Recent ContentNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetSolutionsSims 2 Legacy Edition worlds disappearing?? Literally all I have left is veronaville what is this. Evolution Name stimmt nicht mit dem Upgrade überein In meiner Web App heißt eine Future Star Akademie Evolution „Schnittstellenpass“ aber im Upgrade steht, dass man den Spielstil „Entscheidender Pass erhält“. Ich habe für die Future Star Evolution 8 ...83x14 SBC They’re listed as 3 times repeatable but I was only allowed to do it once Evolution on fut academy player Hi I did a mistake and accidentally put a 4 star week foot evolution on my foot academy player and now I can't upgrade him any more can I do something with this or not? Thanks for the help Bug Since the updated ALA version 2.05 (the game of the Sims 4) was updated there has been a bug over time, rain, storms, snow or blizzard inside the game houses. 6 jogadores em campo. Olá pessoal. Não sei se aconteceu com mais alguém mas ao jogar o modo temporadas, no segundo tempo fico com 6 jogadores de linha (como se houvesse expulsões) Já aconteceu comigo uns 4 jogos. Arrum...फोनपे से शिकायत कैसे करें आप O7431890810 पर हमारे फोनपे पेमेंट गेटवे सहा यता पर कॉल करके अपनी शिकायत बढ़ा सकते हैं। Sims 2 Legacy Collection: Sims become broken after buying in the shoppes There will a popup screen when buying in the shoppes that causes the Sim to become broken e.g. it can no longer eat, do activities (write novels, go on vacations, etc.) This also causes the Sim to r...Penalty... I can't believe it, EA FC doesn't even try to hide it anymore... Penalty that lost me a game in ultimate team by 3-4... I came back after a 2 mont...फोनपे से शिकायत कैसे करें आप O7431890810 पर हमारे फोनपे पेमेंट गेटवे सहा यता पर कॉल करके अपनी शिकायत बढ़ा सकते हैं।f