Hi Crinrict, first of all thank you so much for all your hard work in troubleshooting and spreading awareness about these issues.
I have a question relating to this bug, and I think you are the right person to ask to. You see, I am confused about how to handle the 2 major bugs in the game right now: the error 800 and the cluttering/littering issue. I just started a new save, I don't have other residential rental lots other than the ones that come with the Tomarang world. I want to get rid of those residential rentals to prevent the error 800 bug. But in order to bulldoze the lot, you need to load the lot first. And loading the lot, will trigger the cluttering/littering bug!....oh my God...I don't really know how to handle these...so do you think the best solution right now would be to just completely leave the residential rental lots in Tomarang alone? In the hopes that having as fewer residential rentals as possible in your entire save file would be enough to prevent the error 800 from happening AND prevent the cluttering/littering issue to happen too?
Also, you mentioned about manually deleting unplayed homeless sims from our game regularly. Say if my game designate a certain NPC as a delivery person, should I NOT delete this NPC sim? And if my played sim has a friend relationship with an NPC sim, should I also NOT delete this sim? Sorry I am fairly new to the Sims 4.