aren't aware of the pricing for the new event items, allow me to briefly explain it here; Crowns (yet another in-game currency) are earned through playing the event, but only a total of 120 Crowns can be earned though said gameplay. All other crowns can only be earned through event specific apex packs. Each event apex pack costs an average of $7 with each pack giving only a 50% chance at providing an event skin or item. In total any player will have to spend around $150-160 in order to get enough event packs to obtain every event item available during the event. Then and only then are you given the "opportunity" to purchase... yes that's right, PURCHASE, as in spend even more money on, a preview for Bloodhound's heirloom set. Also bare in mind the fact this this additional purchasable content is merely just a preview. A PREVIEW! It is not the entirety of Bloodhound's heirloom set. Just a single melee skin... FOR $35! So you would still have to open at least 500 loot boxes in order to be guaranteed the set. But oh wait... they're not loot boxes are they. They're "surprise mechanics". No. What's surprising is how EA is allowed to get away with what essentially amounts to encourage people to participate in acts that are tantamount gambling. Sure EA's representatives, lawyers and defence team in the ESA will tell you no, it's not gambling. However, that doesn't change the fact that this form of monetisation scheme is malicious on the most fundamental of levels. The worst people affected by this can essentially boil down to tree types of individual. The young, the malleable and you. The young, mostly children and the early teen demographic, are persuaded into spending money on things like skins for what $20 each, with their common to legendary tier system to make it seem like it's the only way to experience some form of success in games like Apex Legends. And the malleable? Well they're the ones EA takes advantage of through their susceptibility to gambling or those who may have addiction problems and are the clearly the most exploitable victims of this system. Then there's you. The average generic consumer who must specifically fork out on your hard earned money just to obtain something you think looks nice in a game you enjoy to spend time on. Fun Fact EA: Not everyone can afford to spend $200 on cosmetic dlc! If you want to see a larger profit overall, then things have to be better affordable to your consumers. Otherwise the only people you truly sell a product to are the rich and the vulnerable with compulsive personalities. EA would see a much higher growth rate in their profits if they actually considered pricing their products to anything that can be considered even remotely fair. So we as a community need to call this for what it is. Consumer exploitation through the use of predatory monetisation tactics. Heck, all you have to do is take one look at the Apex Legends subreddit right now to find that the majority of the community aren't talking about the bug fixes and core gameplay improvements. No, they're discussing their disgust at the developers' attempt to make money off of them because they enjoy the game. I, like many others who share these thoughts on the matter, would advise players to not encourage this dreadful display of greed by EA and Respawn. Hey Respawn, want to know how you capitalise? This is it... "REspAwn - Creators of EApex Legends".3.2KViews45likes143CommentsControl LTM Feedback Megathread
- When the enemy is dominating the middle objective, and you sneak around to capture the controlpoint near the enemy base, nobody can even spawn there. For me this takes away all of the tactical point of this gamemode. I understand the goal is probably to avoid spawnkilling, but then at least wait to block the spawn near enemy base untill the middle point is controlled as well. Capturing the point when nobody of your team is able to spawn there to come help defend it, or squeeze the enemy in the middle, means the enemy can take it back very easily and you are back to the same situation as before, wasting valuable minutes for no significant influence on the game. - Games sometimes feel a bit short for me, but i guess it's because the stats don't count right? - Control is disappointing. As much as i was looking forward to it, and really hoping this gamemode would finally give us an alternative way of enjoying the game and release us of the relentlessness SBMM that has been tormenting many of us 'solo above average player's. A gamemode with 2 teams is perfect for creating actual random lobbies, where the first 18 people who want to play control get throw into the pot. Preds and noobs together, whoever lines up. You devide them in equal teams so the best ones are not in the same team and everyone still has a 50% of winning. There is absolutely no reason to fill every game up with preds, masters predators and 4k/20kill heroes. I mean, whyyyyyy???? A real shame they chose to go this way so i doubt i'll be investing more time in this gamemode, or Apex at all tbh. After so many seasons of torment, i'm absolutely sick of this ****. [CM - updating thread title after merging feedback threads]5.4KViews10likes138CommentsRemove aim assist now on PC
I have never in my life been lazered more by people than what controller players do. Ive went against apex preds and rarely do I ever get 1 magged EXCEPT when its a controller player. This crap is so unfair and should not be on PC the same person that hits me for 187 in 1 second flat also 1 bursted me for 115 last match with the hemlock. just dropped and 2/3 shots hit me in the head. something ONLY a controller aim assist would do6.5KViews35likes130Comments