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Props to the Devs
I know this post goes against the grain where this forum is mostly complaining. I get that not every patch and update will fix and correct all issues, but this last one I noticed some slight changes in game play that are very welcome. After this last patch update, the game for me in franchise mode has become smoother and more realistic. For example, some of the cheap shots and goals that so easily went in before, are now being blocked by the goalie and it looks really good. I also see some of the shots that used to just go in when blasted from the point or when near the crease, are now bouncing off the goal post or even the goalie or the goalie actually blocks it, and again it looks really good and more believable. Please let the chefs know their work is appreciated :) But there are still things that need work, like the super aggressive CPU who can take any hit and not flinch but falls down when a poke check is coming or the magnetic abilities the CPU seems to have over the puck and my new favorite - this defense guy who races across the ice faster than anyone and dry humps my player until they fall down or a penalty is called. My guys are all slow moving compared to the CPU, I can't seem to find a good set of sliders to even that part out in my gameplay.Solvedlvnv891342 days agoNew Scout67Views1like3Commentsam from canada, i see you're site is american,am allowed to post here ?
am from canada, am i even allowed to post here, do guys got like seperate site for canadians, i feel weird posting bugs on american site, so how does that effect my product even, am just curious is all? Edit: Removed political content. -CMSolvedSuperGoalies21 days agoSeasoned Veteran33Views0likes2CommentsSend it ability
Does the send it ability rely on a vision cone? Tape to tape mentions it in its description but send it does not. Also, does it only activate on break out passes or can it go off anywhere on the ice if the pass is long enough?SolvedBig_E_Bronco5023 days agoNew Vanguard94Views0likes5CommentsCrossplay
The crossplay experience is awful…like maybe time to just take it out awful. The network connection never shows too high of a ping but you can really tell that the game is running poorly when the majority of the other players are on PlayStation. It’s the stuck in mud slow skating feeling that makes the game borderline unplayable. I usually have between 4-6 ping in Xbox games. When I hit that “15” ping…feels more like 70-80 in a PlayStation game, the game isn’t even worth playing.SolvedBig_E_Bronco5029 days agoNew Vanguard90Views0likes7CommentsOption to switch Left stick speed boost
Can we get a button option for speed boost outside of pushing and holding in the left stick. I can’t tell you how many controllers this feature destroys. Standard and pro controllers. maybe a feature like the further up you hold the stick the faster your skater will skate or just a simple button swap feature. Like for someone like myself. I don’t use the quick deke LB button. I should be able to have the option to switch to “hustle mode” by simply holding down the LB button and I can throw quick deke to the left stick push in. theres other buttons that aren’t commonly used across the board as well like Y for lacrosse, A for reverse hit, B between the legs or the auto toe drag which is horrible anyway lol. I understand why they are there as everyone has their limitations and not everyone can use the controller the same way. Even the pro controllers have paddles on the bottom. Maybe let the ones who have that switch to one of those paddle buttons to where they can use the speed boost hustle on a paddle instead of pushing in the right stick. it’s not even just the fact that pushing in the stick almost constantly kills the controller. Sometimes when you’re all the way up or all the way down it doesn’t even register if you’re pushing in the stick. Sure that’s a fault of the controller… But options for this scenario would be nice. I am sorry I don’t have a video of my thumb sticks.SolvedPJaxBear2 months agoNew Hotshot181Views1like15CommentsNo real jerseys in 4 Nations mode? Where is the awesome Team Canada one?
After a lengthy set up with lines, strategies, and settings, I was excited to start playing as Team Canada. But I'm very disappointed, I am offered the regular white and red Canada team jerseys! That the heck EA? I'm profoundly disappointed. I just wasted my time, I won't play this mode without the real jersey. I've attached two pictures. Very very disappointed.SolveddirtyDoz3N2 months agoSeasoned Novice95Views0likes4Comments- Leafs_Zelda342 months agoRising Novice131Views0likes2Comments
How to one-timer in Be a Pro?
I have played countless hours of BAP and I still cannot do a wind-up one timer. I hold L2 and back on the right stick, but every time the pass comes and I move the right stick forward I always receive a pass first and never pull off a one timer. I can pull off a short range one timer by holding the right stick forward before I get a pass and then I do pull off a one-timer that way. But it’s not a full wind up. Any help? It’s really frustrating.SolvedgoshenRU2 months agoNew Rookie192Views0likes3CommentsNew Recent Game Menu Bug??
Looks like there is a new Bug when going into Recent games... After checking out a game by pushing triangle, after you go back and try another game it was the team name as Disbanded Club where in the beginning it had the Clubs name. Going to post the link To a YouTube video so you can see what I am talking about months agoRising Hotshot47Views1like6CommentsPwhl jersey bug
Hi, so since the 4 nations event update, I’ve acknowledged an issue in the PWHL, all the jerseys had stop loading which means that when you start a game both team have the same shirt which is the default nhl blueish colour see the attachment of this message, how can I resolve this issue if there is one if not please fix it in the next update, thanks in advance.Solvedzayn360_0072 months agoSeasoned Novice149Views0likes11CommentsGame strategies effect on user player speed?
I was playing with a two way forward (default build) in club online game WOC and i did notice differense on speed and overall success between normal and aggressive offense/defense pressures (team tactics). Could someone clear my head explain me is this true or not?Solved120Views0likes6CommentsX-factor/abilities clarification and suggestion
EA_Aljo I was just wondering if the Stick 'Em Up ability helped with stick lifts as well or just pokechecks. I don't think it does, but I figured I'd ask anyway. And as for my suggestion, if you look at all the different tools defenders use in real life hockey, they're all pretty well represented in the gold X-factors list for defenders in WoC. For hitting, you have gold Truculence, Stick 'Em Up for pokechecks, Tape-To-Tape for more offensive-minded defensemen who like to pass, etc. One gold X-factor that's missing for defenders, however, is Yoink. A lot of defensemen love to pokecheck, but my personal favorite method of separting players from the puck is to skate alongside them and stick lift them. It seems kinda silly to me that, as a defenseman, I can choose between Stick 'Em Up and Shutdown X-factors that both do the same thing, but I can't get gold Yoink even though stick lifting is a key tool in playing defense. Having a gold version of Yoink for some of the defensive builds would be great, especially since it's a big part of hockey and only forward builds have it currently.SolvedSummerOfDekesII3 months agoRising Adventurer312Views3likes3Comments- rUnotENTERTAlND3 months agoSeasoned Hotshot47Views0likes3Comments
jersey,goalie mask,tournamemt
Hello, I would like to add the current jerseys of the national team, for example, the Czech Republic, to NHL 25 and newer, and add alternative jerseys to the tipsport extraliga team, please, and improve the Golmsen masks in the NHL team. There are already a few new masks, but complete them for all teams and for these leagues , liiga, del, tipsport extraliga, national league, Austrian league and national team and add to the world championship tournament, the match for third place, it's a shame you lose in the semi-finals and then there's no other match, I don't miss it very much and to be able to have my own tournament like in nhl 16, it was great and I would really like to add all this to the nhl 25 and newer nhl partsSolvedps5_vitto3 months agoRising Novice56Views0likes1CommentClarification regarding Hand-Eye attribute
EA_Aljo I was hoping to get clarification on what the Hand-Eye attribute does and doesn't do. I've been tinkering around with builds, trying to create the best defensive build possible. While going through the attributes, I was intrigued by the description of the Hand-Eye attribute: "Hand-Eye determines your deflection skills in front of the net and ability to handle passes or pucks in the air." I found the last bit interesting as it sounds like the attribute could effect one's ability to disrupt saucer passes. E.g, you're playing a 2-on-1 and the puck carrier tries a saucer pass to his teammate. Theoretically, a player with high Hand-Eye would be more likely to bat the puck out of the air and stop the pass. It makes sense, because it's the same skill as deflecting pucks on offense, just used in a defensive manner. Makes sense theoretically, but I'm not sure if that's actually how it works in the game. Is Hand-Eye just for tipping pucks on offense and grabbing passes from teammates, or can it help defensively also? Thanks.SolvedSummerOfDekesII3 months agoRising Adventurer259Views0likes3Comments