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[Feedback] Support Feedback On The PvZ Series Going Forward
The discount promotion of PVZ has attracted many new players, and the online numbers of GW2 and BfN are also high. I also see that many new players need help. But there is currently no news about the new PVZ game, I have been looking forward to the new PVZ game (not PVZ3). I will never know what happened behind PVZ, why BfN had a short development time, and why a leaked role-playing game was cancelled. To be honest, I feel very regret. I think the commercial value of PVZ is still high, but why haven't seen any new works for a long timeSolvedDecreeNo97 months agoSeasoned Ace26KViews171likes2748Comments[Resolved] Change the Mystery Portal Rotation, Please!
There are multiple achievements that are unobtainable at the moment (Check this post for more information about them) There are 5 achievements tied to game modes you cannot play anymore. How you used to play these game modes is when they would go live in the Town Hall Mystery Portal for a limited time. In January back in 2020, the Mystery Portal was changed. PopCap stopped supporting Garden Warfare 2 to continue development on Battle for Neighborville. To avoid shutting down the Mystery Portal, they made the Mystery Portal automated by making it rotate game modes based off of a list of what to play dependent on what month. The problem with this rotation is that they didn't include any live event game modes that have achievements tied to them. So at the moment, getting all GW2 achievements is actually impossible. (Check the post I linked above for what they are.) Current Rotation: - January: Lawn-A-Thon 1 - Febuary: Lawn-A-Thon 2 - March: Legends of the Brawl - April: Capture the Taco - May: Tactical Team Up - June: To Heal or Not - July: Rando's Rapid Revenge - August: Lawn-A-Thon 1 - September: Lawn-A-Thon 2 - October: Legends of the Brawl - November: To Heal or Not - December: Rando's Rapid revenge In my opinion, the most favorable option would be getting someone from the community to make a schedule everyone is happy with. A different solution that's automated, and easier to do would be exchanging some of the game mode repeats in the list for game modes like Cats vs. Dinos and Boss Hunt. For example, you can replace the repeated August Lawn-A-Thon 1 with Cats vs. Dinos, and September's Lawn-A-Thon 2 with Boss Hunt. All of the content with these game modes are in the game when you download it, so releasing an update that players need to download wouldn't be necessary. The only problem I see with this is that Boss Hunt has 4 different playable hunts, Brothers Gnomus, Yeti King, Spooky Squash, and Sasquatch. You would have to pick one of these to put into the rotation, but I think implementing a system that makes the game randomly pick one of them when you enter the portal to play is the best choice instead of picking 1 and neglecting the other 3.SolvedimaPetalhead2 years agoSeasoned Hotshot16KViews90likes1076CommentsPC performance info gathering thread.
Hi guys, we're hearing that some of you are having some performance issues on PC, so we'd like to gather some info. Many of you have provided great info so far, but if we can gather it in a more structured way it'll help a lot. Can you give the following information? What precisely happens for you? Where do you see this issue? If it only occurs in certain modes or regions, please list them. If you monitor your PC performance, what do you see for CPU and GPU usage? Please attach your dxdiag info. This will have critical software and hardware information. Additionally, the following info can help. If you go to the World Options (the globe at the exit to your hub), does swapping the world to Private or Private with AI change anything? If you restart with a Clean Boot and just launch the game, does that have any effect? If any graphics/options tweaks had an impact for you. Please add any other info you may find relevant. Thank you.EA_David6 years agoCommunity Admin21KViews47likes496Comments[Discussion] - Will The Boss Hunts Return?
When will cats vs dinos come back because you can't get some achievements so you cannot 200% the game on PS4/PS5 since if you played in 2017 you get badges for participating in the boss hunt/cats vs dinos and the badges for completing a boss hunt on easy/hard/CRAZZZZZY2.9KViews16likes361Comments[Looking For Group] - Infinity mode!
Hello everyone! I've seen a lot of posts popping up of players looking for other players on their platform of choice to play Infinity mode with. I've created this sticky so we can keep track of those of you who are looking to group up together. If you'd like to join up with players on your platform make sure to post the following and I'll add it to the main post: Platform (PS4 / XBOX One / PC) Persona (PSN ID / Gamertag / EA account name) Location / timezone Please only post if you're happy with having your persona advertised and people adding you to play. I'll do my best to keep this updated. Lastly - please make sure you're only discussing joining up with others in this thread. For any other infinity mode related discussion please create a separate post 🙂 Playstation 4 PSN ID: DatGamer05 Timezone/location: North America West PSN ID: JRsmooth729 Timezone/Location: ??? PSN ID: yodaSoldier80 Timezone/location: UK PSN ID: TRUL001 Timezone/location: Central European Time PSN ID: DayumQuitPlaying Timezone/location: US East PSN ID: xXPJK12345Xx Timezone/location: ??? PSN ID: Taylor_bourque Timezone/location: ??? PSN ID: guitargypsy Timezone/Location: U.S/ Central Time PSN ID: Hambgail Timezone/Location: UTC+7:00 / Thailand PSN ID: DSWoolf Timezone/Location: South America PSN ID: bigstefanobig Timezone/location: Italy PSN ID: Somethingbetween Timezone/location: Canada EST PSN ID: Jme-B Timezone/Location: US EST time zone PSN ID: nightshadow99 Location/timezone: central time usa PSN ID: Michal-Tobias Location/timezone: Germany PSN ID: Snakeyjakey2015 Timezone/location: UK PSN ID: Wfajardo80 Timezone/location: North America East PSN ID: Chazprime Timezone/location: North America East PSN ID: Gamertag_73 Timezone/location: Central Standard Time PSN ID: Inforser Timezone/location: North America East PSN ID: LadyRutherford Timezone/location: North America East PSN ID: phillybro2010 Timezone/Location: Eastern time PSN ID: ScottM1988 Timezone/location: UK PSN ID: Ste_logic Timezone/location: Italy PSN ID: woz3323 Timezone/location: US Central time PSN ID: woz3323 Timezone/location: US Central time PSN ID: FatalRegent Timezone/Location: Central time - USA PSN ID: Nocleto Timezone/location: Central Europe PSN ID: realitysquared Timezone/Location: North America East PSN ID: Stacy_Adam Timezone: North America Central PSN ID: Smelly_Ferrett Timezone/Location: GMT PSN ID: RektByMitch- Timezone/Location: England PSN ID: LV_Jag Timezone/Location: PST/NA West PSN ID: Deadman_616 Timezone/Location: London (gmt) PSN ID: Gherik and NayNay777 Timezone/Location: US East PSN ID: Odega Timezone/Location: Us - East PSN ID: RagingAnubis Location/timezone: Texas, US PSN ID: vasilis_neptune Timezone/Location: UK PSN ID: nightshadow99 Timezone/Location: U.S. central time zone PSN ID: EvertonLagemann Location/timezone: South America (Brazil) PSN ID: NinjaMcNuggets Location/timezone: North America East PSN ID: Nitro912 Location/timezone: Eastern time PSN ID: Abufhad Timezone/Location: Saudi Arabia - GMT+3 PSN ID: mocomar Location/timezone: US East PSN ID: tburda92 Timezone/location: Central Europe PSN ID: synerg-y Timezone/Location: North America East PSN ID: RoBo78-SVK Timezone/Location: GMT+1 PSN ID: xxbacon_69xx Location/timezone: Chicago PSN ID: AJGPTM3 Timezone/Location: Europe XBOX One Gamertag: jayboyx Timezone/location: Canada Gamertag: MattyKingz Timezone/location: Central European Time Gamertag: jamesmcr Timezone/location: UK Gamertag: BigFroggy2ex Timezone/location: Germany (english speaker too) Gamertag: ZanyFiddler Timezone/location: Texas, USA Gamertag: DayumQuitPlaying Timezone/location: US East Gamertag: BIG BAD JAM3S Timezone/location: UK Gamertag: Redarkurdish Timezone/location: ??? Gamertag: PlantBustersRPG Timezone/location: North America East Gamertag: iswat mrbig Location/timezone: north america west Gamertag: trishastunden Location/timezone: Eastern Standard Time Gamertag: MISS ELITE NOOB Location/Timezone: UK Gamertag: kybug100 Location/Timezone: ??? Gamertag: Empzurg99 Location/Timezone: UK Gamertag: kaiDADhonu Timezone/Location: PST West coast, some Spanish, decent French. Gamertag: Dangerous Lee Timezone/Location: Central Standard Time Gamertag: Yay Horseys Timezone/location: US Eastern Time Zone (Detroit) Gamertag: Psycopaz Timezone/Location: UK Gamertag: Tristanne Location/Timezone: Central time Gamertag: Jonas030405 Location/Timezone: Central time zone, USA Gamertag: Booitus Location/Timezone: Pacific Gamertag: Rogue agent 51 Timezone/Location: Eastern time zone Gamertag: Rump3lstiitskin (2 i's) Timezone/location: U.S. Mountain standard time Gamertag: Tallywayllyy Timezone/location: ?? Gamertag: DawnOfNoob Timezone/location: Eastcoast US Gamertag: Endertunes Timezone/location: Eastcoast US Gamertag: Kosillex Timezone/Location: Europe/ Germany Gamertag: Sm311MyFing3r Timezone/location: North East America Gamertag: Hydrosx Timezone/location: Brazil - GMT -03:00 Gamertag: CHR1SBR33ZYB55 Location/timezone: NORTH CAROLINA/ EASTERN TIME Gamertag: Graygerm2970215 Gamertag: Wh00FlungP00 the o's are zeros Location/timezone: Eastern U.S Gamertag: Pinch 1 Off Location/timezone: Easter Standard time Gamertag: BRBgettnKrazy Gamertag: Soul00eater Location/timezone: Florida Gamertag: Teufelsmark Location/timezone: US East Coast Gamertag: sack attack 101 Location/timezone: US - Eastern Gamertag: Soul00eater Location/timezone: Florida, US Gamertag: MrSprinkleturds Location/timezone: US, Eastcoast Gamertag: Schwaggbby Location/timezone: North American North East Gamertag: TLG002 Location/Timezone: Germany Gamertag: EliasNabil Location/timezone: Brazil Gamertag: kingsparky1989 Timezone/Location: UK Gamertag: commander zippy Timezone/Location: USA Eastern Gamertag: Janny86 Timezone/Location: UK Gamertag: greenblade3 Gamertag: jessieavril Timezone/Location: ACST (Australian Central Standard Time) Gamertag: BobaDFett Gamertag: x Grief Seed Timezone/Location: North American East Gamertag: Kosillex Gamertag: SullenestDrop89 Timezone/Location: +2.00 GMT/ South Africa. Gamertag: flutterby59 Gamertag: Oni Baloni Location/Timezone: UK Gamertag: luckyblock14 Gamertag: Yanks Location: Oregon / Timezone: Pacific Gamertag: KWpops Location/timezone: Central Time zone Gamertag: BigRedDaDoo Location/timezone: Canada, North America Gamertag: Hydrosx Gamertag: UGH NOT U AGAIN + crazy green pea Timezone/Location: UK Gamertag: xdaddy cake Location/timezone: canada pst Gamertag: Shadowed179 Location/timezone: NAwest - mountain time Gamertag: xsly Location/timezone: PST Gamertag: molly1616 Location/timezone: Australia Gamertag: LuckierMaple482 Location/Timezone: Central Time Gamertag: UndyingQuasar73 Timezone/Location: USA, Mountain Standard Time, evenings & weekends Gamertag: FishingAddict24 Timezone/Location: US East PC Origin name: Death_cares Timezone/location: US East Origin name: Aurak16 Timezone/location: US East/West Origin name: Killerboy2807 Timezone/location: Central European Time Origin name: SimplyJen Timezone/location: US East/West Origin name:: Highley5 Timezone/location: US East/West Origin name: AnimeSenpi Timezone/location: UK Origin name: dpejw9027 Timezone/Location: USA Origin name: TFB-The73MPL4R Timezone/Location: US East Origin name: KyleGTerminator Timezone/location: North America Eastern Standard Time Origin Name: Westslayer Timezone/Location: UK Origin name: Forevermacin Timezone/Location: UK (Weekends and late afternoons) Origin Name: Stalker2400 Timezone/Location: Central European Time Origin name: PWincess86 Timezone/location: Hawaii Time Origin name: BabyBeel Timezone/location: Central Asian Time Origin name: lolkolf Location/timezone: Europe Origin name: amandashu Location/timezone: SEA (South East Asia) Origin name: Lorind Location/timezone: USA-New Hampshire EST Origin name: Vbloomy Location/timezone: US East Coast Origin name: SpunkyBeli Location/timezone: Pacific Timezone Origin name: FadedMemory23 Location/timezone: US East/West Origin name: knom83 Location/timezone: Europe (Deutsch/English) Origin name: kaitoofrose Location/timezone: North America West Origin name: JonasX007 Location/timezone: Brasilia -3GMT Origin name: De1c1dE Timezone/Location: GMT Origin name: P_for_Polarbear Timezone/Location: Unknown Origin name: th8827 Location/timezone: US, West Coast Origin Name: Marcusf2008 Timezone/Location: european time zome, language English / Polish Origin Name: MissClik Timezone/Location: UK (Language = FR/EN) Origin Name: ap10833479 Timezone/Location: SEA Origin Name: RamSaLeMiX Timezone/Location: Mostly Europe - sometimes North America East Origin Name: PinkoCommey Origin Name: XxMadxX07 Location/Timezone: U.S west/east Origin Name: overlordbrainz Location/Timezone: US West Origin name: Remifam5 Location/timezone: US Origin name: RareSombrero Location/timezone: US East Origin Name: hex_gamer77 Location/timezone: north america east/west Origin Name: tyk1988 Timezone/location: SEA Origin name: Primille Location/timezone: Europa Origin name: Kylegterminator Timezone/Location: Eastern Standard time Origin name: Toguro80 Timezone/Location: South America (Brazil) Origin name: Leogoy Timezone/location: GMT -3 Origin name: kennyyip2011 Location/timezone: Pacific Timezone Origin name: Babybeel Timezone/Location: UTC +8:00 Origin Name: SOAWplays Timezone/Location: Mostly Europe - Occasionally North America West; Timezone: Mountain Standard Time (US) Origin Name: LadyNelfia Timezone/Location: Europe Origin Name: DomestosPL Timezone/Location: Europe Origin Name: NasherRules487 Timezone/Location: UK GMT Origin Name: Akram03230 Timezone/Location: West/East United States/North America Origin Name: chrisjako7 Timezone/Location: United Kingdom/Europe Origin Name: Alpha_KeksHD Timezone/Location: Europe Origin Name: empoxo Timezone/Location: Poland GMT+1 (lang polish/english) Origin Name: Fluffycat42 Timezone/Location: North America East Good luck! - Andy -EA_Andy9 years agoEA Staff (Retired)42KViews39likes294Comments[Old Report] PvZ GW2 unable to connect to Multiplayer Servers
Cant play any multiplayer mode at all on GW2 for 2 days when it started to happen. But before that i had no problems at all playing and connecting without problem. Then they send a big text of things to fix it but nothing worked at all. While my friend got the same problem when he downloaded it and wanted to play with me and he tried the "selutions" it fixed it. So i figured that if i join his lobby and we search together it would work but i only made the problem come back and he did some of the options again. And it fixed again and im still here stuck cant play at all and no help from the "support".Solved7KViews12likes241CommentsError message when opening app
So I just got a new phone (Google Pixel 2), and I decided to download PVZ Heroes. I previously had the game on my iPhone, and I moved all of my apps to my new phone. When I open the app, it starts to load, then soon brings up an error message saying that I have a bad connection even though I am connected to wifi. I have redownloaded it multiple times and I still get the same error. Can somebody help?SolvedAnonymous8 years ago17KViews25likes226Comments[Request] Unicorn Stuffy Hat on Nintendo Switch
To the relevant development team, we Nintendo Switch players would love the Unicorn Stuffy Hat in Plants Vs Zombies Battle For Neighbourville on Nintendo Switch, please, if you could make it happen, my kids would be extremely grateful and happy, the game has a huge following and so many people want it, pleaseeeeee!!!3.3KViews27likes210Comments[Petition] Save Battle for Neighborville! Update: 5000 Signatures!
We did it, ladies and gentlemen! We reached 5000 signatures! Zero's video: Redhead's video and live stream: and My ideal wishlist of what I'd like to see added into BfN before it would be cut off of its development: • Damage Fall-off • Improved AI Backfill • Returning Battle Arena to Ranked • Ability to buy Rux items with coins and/or prize bulbs • Two new plant characters (Iceberg Lettuce and Super Bean) • Two new zombie characters (Robo-Zombie and Mini Garg) • Ops Phase 3 • New game mode(s) (Taco Bandits and/or Gnome Tag) Now I know that most of this stuff is just not going to happen if we're thinking level-headedly. So at the very, very least I would be fine with: • Damage Fall-off • Iceberg Lettuce • Ops Phase 3 Big thanks to all of you. Be sure to sign the petition, share it with others, and spread the word. Discuss, make videos, make art, whatever you can. Let's keep going with the good fight! Variety Pack - post patch feedback
Hey all, As we've now locked the Rose/Imp feedback thread I wanted to start a new thread to gather your feedback for the new Graveyard Variety Pack content update. Please use this thread to keep everything in one place. Let us know your thoughts and suggestions once you've had a chance to get in and play after today's maintenance. Thanks, - Andy -EA_Andy9 years agoEA Staff (Retired)5.6KViews8likes207Comments[UPDATE] lvl. 46/Maxed out Characters in PvZ GW - Character Reset in PvZ GW2
Hello Everyone As most of the community is aware, players are running into some network and character issues specifically when they hit or are level 46. This may seem like the account is banned or bugged. There is also an issue after this resolves itself (for the most part) that some if not all characters are maxed level when they should not be. This is an issue I have been tracking and now I need some info from the community so we can get this looked into further for you. Side Note: Please be aware that this is not related to the anticheat thread that was posted on the main Pvz board. What Now? Hey, excellent question! What I need from you is to reply to this thread with the information below ONLY if you are having an issue at level 46 or have maxed-out characters in the game that should not be! EA App/Steam/Epic: EA ID/Steam user ID: Current In-game level: Date this issue started (is it still happening?) Windows OS: Windows OS version: GPU model and driver version: Region: Are you using an internal or external drive? Are you using an HDD or SSD? Any other errors? If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip: Once I have enough reports from the community, I will send this up so that we can start getting this looked at! Thank you to everyone who has brought this to our attention! Cheers!SolvedEA_Shepard2 years agoCommunity Manager4.5KViews5likes173CommentsPlants Suck
Yeah, I feel better in my heart now I've expressed my opinion about this side. It isn't even one class that sucks, it's all of them. Fix Rose Buff Sunflower Fix Chomper Buff Cactus Buff Peashooter Buff Citron Corn might just be reasonable. Even IF you did all this, zombies would still stomp all over them. To all you zombie lovers and trolls, I'd love to see you play the above classes and win boasts with them. I've seen Sunflower/Citron win boasts 2-3 times in over 200 games. Perfect balance? Nope.3.1KViews12likes162CommentsTrials of Gnomus - Discussion thread
Hey all, Patch notes for the new update - Trials of Gnomus are now up here - Use this thread for any feedback / discussion once you've had a chance to look over the notes and get into the game and play 🙂 Enjoy! - Andy -SolvedEA_Andy9 years agoEA Staff (Retired)6.3KViews3likes161Comments[PC] Plants vz Zombies - "We could not activate on this computer"
When I try to start Plants vs zombies, I always get the same error message. It says I haven't activated the game, even though I was able to play it normally on Origin. I also have some ingame time. Any way to fix this?Solved7u6772 years agoSeasoned Newcomer10KViews3likes158CommentsPlants vs Zombies REPAIRVILLE
So I am making this post, and I am really excited to share this. A few days ago, a user on the pvz reddit shared a post which has had MASSIVE SUPPORT so I thought I would inform more of the community. Here is the link: Basically it's an idea called 'Repairville' where it is designed to focus on bugs and core balancing on characters. The idea is to deplete the amount of content BFN is receiving for ONE MONTH, in order for the pvz devs to focus PRIMARILY on bug fixes and balancing. If u want to check it out pls do, we need them to listen to this. I think this is probably one of the best ideas for bfn in a long time. Firstly, because with each of these patches they are useless. Whilst some bugs are fixed (some are claimed to but aren't even) some more bugs appear, and whilst some characters become balanced (soldier), some become nerfed to the point where they are unviable (imp) and some are stupidly buffed (chomper). And I feel like with every patch bfn stays in the same position. Ideally with a patch in a game, it should develop and move on, but with these patches some things are fixed and some new problems are created. ANd I think its because the devs sometimes focus too much on skins and content, rather than PROPER balancing and BUG FIXES. Now, content keeps the game alive. But, essentially what is happening, is we are getting layers and layers of content on a skeleton of a game that is a buggy mess with unfair balancing. This allows the dev to fix the core game itself, then it can start adding new things. I mean, this June prize map for example, will probably only be cosmetics so why can't this be a thing? I feel it would help the game significantly. Also, with every patch the devs should create a list of balance notes in the first two weeks of each month, and then ask the community on discord, on these forums, on twitter and all other platforms for our advice. So then we can see these notes, put our opinions out before they go into the game. Also with each patch notes, I would like some dev notes where they explain why they did these certain things so we can understand and challenge them. I think this seems reasonable. And I understand during this time it can be hard, but even before the pandemic the devs still weren't this hands-on (apart from the first few weeks of founders) e.g. the 'ask-devs' channel on bfn discord is dead, we aren't being told anything. I feel this needs to be addressed soon.7.3KViews131likes154Comments[UPDATE] PVZ GW2 PC Matchmaking Error in Asian server and NA West
Players are encountering matchmaking issues in Asian and NA West servers that started about a week ago. Most of the time, when matchmaking in these servers, the game shows a lobby is found, however, players cannot connect to the server and join the lobby. In rare cases, the players get in an empty lobby and nobody else can find the lobby. Hundreds of people have encountered this issue and asked what happened in the comment section of my videos, in chat and in my social media chat groups that contain thousands of people. This issue also happened about one year ago, when two cheaters were crashing lobbies all day and the entire online multiplayer server in all regions was disabled. The MP servers were down for weeks and months until EA rebooted the server and fixed the particular incident. The same server issue is happening right now and is likely caused by only one cheater who has admitted that he was crashing the server around the time this issue started. The cheating in PC GW2 has been getting worse since the anticheat update, and cheaters need to be banned. I DMed @EA_Shepard and sent the ID of this particular cheater, the server issue did not happen by the time though but just a precaution. I am not sure if my DM was missed or something because it was not replied to. To conclude the current situation, the matchmaking issue that started around a week or so ago is affecting hundreds of players every single day and was likely caused by a single cheater. The game is still in a state where one cheater is sufficient to cause systematic server issues at no cost. Someone said that the EAAC is just a PR stunt and I hope it is not.5.1KViews64likes153Comments