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Problema para canjear un sobre
Esta mañana abrí un sobre y me salió un sobre de canjeo de cesión. Cada vez que intento abrir este sobre me aparece el mensaje “Se ha producido un fallo de comunicación con los servidores de Football Ultimate Team. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde” pero no me echa de UT únicamente me devuelve al menú principal de UT, esto está haciendo que no pueda abrir ningún sobre. ¿Hay alguna solución?¿Podrían eliminar dicho canjeo de sobre de cesión de mi cuenta? [Moved to FC 25 ES - CM]NeroR142 days agoSeasoned Newcomer1.5KViews21likes50CommentsHelp claiming a pack
So I’m trying to open a breakthrough TOTW provisions pack and every time I go to do so it says “there was a problem connecting to the football ultimate team servers. Please try again later, any ideas? Thanks !SolvedDaniel_Dart2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer1.2KViews19likes49CommentsEA FC 25 can’t open packs due to player pick bug
i think most people have been complaining about this since the beta has been released and we still can’t open packs? The issue has still not been resolved and I still can’t open packs!? Ea can we please get a response or fix to the bug asap.Solved5.7KViews13likes35CommentsBUG PACCHETTO FC25
ho trovo dentro un pacchetto un altro pacchetto ma quando lo sono andato ad aprire mi dice che si è verificato un problema di connessione ai server di Football Ultimate Team. Riprova Piu tardi ho chiuso il gioco e riaperto e mi da sempre lo stesso problema quindi ho provato anche dalla web app ma non me lo fa aprire nemmeno, potete togliermi il pacchetto dal mio account grazie mille attendo vostra risposta.SolvedDamo2000064721 hours agoNewcomer290Views11likes24CommentsBreakthrough Pack Bonus Crashes Store
I have a breakthrough pack bonus gold pack that came as a bonus in the store redemption. I click it the card to redeem the bonus pack and it says "Ultimate Team servers cant be reached. Try again later" It won't let me open ANY other packs unless I resolve this...I get the hmmm need to resolve, then I get the the server connection error... Anyone able to help?SolvedTOWR21892 days agoRising Rookie744Views10likes27CommentsBug pack qui s’ouvre pas
Bonjour j’ai un pack bloqué dans ma boutique. Il m’a été donner dans un autre pack. du coup je ne peux plus rien ouvrir tant que celui ci ne sera pas ouvert. pouvez m’aider ??? Que dois je faire ? [Moved to FC 25 FR - CM]Malinois7762 days agoSeasoned Newcomer1.1KViews9likes36CommentsProbleme beim einlösen
Ich habe heute ein Shop Pack gekauft, wo man 1.500 EP für den Season Pass bekommt und ein Item was man ebenfalls einlösen muss. Aber dieser andere Artikel lässt sich nicht einlösen und man verliert die Verbindung zum Shop sobald man es einlösen möchte. Was macht man da jetzt, weil ich keine anderen Packs öffnen kann, solange dieser Artikel nicht gelöst wurde. [Moved to FC 25 DE - CM]SolvedTeaBang2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer1.6KViews9likes60CommentsSingle gold player pack in my store from a Marquee Matchups pack won't claim.
Gold player pack in my store from a Marquee Matchups pack won't claim and keeps kicking me out of the store or off of the Web/Companion App after trying to claim it.SolvedDoranS77720 hours agoRising Traveler227Views7likes8CommentsUnable to claim gold pack
I was simply opening some packs after doing some SBCs, and one of my packs contained a gold pack claim, however when I tried to claim the gold pack, I get kicked back to the main FUT menu, being told there's an issue connecting to the server. I then try opening the pack again, I get told that I have some items that need to be assigned, and I see the gold pack again, and I get caught in a loop of being unable to claim this pack. If I could just discard the pack I'd be fine with that, but nope, and I now am unable to open the rest of my packs because of it. I see that I'm not the only one having this issue, so I at least have faith that this will be fixed soon. Thank you Jake.J4C0B5M1TH18 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer193Views6likes4CommentsError al abrir un sobre
Hoy en la mañana cuando abrí un sobre de oro, me salió un sobre de prestamo para canjear, el problema es que cuando lo canjeo me salta un error con la conexión con los servidores de EA y no me deja canjearlo, esto hace que no pueda abrir sobres en la tienda y esto retrasa mucho mi progreso. Saben como hacer para arreglar este problema o cuando se arreglaría?114Views5likes4CommentsProblème de connexion
Bonjour j'essaie à plusieurs reprises d'ouvrir un pack or obtenu dans un pack mais fc 25 m'affiche le message suivant sachant que je suis bien sur ultimate team. J'ai biensur desinstalle et réinstaller, connecté déconnecté, changé mdr, fc companion mais rien y fait . Le message est le suivant : Un problème de connexion est survenue avec les serveurs football ultimate team. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Sa fait déjà 2 jour Cordialement Merci d'avanceJojo1407239 hours agoNewcomer53Views4likes5CommentsCan't redeem item
I've opened a pack inside the pack item I can't redeem and I can't open other packs pls help to slove itTanus28100113 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer74Views4likes5CommentsFree Gold Pack Stuck in Unassigned Items
I recently got a pack from a draft which I opened and it contained a regular golf pack, however when I go to redeem it I get kicked off of UT, so it’s stuck and I’m unable to open anything else until it’s removed or redeemed. Wondering if anyone else has this issue ?.323Views4likes9CommentsConnexion impossible
I received a gold pack and when I open it it tells me that there is a connection problem with the football ultimate team servers. and it prevents me from opening the other packs because it comes back disappointed what should I do please?Josue24292 hours agoNewcomer31Views3likes2CommentsNon va il pacchetto
Ho aperto un mega pacchetto e mi ha dato un altro pacchetto da riscattare e appena lo riscatto mi dice errore e mi fa uscire dal negozio [Titolo modificato dal moderatore per rispetto delle regole di formattazione, evitiamo di scrivere in maiuscolo, equivale a gridare. - EA_Claus]Taschwarznegger3 hours agoNewcomer19Views3likes2Commentscuando vais a arreglar el Bug del Sobre.
No se puede abrir ningún sobre de ninguna manera. Ni en tienda, ni en el juego, ni en web app, ni en la aplicación. Hasta cuando así? encima no publicáis nada. La gente lleva días con el problema. [Moved to FC 25 ES - CM]XsAam_xD3 hours agoNewcomer64Views3likes3Comments