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Hi there!
So I played sims4 on an pc and recently got a new laptop and moved it to over there. I have dlc that I bought from both Steam and on the EA app, and through codes. At first, I downloaded the game from the EA app and only got the dlc that I bought from there. I didn't realize for a week that I didn't have all my dlc because they were just kits and weren't expansion packs or anything. Then, I downloaded SIMs 4 from STEAM and it created a second copy of the game. I deleted the second copy of the game and now I just have the one from STEAM, but I can still access it from EA. Now, I have my kits, but I don't have my expansion packs from EA. It won't let me download just the dlc from EA, so I'm confused as to what to do next as I can't seem to have both. I know this is kind of a confusing post, but any help would be nice.