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[INFO] Known Information and Current Alerts [30th January 2025]
Hey, check out known Information and emerging Issues here. Ticket Response Time Average response time on in-game tickets is about 48 hours as of January 30th 2025. Maintenance Details Details:[Source] DATE: January 30th TIME: 9am CT / 3pm UTC expected duration 4hrs VERSION: 7.6.d Known Issues reported on Forums Some players cant launch the game on pressing play on the release of the new launcher known workaround: Some have found they have needed to install directx 9 legacy files otherwise try installing C++ via , all else fails install the game via steam Steam purchase fails to add gametime - follow the directions in [INFO] Steam Purchase Not Working Known 7.6 Game Issues - See this link425KViews356likes0CommentsLarge, unchangeable deadzone when using HOTAS, in-game options do NOT change it.
Product: Star Wars: Squadrons Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kellar21 Are you playing in VR? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Prologue What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Flying in the first mission Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. First mission. When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.2020 How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating What happens when the bug occurs? There's a ~20% deadzone on the X and Y axis on the joystick(HOTAS X52Pro) , no matter what configuration is done on the game options menu. What do you expect to see? The Ship to answer properly to HOTAS input. Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." no What components were you using? Standard Which customizations (if any) were you using? Standard Product: Star Wars: Squadrons Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kellar21 Are you playing in VR? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Prologue What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Flying in the first mission Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. First mission. When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.2020 How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating What happens when the bug occurs? There's a ~20% deadzone on the X and Y axis on the joystick(HOTAS X52Pro) , no matter what configuration is done on the game options menu. What do you expect to see? The Ship to answer properly to HOTAS input. Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." no What components were you using? Standard Which customizations (if any) were you using? Standard No matter what option I use, there's a large(20%+) deadzone on X and Y axis on the joystick, making gameplay extremely frustrating and it becomes almost impossible to do any fine control during flight. Apparently, this can be changed on the GstInput.DeadzoneFloor value in the ProfileOptions config file, but it resets after each mission anyway. EDIT: Workaround: Used VJOY and Joystick Gremlin to reassign X-axis and Y-axis to X-Rotary and Y-Rotary and doing the proper reassingnments on the options menu(selecting VJOY as controller 1) there's NO deadzone I could observe with these axis, I upped sensitivity to 100% to improve response. I did the first mission and the beginning of the second and it seemed to work Ok.Solved26KViews254likes137CommentsRefresh Rate bug
Product: Star Wars: Squadrons Platform:Steam-PC Please specify your platform model. PC What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? CnRJay Are you playing in VR? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Other Please explain 'Other' Every time you can move the camera around What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Anytime that I move the camera like in the hanger Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. The hanger and in flight When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 01/10/2020 How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating What happens when the bug occurs? The screen starts majorly tearing and looks choppy. But I am running 144hz and it feels like 60hz What do you expect to see? I expect to see fluid gameplay and not a choppy game. Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." N/A What components were you using? Xbox Controller Which customizations (if any) were you using? N/A This is unplayable until this is fixed. I have seen multiple people on reddit and discord that also have this problem. The refresh rates above 60hz are broken, it makes the game super choppy. I am playing on 144hz and the whole game is skipping when I turn even though I am running at 300fps.Solved32KViews245likes731CommentsDaily 600 not tracking
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Apple iPhone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? All devices OS Version Very version Ally Code: (Find it here: ) I am Grandepatron if you want to be my ally just ask. What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug When 600 is completed it does not show up on management tab. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Do 600 energy for tickets before your daily reset. Connection Type Wifi Please select your region North America Country Reality Skewed Gamers This bug has been around for a long time. With a new raid coming some time in the new year maybe we can finally fix a 18 month old bug. Just search #ididmy600 on twitter. Or I have a video for you to explain more. account
I try to connect but I get an error telling me my account is invalid every time.Solved397KViews206likes16Comments[INFO] Steam Purchase Not Working
FAQ: Steam Purchase This is only applicable if you have purchased a subscription or bundle via Steam. You will need to provide screenshots to support via email: If you need help with taking screenshots read here I subscribed, but the game still thinks I’m not a subscriber If you were logged into the game when you subscribed, try quitting the game entirely and logging back in again. Your subscriber status should update on a new login. If it doesn’t, check your email for a receipt from Steam to make sure your subscription payment went through successfully. If it did, and you’re still not showing as a subscriber in-game, follow these steps to get help: Go to your Steam purchase history: Log in to the Steam client Click on your username at the top right. Choose Account Details. Take a full screen screenshot of your account details page, clearly showing your Steam account name and Steam ID number. These screenshots must be unedited so we can verify your account details without having to ask you for more information or additional screenshots. Click on View Purchase History. Take a screenshot of your Purchase History screen, clearly showing the SW:TOR transaction. Click in to the transaction, and screenshot that page too. Email these screenshots to (use the email on the swtor account) Few Do's and Donts Dont crop the Purchase or Steam ID page be sure they are as shown here Do Email from the email you have used on the swtor account If your email is over 4mb it will be blocked at the email gateway Dont provide a screenshot showing your preferred it is pointless and usually makes the email too large Dont take pictures with your phone and send in, they are usually not up to the required standard.113KViews176likes0CommentsUnable to claim reward although I've completed the milestone
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:PC What is your issue related to? Challenges Which part of it? Persistent Summarize your bug I have made it through the milestone, went to the career menu and the milestone was like I've already claimed it. What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Elr2d2 How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%) Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 12/12/17 What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 09:27 PM In what game mode did the bug occur? Blast What is your time zone? EET (ART) - GMT + 2:00 Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I've been playing the game and then i got a pop up message that said that the milestone is complete, I finished the match, went back to the menu and it was like I've already claimed it. What happens when the bug occurs? I tried to go back to the main menu and again to the career menu and then to the collection menu. What do you expect to see? That the reward is unclaimed. Please select your region Asia, Europe AMD or Nvidia Model Number Gtx 1070 I have made it through the milestone by defeating 50 enemies and went to the career menu and the milestone was like I've already claimed it, but when I went to the collection menu I didn't get a damn thing! Fix it or I'll ask for refund.39KViews154likes1656CommentsInfinte loading in Mission 9
Product: Star Wars: Squadrons Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Isoroku_Adumi Are you playing in VR? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Other Please explain 'Other' Story What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. In Mission 9, after ride fighter and see movie, loading screen does not end. I left it for 2 hours, but it stayed on the loading screen. Uninstall,Repair,Reboot game or Windows have no effect. I can play other modes, for example, missions up to 8 and training. Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. Story Mode, Mission 9 When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.2020 12:00 JST How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) How severe is your issue? Can't play What happens when the bug occurs? Loading screen does not end. What do you expect to see? Let me finish story mode. Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." Fighter,Intercepter,Reaper What components were you using? GTX 680,i7-3770,16 GB Which customizations (if any) were you using? none I cannot play Mission 9, Chaos at Mon Cala. 1.I choose Fighter and ride it, I see the movie that go to Mon Cala. screen and a 4 * 4 square in the lower right corner have appeared.(maybe, loading screen) 3.That state lasts forever. I tried reboot, repair, uninstall but these are no effect. Squares are flashes so i think It is not in a state of no response. Other mode, Fleet battle training, Mission 8, training is worked. I bought this game for story mode. Let me play the story mode to the end. Sincerely.Solved26KViews135likes538CommentsBounty menu undiscovered
Product: STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor Platform:Steam-PC Summarize your bug The bounty menu is undiscovered after finishing chapter 3 "On the trail" mission How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play the game until after chapter 3 What happens when the bug occurs? The bounty menu stays "undiscovered" and I am unable to start the whole bounty hunters subquest What do you expect to see? I expect to be able to see the bounty hunters menu and find bounty hunters in the game I completed the mission in chapter three with Caij cutscene, I also had the pop up explaining how bounty system works. Nothing stranged happened, i didn't die during the fight and I scanned the bounty hunter. However, when I tried to open the menu the bounty panel was still "undiscovered". Later I went to the saloon and talked with Caij until she was out of things to say, but the menu was still blocked. I am able to use her shop and I have the first puck. I have an active rumor telling me to talk with Caij, but she has nothing to say. Finally I went where the first hunter is supposed to be, in derelict dam, but he is not spawning. I think this is a game breaking bug because at the moment I am missing almost 20 boss fightsSolved25KViews131likes354CommentsMotion Blur Can't Be Turned Off
Product: Star Wars: Squadrons Platform:Steam-PC Please specify your platform model. PC What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? tcholton Are you playing in VR? Yes Which VR Platform are you using? Oculus Rift Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Dogfight What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Flying any ship anywhere. Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. Everywhere while flying any ship. When did this happen? ( hh:mm) October 2, 2020 How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating What happens when the bug occurs? Motion blur. What do you expect to see? No motion blur. Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." Tie Fighter, X-Wing What components were you using? Rift-S Which customizations (if any) were you using? None. Motion blur option is absent from the menu, making playing this game in VR look terrible. Please fix by allowing us to turn motion blur to zero.6.2KViews129likes37CommentsSW: Squadrons - Known Issues & Announcements
Welcome to Star Wars: Squadrons! To ensure you have the absolute best experience while playing, we've listed known issues that may impact your experience. We'll keep this list updated throughout launch, and will add workarounds where possible. Release Notes Oct 3 - We've deployed a small PC patch to improve overall game stability when launching in VR. Oct 8 - Update 1.1 Oct 15 - Update 1.2 Oct 28 - Update 1.3 Nov 4 - Update 2.0 Nov 25- Update 3.0 Dec 11- Update 4.0 Dec 17- Update 4.1 Invite Failed If you receive the "Invite Failed" error message, please ensure you're inviting a player: Based on their EA ID, not their platform user name. Who owns STAR WARS: Squadrons and has logged into the game. With the "Allow Crossplay" setting enabled. You have been kicked by the Match Administrator "Error 204 - You have been kicked by the Match Administrator" can sometimes be seen in standard Dogfight and Fleet Battle. This means that the sever kicked all players out of the game for some internal error. Updated, Dec 17th. PC The Origin __Installer Folder doesn’t disappear until after uninstall and Origin restart. UI Rarely, signature treatment will overlap with the pilots during the EOR flow. The faction color might show incorrectly in the scoreboard when playing several games as different factions in the same Custom Games lobby. CUSTOM MATCHES When Auxiliaries are banned, they appear as usable on the ship’s dashboard on the Rebels side, for the Fighter and the Support classes. The UI may be missing while waiting to respawn. Things will go back to normal once the respawn timer ends and you re-deploy. BALANCING Server-side changes are not updating in Fleet Battles Solo vs AI (including Custom Matches), hangars, and Practice. TEXT CHAT The text chat does not work on any platforms when using a controller unless activated with the keyboard first. VR Valve Index - Having HDR enabled results in colors being over saturated. Workaround: disable HDR. HP Reverb / Vive - In-world markers and icons are misplaced during gameplay. Oculus / Steam - UI disappears when in fullscreen mode while using VR. Oculus - Second action feed appears on screen if the HMD is removed during gameplay.60KViews119likes0CommentsRank 50 Trophy not awarded
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:Sony Playstation 4 What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug I reached rank 50, however the “Force is Strong with This One” trophy did not unlock, and therefore the platinum one didn’t either, as it was the final trophy I would have acquired. I have played about a dozen matches since reaching rank 50. It has still not unlocked. What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? BadMuthaDude How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 02/19/2018 What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) Approx: 10:00AM In what game mode did the bug occur? Strike What is your time zone? EST (IET) - GMT - 5:30 Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? View my PlayStation trophy collection. What happens when the bug occurs? My rank is 50 in game but the trophy is locked. What do you expect to see? “The Force is Strong with This One” trophy unlocked and Platinum trophy unlocked. Please select your region North America AMD or Nvidia Model Number ‌Screenshot now attached.Solved40KViews117likes924Comments[Guide] Posting a DxDiag
This guide will cover how you can best share a DxDiag with us on the forums. 1. Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard 2. You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen 3. Type dxdiag in the text field 4. Click OK 5. If your computer has a 64-bit version of Windows, click the button Run 64-bit DXDIAG (see screenshot below) 6. If your computer has a 32-bit version of Windows, that button will not be available 7. Click the Save All Information button, found on the bottom of the DXDIAG report 8. Save this text file to your Desktop if possible To post your DxDiag either: 1. Select the 'Choose file' button below the post box 2. Find the DxDiag file and select it - hit Open 3. Add text to your post and hit Submit OR 1. Open the text file, select all the text inside (Ctrl + A) and copy it (Ctrl +C). 2. Go to, paste the contents of your DXDiag inside (Ctrl+V) 3. Click on the Copy Shareable Link button and then paste (Ctrl+V) that link into your post on AHQ, along with a precise description of your issue.48KViews110likes0Comments[FIXED] Broken Bounties-Caij stops giving Cal work at random times
Product: STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor Platform:PC Summarize your bug During New Game + Caij does not give you bounties, even if you didn’t finish them in the initial play through. She only says pointless dialogue about Cal’s friends. How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By doing your jobs for once and fixing a game you’ve released. What happens when the bug occurs? I can’t 100% complete the game. What do you expect to see? Competence but that’s too much to expect from EA and Respawn, I suppose DYSPROssium edit: updated formatting of title/body.Solved39KViews107likes765CommentsThrawn AI Issue in Cleansing correct character
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:Android Phone What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Samsung Galaxy Note 5 OS Version N/A Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 851-693-825 What type of issue do you have? Gameplay How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug Since a fix to Hermit Yoda prioritizing Strength Flows from the Force, Thrawn's AI on defense will pass turn meter to the lowest effective-HP character (Health and protection combined) over an actually debuffed character. This is a problem and results in a significantly hampered AI defense, especially since it completely destroys a specific defensive strategy against Jedi Training Rey teams. If Thrawn simply prioritizes the lowest eHP character, please specify it in Grand Admiral Command's description. Otherwise this seems like a pretty severe bug in the cleanse functionality of Thrawn's move. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Load up a fast R2, BB8 and Jedi Training Rey vs Thrawn, Shoretrooper and a low eHP character like Tarkin. Use JTR's Mind Trick on Shoretrooper while using only Secret Intel and R2's stealth. You will see that Thrawn will not cleanse Shoretrooper, but will 'cleanse' Tarkin instead. Connection Type Mobile Please select your region North America Country USA N/A2.5KViews105likes19CommentsThe game is unplayable after the TLJ patch. Constant stuttering and freezing.
After The Last Jedi patch the game is completely unplayable. Even in smaller game modes the stuttering is unbearable. Before the patch everything was smooth, apart from the constant serverside rubberbanding, and laggs of course. Now everything stutters, the menu, the lootboxes, the SP cutscenes, everything... The platform is PC and my sys req is way over the recommended line. Drivers are updated too. It is so annoying... even a company this huge cannot test their builds properly. Gamebreaking problems such as this should be fixed immediately, but after 24 hrs still nothing. Now we have to wait who knows how long for a fix... I would rather play the previous build of the game without the DLC. AAA game development... are you kidding me?!. This is how the game performs since The Last Jedi patch: Event is Broken
The first time it released the generator had 20stacks in first battle but now has only 10, you have no chance to get through all the B1 300+ with only 10 generator stacks of plasma shielding. Thanks CG. Update: Even if you manage to beat tier1 every tier is effected and tier3 was hard before now try with 10stacks instead of 20 and also tier 5 has 2 waves......good luck11KViews95likes115CommentsPlease add Achievements on Steam
Hello, first of all I'm very happy, that this game is available on Steam, but please add Achievements there as well. A lot of gamers are missing them, as you can see within the discussions on Steam. Furthermore Trading Cards with nice Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order backgrounds would be magnificent. 🙌Solved20KViews94likes126CommentsSound cutting out
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:PC What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug In the middle of gameplay, all sound will randomly cut out. This has happened twice to me now and is only resolved by exiting the entire game and restarting it. Its very annoying when I am really into a match and then half way through its as though my trooper has gone deaf. What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%) Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) In what game mode did the bug occur? Galactic Assault What is your time zone? GMT (UTC) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? PLaying galactic conquest What happens when the bug occurs? All sound cuts out, only fixed by restarting the entire program. What do you expect to see? Please select your region Europe AMD or Nvidia Model Number GTX980M 8GB In the middle of gameplay, all sound will randomly cut out. This has happened twice to me now and is only resolved by exiting the entire game and restarting it. Its very annoying when I am really into a match and then half way through its as though my trooper has gone deaf.Solved23KViews91likes429Comments
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