Missing DLC and Get To Work missing!
- 4 days ago
Hi puzzleaddict. Thank you for the response. I just figured it all out and was just returning to update this post with how I resolved it! :)
As I mentioned above, I tried clearing the cache and reinstalling the DLCs (except for Get To Work, because it was not showing as owned). I went back into the game and THOUGHT it didn't work--but it did! The UI image in-game of my last played household showed them standing in their underwear so I assumed the DLC was still not installed in-game. HOWEVER I discovered when I opened Load Game the only DLC I was missing was Get To Work (meaning, everything else was now installed and in-game! yayyy). THEN, I was about to break down and buy Get To Work again but saw I didn't have my discount from my Xbox Gamepass membership that is still current. Then I did a search online and found that I could and should log into EA Games using the Xbox login icon on the login window. I did that and had full intention of proceeding to buy Get To Work but it showed as already owned!!! OMG! I then went into The Sims EA app store page and Manage Add-ons and there it was!!!! I downloaded it again and now everything is fixed! I'm so relieved.
I'm a bit confused about why EA App didn't see Get To Work until I logged into EA App with the Xbox Gamepass icon. Could you help me understand that? Or maybe it is a coincidence since you said it seemed to have been clearing up for others on it's own.