Stuck in ranked queue for hours and hours until I quit
I usually only get time to play Apex in the AM due to my work schedule. I have played on multiple platforms over the years and have recently switched to PC. I've been playing Apex since release.
Every morning I get stuck in ranked queue purgatory. It will start me at around 5 players go up to about 30-40 and then bounce me back to around 5. This can last for well over an hour until I just close the application.
I've tried different DNS, different internet settings, different servers, etc...If I turn on my Playstation then I get into a game immediately. I have recently unlinked all of my other platforms thinking this was potentially the problem. I have looked for answers and tried everything I can possibly think of but it doesn't seem to make a difference. There's some sort of internal issue with my account on my PC through steam. I have a feeling it's trying to queue multiple different platforms PS5/XBox/Steam (all the platforms I've used over the years) and just bugging out.
Any help would be much appreciated. This sucks and I'm just trying to play ranked but it's impossible.