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In League season end didn’t get gems reward
Last week when League season ends I got league points reward but didn’t get gems. I should get 5900 gems. I have waited maybe some days after it will be fixed, but nothing. So how to fix this issue and get my hard worked gems?ZavGabriel4 hours agoNew Novice3Views0likes0CommentsPromotion issue
I promoted to world class i, but in the end of month the game moved me back to world class ii.. Hapened two months in row even though i had enough points... Really **bleep**iest mobile game ever. Not to mention awful controls and connection problems in last few months. Ea should aim on technical issues and not on those woke bull**bleep**s..16Views0likes0Comments- Fannste9423 hours agoSeasoned Adventurer7Views0likes0Comments
Bug Activity point League Keep 0 (Zero)
I have a problem with the league, my points activity Can't increase even though I've done daily missions and rival divisions, Both H2H and MM. It all started when I changed leagues, in my previous league everything was normal, like the first picture. While the second picture shows my activity points which remain 0 no matter what I do. Please help me because if I don't have activity points I will be kicked out of the league.ft9ujx1qe5kn2 days agoNewcomer10Views0likes0CommentsBug in quest section for new players
There is a bug in the quest section "Fc Lessons : Advanced" in which a quest named 'Log in for 2 days ' is bugged and I am not able to claim it even though I have been logging in since 3 weeks more then it . I request to the devs that please please please fix it asap cuz it puts a bad impression of the game to the new players I hope you understand. Fix it asap . I have put a screenshot to make it clear . Thanks 🙏 This is the 2nd time I posting about this bug yet the devs are busy in something because of this I am not able to claim the other rewards and unable to unlock the other main quests 😕Solved1efyfhv6w48q3 days agoSeasoned Newcomer53Views1like3CommentsMatch making, fouls, 90+ minutes, overall and network in fc mobile.
Match making is a jock, i know its world game but. Whay do i care about network sinhronization if my network is stabile, whay do i care about there connection thet is there problem not my, and network can't be sinhronized becouse i play for exemple from England and my oponent play from Italy tjet is not posibile to have sinhronized network. Then there is problem about fouls, litle skretch foul, make tow dribels fast and oponent hit in full speed in my player foul for oponemt wat is going on, if you make dribel and some one hit you foul for you not him. And when its foul stop the game gavr free kick not wait becouse some time it gave foul now some time it past 15 secuand game secuand then wisle for foul. Bigest bug is game minutes 90 regular minutes is equal 5-8 real minutes okey, but 90+ it never can be that long becuse it apears from game to game. Same about overall player with 108 overall is eaqual to 110 overall that cant be the same. But the game beside these 5 things witch frustrate all players is 10 of 10 rewords, graphicks, sound, player cards that is all grate. Please fix these 5 things. Thanck you.filiplukicmatrix3 days agoSeasoned Newcomer21Views1like0CommentsI got abnormal game noticed everytime I won a vsa match
This game is rigged asf and hate me kwvajabwgqhjabagahhavaca aishnamHVankapyl961d61f5s4 days agoSeasoned Newcomer10Views1like0Comments- 2sl7bwj5u1ik4 days agoRising Newcomer22Views1like0Comments
Achievements completed but no rewards recieved ( 20,000 gems )
I have joined a league and am a member and have 5 players with 20 level and according to the missions of 'anywhere for the club' I should have gotten my rewards but they are always shown as joun a league and become a member and when I click on it , it transports me to my league so I need you to fix this bug and give me 20,000 gems11Views0likes0CommentsLeague Logo
The league logo should say CLUB but it says CULB. Please fix this EA. Thanks in advance.o95f2qskgu224 days agoNewcomer12Views0likes0CommentsBugs avec progression
5 Mascherano reçus, échec pour chacun quand je veux faire progresser un joueurhealer7775 days agoSeasoned Newcomer9Views0likes0Comments