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Character Strategy Index
Below is a listing of character strategy posts for easier browsing and navigation. The most recent additions or updates to this category will be posted on top of the list. Cheers! SHIPS Ebon Hawk Han's Millennium Falcon Emperor's Shuttle B-28 Extinction-class Bomber IG-2000 Xanadu Blood Hound's Tooth Sith Fighter Lando's Millennium Falcon Chimaera First Order SF TIE Fighter TIE Silencer TERRITORY BATTLE CHARACTER KITS Rebel Officer Leia Organa Captain Han Solo Hermit Yoda STRATEGY GUIDES Jedi Knight Revan Chewbacca Jango Fett Aurra Sing Cad Bane Embo T3-M4 Zaalbar Mission Vao Bastila Shan Jolee Bindo Grand Master Yoda Range Trooper Young Lando Calrissian L3-37 Enfys Nest Qi'ra Young Han Solo Vandor Chewbacca Bossk Darth Traya Darth Sion Visas Marr Sith Marauder Emperor Palpatine Darth Vader Rose Tico Amilyn Holdo First Order Executioner Rey (Jedi Training) Wampa Colonel Starck Imperial Probe Droid Kylo Ren (Unmasked) First Order Special Forces TIE Pilot Mother Talzin Nightsister Spirit Nightsister Zombie Nightsister Reworks Phoenix Squadron ZETA's BB-8 Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca Veteran Smuggler Han Solo (RAID) Han Solo Princess Leia Stormtrooper Han Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) Commander Luke Skywalker General Veers R2-D2 Bodhi Rook Darth Nihilus Sith Assassin Sith Trooper Cassian Andor Jyn Erso Chief Nebit General Kenobi Shoretrooper TIE Fighter Pilot Baze Malbus Geonosian Spy Dengar Bistan Scarif Rebel Pathfinder K-2SO Boba Fett (UPDATED!) CC-2224 "Cody" Jawa Scavenger Zam Wessel Chirruit Imwe Poe Dameron Finn Rey Captain Phasma Kylo Ren First Order Officer486KViews1like0CommentsNew Player Index
Welcome to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes forums! Below you'll find a clickable index of information to get you started. This index will change and populate with further info as the need arises. Cheers! THE BASICS New Player Rules & Guidelines Forum Guidelines Community team Moderators of the Forums Answers HQ New Player Feedback and Suggestions FORUM NAVIGATION Common Forum Questions- How do you do anything on the forums? This handy listing details everything from sending a Direct message, to quoting a post. Guides Index- Confused about a certain part of the game? The Guides Index links to various dev and player submitted content to help you along. Game Update Glossary- A breakdown of the different types of Game updates to expect and their content. Game Update Status- When a Game update is upon us, this is the post to monitor to get a general idea of how soon that update will go live. Event Calendar- A monthly listing of upcoming in game Events. These posts can always be found in Dev Announcements and News. BORROW A HERO THREADS - Here players with General Obi Wan Kenobi have posted their ally codes so players without him can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Commander Luke Skywalker have posted their ally codes so players without him can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Grand Admiral Thrawn have posted their ally codes so players without him can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Rey (Jedi Training) have posted their ally codes so players without her can borrow her on the various holo-tables - Here players with Jedi Knight Revan have posted their ally codes so players without Revan can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Chewbacca have posted their ally codes so players without Chewbacca can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Darth Revan have posted their ally codes so players without Darth Revan can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Darth Malak have posted their ally codes so players without Darth Malak can borrow him on the various holo-tables - Here players with Padmé Amidala have posted their ally codes so players without Padmé Amidala can borrow her on the various holo-tables - Here players with General Anakin Skywalker have posted their ally codes so players without General Anakin Skywalker can borrow him on the various holo-tables371KViews1like3CommentsTo Farm or Not to Farm? How to Mod Every Char? Who to Farm? All Charachters' List
A small FAQ for beginners. It reflects the position of the majority of top players If there is "don't farm" it doesn't mean that a char is bad. It only means that considering lack of resources it's better to farm other chars for beginners. check for more information about chars !!!The chars inside the fractions are ranked from top ones to useless ones!!! Rebels – very strong * Commander Luke Skywalker - farm. Very strong at arena as a leader of rebels, in raids (best for rancor), GW and Territory battles (TB). Crit damage and speed so that to heal himself more often and hit hard * Wedge Antilles - farm, pilot,, a great synergy with Biggs, strong AOE, a lot of speed (see unique ability) and good leader. Can be used everywhere. Needs crit damage, speed and crit chance because his main function is to produce enormous damage * Biggs Darklighter - farm, pilot, but only with Wedge, good against those who crit. Very strong 2nd skill. Also has much speed from Wedge's unique ability. Needs speed and crit damage so that to use his 2nd skill more often and hit hard * Chirrut Imwe - farm. Has a great synergy with Baze. Is cool in p2 or p4 of AAT with rebels and at arena. Very strong. Need speed, crit damage and hp so that to reduce cooldowns of 2nd (dispel) and 3rd (high damage) skills quickly. And health since he is squishy * Baze Malbus - farm. A tank with taunt (also has a taunt at the start of an encounter, like shoretrooper) and great self-heal, + synergy with Chirrut. Hp and speed so that to live longer and dispel more often * Ahsoka Tano Fulcrum - farm, a very strong char. Good with rebels at arena, but they need very good mods. Crit damage, offense and speed so that to go often and be able to one shot enemies * Han Solo – farm, very strong, useful with his first turn shot at arena. Good in raids, can reduce tm. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp and speed so that to get TM from 2nd skill, produce high damage and live longer * Princess Leia - farm, good at arena and in p4 AAT with clones. Doesn't need potency. Needs crit damage and speed so that to hit hard and gain stealth asap * * Lando Calrissian – farm, good leader and very strong AOE, a top char for beginners, easy to farm. Also good at 85 lvl but not meta right now. Needs crit damage, crit chance and speed because his strong AOEs should crit at least 2 times so that not to have cooldowns * Stormtrooper Han - farm, one of the most powerful tanks. Needs speed, potency and tenacity (in descending order, so that to go first granting allies 30% TM, be able to reduce TM (skill «Bluff») and prevent himself from being shocked or becoming buff immune since in this case he is useless * Jyn Erso - farm, pilot. Not bad as a rebel leader, with those who buff a lot (like Chirrut). However she is not an imba, although she is cool on rancor due to turn meter reduction. Also can be used at p1 AAT. Needs crit chance (to revive, stun and get potency) and speed (to go very often) * Admiral Ackbar - farm, good leader. Fleetcommander. Nice skills though is not used often at 85 lvl. Speed and hp so that to dispel and get Tactical Genius more often and live longer * Rebel officer Leia Organa - farm, seem to be strong at arena. Needs crit chance and speed so that to aoe more often * Captain Han Solo - farm for TB. A good support, needs health and speed since most of his skills are health based * Cassian Andor - farm for TB, a pilot. A good debuffer with synergy with K-2SO, but doesn't seem like a meta shifter. Cool at p1 AAT. Potency and speed so that to land all his debuffs more often * Bistan - farm only because he is a pilot. Though he is good at rancor raid as a TM reducer. Potency and speed to reduce TM as often as possible * K-2SO - Farm for TB, a pilot. Taunts only when attacks, so if he is stunned, no taunt. Potency, speed and hp so that to inflict daze and offense down more often and be quick so that to taunt more * Hoth rebel scout - farm for TB, mediocre. Speed, potency, crit chance so that to grant allies TM, be able to stun and get TM from critical hit * Hoth rebel soldier – Farm for TB. Speed, hp and crit chance so that to taunt asap due to low basic speed, live longer and be able to inflict offense down * Bodhi Rook - farm, not bad against those who evade much (siths under zMaul, old Ben). Speed and potency so that to inflict evasion down and remove turn meter more often * Skarif Rebel Pathfinder – farm, pilot. not bad in p2\p4 AAT. Speed, hp and potency so that to grant allies TM, gain taunt more often and be able to inflict offense down * Luke Skywalker - do not farm. Crit chance and speed since most of his skills are critical chance based * Pao - do not farm, seems weak. Speed and potency to inflict debuffs and grant offense up * Lobot - do not farm. Speed and hp so that to dispel debuffs more often and live longer Clones - good at arena, GW, p4 aat with Leia. 5 clones is not the best team at arena though * Rex - farm, pilot, a strong leader for arena, good in raids, needs potency and speed so that to reduce TM as often as possible * Fives - farm, pilot, a strong char, used in different squads. Needs Omega in 1 skill and crit damage with crit chance. And don't forget about potency to land speed down. Or usually people put health and protection so that to make him a very tough guy (especially with barris zeta) * Cody - farm, only with other clones. A good clone leader with zeta ( Also nice when Rancor or Tanks is toppled\under the door Speed, hp, crit chance so that to use the 212th attack as often as possible, live longer and be able to stun * Clone Sergeant - farm, pilot, strong dd (not only with clones). not bad in rancor raid with his damage and tm reduction. Crit damage, crit chance, offense and potency so that to hit hard, be able to reduce TM via AOE and grant himself TM from basic attack * Echo - farm, only with other clones. A good support dispeller who needs speed, hp and crit damage since he always assists and these assist should be strong and should be able to dispel buffs more often Droids - were strong at arena (6-7/10), GW and AAT raid (2 and 4 phases) * the best squad - HK-47 leader, B2, jawa engineer, IG-88, IG 86 (or instead of IG-86 use Chief Nebit, Grievous, MagnaGuard) * R2-D2 - farm, a strong support. Good at arena (especially against chars with evasion) and AAT raid (p2, p4). Nice zetas. Needs speed, hp and potency so that to go first, stun as often as possible and do his aoes * HK-47 – farm, the best leader for droids, much better than Poggle (leader skill at maximum because that makes droids get 50% turn meter after they crit). Needs potency to land debuffs and adjust speed so that he goes before IG88 since IG88 is stronger against debuffed enemies * IG-88 – farm, the main Damage dealer (dd) of droids. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp and potency in order to have strong critical hits, live longer and be able to land debuffs. If possible – also speed. * B2 - farm, very useful and strong char at arena, dispels buffs, often gain 100% turn meter. Perfect against tanks. Can be used in any squad. Hp, potency and tenacity to live longer, be able to inflict buff immunity and not get shocked because then he doesn’t receive TM while allies are hit * Chopper - farm. A very fast tank with interesting abilities. Speed and health so that taunt and dispel more often * IG-86 – farm. Also very strong dd that can call assist. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp –same as IG-88 but without debuffs * General Grievous - a long time to farm, you can deal without him, though a good leader against AOE crit Meta. Potency, speed and hp to inflict all his debuffs and live longer * K-2SO - see rebels * IG-100 MagnaGW – do not farm, although there are some people who use him. Potency, speed and crit damage to remove TM and inflict offense down and hit hard Empire – strong. Used in events, arena, raids * Emperor Palpatine - farm. Very strong at arena. Good leader for empire, needs speed (should go first to stun everyone) and some potency if he is not a leader to be able to stun and shock. Also very useful at p3 AAT with Chirpa (needs crit chance and crit damage there) * Shoretrooper - farm. A strong tank, has a taunt before any opponents have their turn. Also can grant crit immunity for allies. Protection, health, and if possible speed so that to live as long as possible and taunt more often * TIE pilot - farm, pilot. Very strong and fast dd that can reduce tenacity and inflict ability block. Good with debuffers and with Palpatine leader. His tenacity down depends only on crit and not on potency. Also cool in raids. Needs crit damage, speed, crit chance so that to hit very hard and very often. He doesn’t need additional potency since his basic one is more than 50% that is ok. Under Palpatine leader it is even more than enough * Darth Vader – farm, a very strong pilot. With Palpatine he can hit really cool 1 or 2 times. Also is cool in raids with zeta on his leader skill ( Crit damage, crit chance, speed and potency so that to hit very hard with a 3rd skill and be able to land DOTs and speed down * Grand Admiral Thrawn - farm. A strong char, good for tank raid. Nice at arena. Needs speed and health\protection so that to fracture asap and live longer * Royal Guard – farm, one of the best tanks at many levels. has an auto-taunt when allies become <50% hp. Also can stun. Needs protection and potency to live longer and stun * Grand Moff Tarkin - farm, Fleetcommander, a good leader for empire squad and performs not bad at GW and arena. Speed, potency, crit damage to remove TM and inflict offense down more often and have some damage * Director Krennik - farm, a nice leader for empire, a great synergy with Deathtrooper. Perfect with palpatine, tie pilot, shoretrooper. A cool zeta on leader skill. Speed and potency to land all his debuffs * Deathtrooper - farm, a strong debuffer. Very good with Krennik, especially with zeta. Crit damage and crit chance or protection mostly if you have a zeta on his unique, so that Krennik live longer (zeta - Krennik can't be critically hit while DT is alive) * General Veers - farm as a leader to imperial troopers, not bad with them. Potency, speed, crit damage in order to inflict ability block more often and have some damage * Gar Saxon - do not farm, seems mediocre now (may change). Crit damage, crit chance and potency so that to hit hard when assist and be able to reduce tm * Imperial Super Commando - do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard when counter and attack twice, be able to inflict offense down * Magma-trooper - do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard, remove TM and do it quickly * Snowtrooper- do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed to hit hard and be able to inflict buff immunity * Stormtrooper - do not farm. HP, speed, potency, so that to live longer, taunt faster and be able to remove TM while taunting Sith – strong at arena * Emperor Palpatine - see above * Dart Nihilus - farm. An interesting char with nice abilities. Can one shot an enemy (except a boss), but need a team with AOE debuff (like palpatine, tie pilot, vader, b2, r2d2) to reduce cool down of this one shot ability. If he is your leader - DO NOT put crit chance and crit damage mods on siths. Needs speed and hp to go faster and live longer so that to one shot more * Darth Maul - farm, pilot, strong against Jedi and nice sith leader with zeta. Crit damage and speed so that to destroy everything * Darth Vader - see above. * Sith trooper - farm in a sith squad, a nice tank. Is good under Nihilus leader because then he taunts faster and more often. He needs hp and tenacity, because his taunt is too dependent on a buff on him, so you don't want him to get buff immunity or shock. * Sith Assassin - farm in a sith squad. A very fast damage dealer, also good in a squad with maul zeta leader, because her mechanics are based on stealth. Needs damage, speed and potency to go often, strong and be able to stun * Darth Sidious - do not farm, until you are 85 lvl. He was buffed a little bit and is used in raids with Vader with zeta. Crit damage, potency, speed so that to hit hard, often, and be able to land debuffs * Savage Opress - do not farm until lvl 85. Though he is good against siths under Nihilus leader or Zeta Maul, because he can one shot enemies (except bosses) with 50% less hp (see nihilus leader skill). Very difficult to kill him if has a zeta. Crit damage and speed so that to hit hard and be able to one shot more often * Count Dooku – do not farm, used to be very strong at arena. Now is used only with Siths on 85 lvl. A nice leader and was buffed recently. Crit damage and potency so that to counter attack hard and be able to stun Ewoks - nice in raids, and bad at arena. * Teebo – farm, one of the best leader in rancor raid (though not used often now on high-end because of Vader Zeta). 70-75% potency is enough for T7 rancor and 40-50% for Gamorrean captain. Needs potency and speed to reduce TM as often as possible * Chief Chirpa - farm, best leader for p3 AAT (doesn't need special mods there, only leader skill. Can die first). a strategy. Speed and hp to call assist more often. Actually he is used only in p3 AAT and doesn’t need mods at all there * Ewok Elder - farm, good in rancor raid with Teebo especially. Also can be used at arena due to dispel of debuffs and revival. Needs speed and HP to be faster and granting TM to all allies, and to be able to dispel and revive more often. Also HP since his healing is based on his own HP * Logray - farm, a good support-debuffer. Needs speed and potency so that to debuff more often * Wicket - do not farm, mediocre. Needs crit damage and speed as a normal damage dealer * Paploo - do not farm, mediocre. HP and speed so that to dispel more often and live longer * Ewok scout - do not farm, not bad in rancor raid, but not great. Needs potency and speed – same as Teebo but less effective The First Order – were buffed in february 2017. Seems like still weak * Kylo Ren - farm. Was buffed in February 2017, goof against debuffers. Can solo p1 AAT. Crit damage (3rd skill hits very hard), potency (inflict healing immunity and DOTs) and speed to be faster * Captain Phasma (she is a woman) – farm, one of the very useful for all the activities. For the raid needs potency and doesn't need speed (her basic only grants TM to a boss). Not bad as a leader at low and medium levels. At arena – speed and potency to use Victory march as often as possible * First order TIE Pilot - farm, strong pilot. Good at p1 AAT. Needs speed and crit damage to destroy everything * First order officer - do not farm. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to grant TM and reduce allies’ cooldowns more often and be able to remove tm and have some damage * First order stormtrooper - do not farm, though can be a good tank at arena. Hp, speed (taunt faster and dispel buffs), crit chance and potency (to inflict speed down) Geonosians - some good chars * Sun Fac - farm, pilot, heavy tank, dispels all positive effects with auto attack. Good at arena and p3 AAT. Needs protection and speed to live longer and dispel buffs more often * Geonosian soldier - farm, pilot. Strong dd, goes often, calls an assist. Need him at GW, deals good at arena and in rancor raid. A very useful char that is easy to farm (though not used at 85 lvl). Needs crit chance and crit damage +speed so that to hit hard and get tm while scoring critical hits, and go more often * Geonosian spy - farm because a pilot. Can be good at arena and hit strong 1 or 2 times . Crit damage, crit chance, speed so that to be able to repeat the hit like on the .gif * Poggle the lesser - do not farm, his time has passed. Speed, hp, potency so that to inflict ability block and speed up droids more often Jawa - not bad in AAT raid. In addition you need them for crit damage mods. 5 jawas are bad at arena * Jawa Engineer - farm, obligatory with droids at arena. Very good at p2\p4 aat raid with droids. Speed and hp so that to go first, use 3rd skill and grant droids 45% TM. Also to revive more often and live longer * Chief Nebit - farm, good with droids. Protection and speed to taunt asap and live longer calling an assist * Jawa Scavenger - farm for AAT raid and mods, needs speed, hp, and potency to be able to place bombs and explode them more often * Dathcha - farm, not bad as a leader for p3 AAT if you don't have chirpa\palpatine. Needs crit damage, potency and speed – a mere damage dealer that can stun and inflict ability block * Jawa - farm, he is also good in raids. Crit damage, speed, potency – same as Dathcha but speed down instead of ability block Phoenix - seam not so strong now, though abilities are interesting. Need 5 for TB * Hera Syndulla - farm, a good leader for Phoenix, because each proenix grants his uniqe to other phoenix members until she is alive. Speed and health\protection so that to expose, backup and call assist more often and live longer in order to save her leader buff * Ezra Bridger - farm, a good dd. Crit damage. speed and tenacity, so that to dispel and call assist more often * Kanan Jarrus - farm, a good tank. If Hera is a leader grants all phoenix members 70% counter chance. Protection, speed and crit chance so that to live longer, taunt more quickly and inflict offense down regularly * Sabine Wren - farm, has a nice unique that is good to be granted to phoenix (25% crit damage and 25% crit chance), crit damage and speed so that to aoe more often and hit strong from her basic (up to 5 shots per turn) * Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios - farm, a tank with strong defence unique. Though doesn't have a taunt. Health\protection, potency and speed so that to live longer, be able to daze and stun * Chopper - farm. Though he has a taunt (1 turn) he is very fast and so this taunt will not last for long. Can dispel buffs and reduce allies' cooldowns. Protection and maybe speed so that live longer and taunt more often291KViews0likes102CommentsGalactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)
"CG_JohnSalera;50943" wrote: Hi all – I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning. Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be: Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard! Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed. Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles. Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective. (As more characters are released, and as more types of builds are discovered and developed by the players, this will become increasingly true.) As you may know, we made a tuning change to Galactic War on June 15th. There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change. While we view that tuning update as generally successful, we were finding that it wasn’t providing enough challenge. On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging. (Note that this was a tweak of the June 15th tuning, and not a roll-back to the prior tuning as some players have been suggesting.) As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed. Thanks! Raid Teams by phase
Figured we might as well all collaborate and find the teams that seem to do well in the Sith raid. My guild still hasn't made it past phase one but we have found a few teams to be useful: EDIT: Narrowing the lists down to more popular and high damaging teams. If any whales have the toons to try out my "hunches" please let me know how they do! Phase One: zVader zAsajj RJT, CLS, R2D2, BB8, Scavenger Rey Talzin-lead Nightsisters (a hunch) Phase Two: GK lead, Visas, Barriss, HY, GMY (just a hunch) Imperial Troopers RJT-lead Resistance Phoenix w/ Sabine Phase Three: Jawas (guildmate did 500k with level 80 g8) Droids w/ engineer Phase Four: If you have found some teams to be particularly useful I'll add them to the list by phase. It seems that in phase one the trick is irresistible TMR teams. I think MT NS would also be useful in phase one, seeing as they can get past protection with plague and are very good at not dying.276KViews1like168CommentsAdaptive F2P Guide
This guide is thought to be for new accounts. We start with rebels because those have multiple purposes, e.g. Lando and STH are scoundrels you need for events, Wedge and Biggs are good pilots, and five rebels together will master the Palpatine event. Furthermore if you follow this guide, you get the pilots and ships for the zeta mat challenge and Jedi to unlock 5*-mods in the mod store. You will also get EP, Vader, TFP, RG and Tarkin who will open the doors to the R2D2 event. Both your arena squad and fleet will profit from synergies. -1) You may want to manipulate your time zone so you have your collection/fighting time at more convenient hours. See below when these hours are. 0) After you start a new account, pull a chromium pack for 350 crystals (play some normal and hard battles, collect achievements until you have these crystals). Optional: There are different spots to farm your toons: Hard nodes, Cantina nodes, Cantina Store, SquadArena Store, Galactic War (GW) store, Guild Store, Fleet Arena Store (lvl 60). 1) Farm Lando in cantina 1-E 2) Farm Boba Fett in cantina store to 7* 3) Farm STH in the Squad Arena Store to 7* 4) Farm Biggs in GW store to 7* 5) Farm Jedi Consular (7* if you want to use him as a pilot or for the Yoda challenge, but no haste) and Chewie (4* is minimum, 5* recommended, because of crit mod challenge) from hard nodes. Optional: Royal Guard/First Order TIE Pilot (FOTP, lvl54 req). But gear is more important than shards generally speaking. This leads to your Arena team of Lando (Lead), Biggs, STH, Boba Fett, JC Always keep level, abilities and most important gear of your arena team to maximum! (While JC is a very good pilot, he is not very good as an arena toon. We want to replace him soon and only star him for the mod challenge (optional Yoda event) and as a pilot. You can let him fall behind in gear once you have another arena toon.) 6) In Guild store farm Rex (req. lvl 60, as an alternative lead against debuffing teams) and alternatively Sun Fac *or* Darth Maul (5 dark side ships+pilots are needed for the Zeta mat challenge later), see details in point (13). Farm IGD (Ima-Gun Di) to 5* for for the Defense Mod Challenge (only to unlock 5-dot-mods, don't farm def mods) . Don't spend too much gear on him, you don't need him other than for the challenge/event. Skip IGD if you farm another Jedi like Ezra or Old Ben but see the note on cantina toons below. Before lvl60 you can save tokens or buy prototype mats. Farm Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) for the Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS) event (time this with the other toons needed for the event, see below). 7) Farm Princess Leia in Squad Arena Store after STH is 7*. Also farm IG-88 so that you have him ready at lvl 70. IG-88 5* would also be sufficient. This gives you a Team for the Credit Heist event of Lando, STH, Boba, Chewie, and IG-88 at lvl 70. Farm Mace Windu 5* after IG88 5* for the Defense Mod Challenge (to unlock 5-dot-mods). Farm Tarkin (GMT) as your Fleet Commander, for the Rancor raid and for the R2D2 event (see below). 8) After Lando ist 7*, farm Kylo Ren in cantina 4-C and also gear him (as a fighter against Dooku that provides stun and healing immunity). Alternatively, Ezra (Jedi plus Rebel tag). Farm TIE fighter pilot (TFP) in cantina 4-B to about 5* (dark side pilot). Continue to 7* later for the rancor raid and events that require empire such as R2D2. At level 69 farm Wedge Antilles from Cantina 6-F. Not before you have a reasonable mod situation, farm Old Ben for the Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS) event (time this with the other toons needed for the event, see below). Note on cantina toons: If you want to farm 330 shards from cantina, you need about 1000 cantina fights. So 8'000 cantina energy for the 8 energy guys. That's an equivalent of 500 mods á 16 cantina energy (tier III) you don't farm. 12 cantina energy node toons cost as much as 750 mods. So don't farm a cantina toon if your mod base is not settled. 9) Farm 5-dot-health-Mods as soon as you manage tier III of the health mod challenge. You should use half your cantina energy on mods and the other half on char shards now. 10) Farm ship plans in GW store for Biggs', FOTP, TFP, Ahsoka's, Sun Fac's (optional), JC's, Umbaran Starfigher (Fives' ship) after Biggs is at 7* and you achieve lvl 60. TFP, FOTP and Umbaran appear not as often as the other plans, so prioritize these. Farming ship plans until your fleet arena team is all 7* will grant you access to a lot of mats (zeta) and shards (Wedge and all the other pilots). If Biggs is 7* before you are lvl60, safe the tokens. 11) Farm Wedge (char shards), Slave I, TIE advanced x1 and Chirrut Îmwe in Fleet store. If Vader shards occur in fleet store, also buy them (stop at about 6* 40/100 until you have the shards for rewards). Level all ships equally so you have them at 3 stars each on lvl68. You will need this for the challenge which rewards you a 2nd reinforcement place, so you can use 7 ships. 12) Further Cantina Store farms: Farm QGJ (after Ahsoka). This will give you a 5-Jedi-Team: IGD (L) JC Ahsoka QGJ Windu. Do the defense mod challenge as soon as all are 5*. Farm Fives (after QGJ), he is a very good pilot 13) One of the following: Darth Maul (Guild store, Fleet store) and his Scimitar (Fleet store). Very good reinforcement pilot, can be a game changer but is also countered by Fives/Ahsoka. Sun Fac (Guild store, Fleet store) and his ship (GW store). Very good tank but costs a lot of gear. Fast farm DS ship, also very useful as a tank (ship). 14) If you have a good rank, spare crystals can be used to buy Baze shards (50 shards x 50 crystals = 2500 needed for a 3* Baze). This would lead to the Chaze combo (Baze+Chirrut). Short summary: Pre-Level 60 Hard mode nodes: JC 5*, Chewie 5*, if you have energy left also RG, FOTP Cantina nodes: Lando 7*, 5-dot Health Mod and/or Kylo (alternatively Ezra), TFP Cantina store: Boba 7* Arena store: STH 7* GW store: Biggs 7* (save the rest) Guild store: Luke (farm boy), optional IGD (save the rest) Post-Level 60 Hard mode nodes: JC 7*, FOTP, RG Cantina nodes: Wedge 7*, TFP 7*, Old Ben Cantina store: Ahsoka 7*, QGJ 7*, Fives 7* Arena store: Leia 7*, IG-88 5*, Windu, Tarkin, Chief Nebit GW store: Ship Plans: Biggs/Wedge/JC/FOTP/Ahsoka/TFP/Fives Umbaran, Sun Fac (optional) Guild store: Rex, JE (optional Darth Maul, Sun Fac, depending on you dark side ships) Fleet store: Wedge/TIE advanced x1/Slave 1/Vader (optional Scimitar, Sun Fac) Additional Hints Think twice if you start with a different time zone. Collecting/Refreshing hours are: 0 h (all activities reset, Arena and GW store refresh, shipments, new challenges), 6h (shipments, GW store refresh, Arena store refresh), 12h (free energy, free cantina energy, all shops refresh, shipments), 18h (collect arena reward, free energy, new shipments, guild + fleet + arena store refresh), 19h (collect fleet arena reward), 21h (collect free energy, guild + fleet store refresh) Spend crystals on cantina and energy refreshes. 3x normal energy for each 50 crystals and 1-2x cantina energy for 100 crystals each would be very good. For a first good rank in arena and fleet arena, also use crystals to buy a refresh (50 crystals for 5 tries). Get a pole position. No further chromiums needed but the first ;-) Aim to have 5 Rebels at 7* Palpatine Event. Aim to have 5 Jedi at 5* for the Def Mod challenge. Tier II will allow you to buy 5-dot-mods in the mod shipments, Tier III will increase the chance for 5-dot-mods in the shipments. One star is enough, you don't need to farm these mods, just unlock tier III. G7 lvl65 Jedi should be sufficient. Aim to have 5 Empire toons at 7* for the R2D2 event (EP Vader RG Tarkin TFP). Aim to have Leia, Luke Skywalker (Farmboy), Old Ben, STH and R2D2 at 7* for the CLS event optional: Aim to 5 Jedi at 7* for the Grand Master's Training Event. (however, Yoda is not really needed) Aim to get Critical Damage Mods: after all other priority characters have been farmed from these locations, farm Chief Nebit from the Arena Store; Dathcha from the Galactic War Store; Jawa Scavenger from the Cantina Store; Jawa Engineer from the Guild Store; and Jawa from hard/cantina nodes. Improve these characters to 5*, level 60-65, g7 and complete Tier III of the Criticial Damage Mod Challenge. Aim to get Speed mods (soon after lvl85): Finn (also good for the hAAT raid with zeta), Poe, RP, RT, R2D2) After lvl85, aim to get Thrawn: Farm Hera, Chopper, Zeb, Ezra, Kanan (for 7* about g8-g9) After lvl85, aim to get BB-8: the First Order Chars (7*), g11 Zylo is enough, rest can be lvl1. However FOTP is recommended anyways as a pilot The starting characters not mentioned in this guide (e.g. Talia) may be needed for the challenges and nodes, but should be kept as low as possible and be replaced as soon as possible. Level 50 and gear V would certainly be enough. Find your arena shard chat to coordinate payouts. Google the name of your opponents' guilds plus "swgoh" and see if they/their guild mates entered contact details in Enter your own contact details there. visit for further explantions and calculators Zeta Challenge: (hard, probably need lvl 80+ but start preparing earlier) Aim for 5 dark side ships: TFP, FOTP, Slave1, TIEx1 and Scimitar/SF Aim for 8x 5* ships (Biggs, Wedge, JC, Ahsoka, TFP, FOTP, Slave 1, TIEx1, optional Scimitar/Sun Fac) Guild Enter a good guild early. 30k raid tickets a day are maximum, if you guild does not reach at least 25k you should change it. If you get the chance to enter a heroic AAT guild, do it. Look at the guild activities and plan your resource spending accordingly. Look at your guild activities and prepare yourself. Always provide 600 tickets. 540 are given by free energy (120 cantina energy refill + 45 bonus, 240 energy refill + 3x45 bonus). For more you need to invest at least 50 crystals. There are some tricks, e.g. the next day will be "galactic war", you just start the first GW fight and retreat (via settings button). That gives you the daily challenge, but saves the GW for the next day. By this, you can collect 36 GW knots as guild activities. Endgame Teams See for the current meta Save gear for toons you will unlock in advance, look at the gear list. E.g. for GK at How to mod your arena team: Stormtrooper Han You want your STH to go first with his special "draw fire". This fills the other players turn meter (up to 30%). Also when he gets damaged, the others get (up to 20%) turnmeter. Although he is a tank, you need to give him a speed primary arrow mod (receiver). Protection on circle (databus) and cross (multiplexer) but with a speed secondary. The triangle (holo-matrix) can also be protection primary with a speed secondary. Boba Fett Boba can ability block the other players, even STH. He should also be very fast. At level 78, omega the "death from above" ability, so if you are faster than the enemy's STH, you can block him. So he also gets a speed primary arrow. He can use a potency cross, so his ability block will come through against the other team's tenacity. Boba will be revived with a percentage of his health (up to 100%), so give him some health secondaries. The triangle can be crit dmg primary. Boba Zett (zeta boba) also can use high protection. Lando Calrissian Lando needs high crit chance over all, and a crit dmg primary triangle. If you can farm cc (crit chance) and cd (crit dmg) mod sets, that would be great. Protection primary on the cross and circle. Speed primary on the arrow. Biggs Darklighter Biggs needs to be very fast. He also gets a huge speed up by Wedge's unique, so that you can maybe oneshot a squishy (especially in lower levels) with the "Wiggs" attack. He also needs a speed primary arrow. Protection primary on circle and cross. CD primary on the triangle. Speed secondaries are even more important, but also cc secondaries are very good here. Wedge Antilles Wedge is often the target no. 1 for your enemy. I prefer mine to be well protected. As long as Biggs can call him with his assist (omega gives Biggs -1 cooldown), he has his greatest value. So give him cc and cd mod sets, a cd (crit dmg) triangle and protection on circle, cross, and maybe even arrow (others say also speed, but I like protection more). Modding in general Don't overestimate set bonusses. The amount of bonus a cc set gives you (5%cc) can be compensated by a single secondary stat. A CD set is great, but only in addition to a CD primary triangle, not instead of it. A speed set will give you max. about 15 speed which is nice, but you shouldn't sacrifice your secondaries for it. Your attackers usually need to be fast and hit hard. The most important slot is the triangle (holo-array). Don't put defense, health or protection on it (there are exceptions like DN). Offense (value in numbers, not percentage) is a very good secondary stat for them. CD is usually the best. Chars that want to land a debuff need potency. Tenacity is rather bad. The chances that you resist a debuff are minimum 15%, no matter how high the enemy's potency is. If the enemy has 80% potency and you have 65% tenacity, the chances to resist are still 15%, so you win nothing. Only if the attacker has low potency and you have a very high tenacity value, there will be a difference. E.g. the enemy has 45% potency and you have 65% tenacity, your chance to resist will be 20%. Pos. 1: Transmitter (Square) The Transmitter has a fixed primary: offense. This position should therefore be used for good secondaries like speed, protection, offense (value in numbers is better than percentage), crit chance, health. Pos. 2: Receiver (Arrow) For the arrow, the speed primary is very good for most attackers and supports (+30 speed at 5-dot-mods). You can buy these in the mod store, even if they are grey. Protection is very good for most tanks. The other primaries are usually not taken. Pos. 3: Processor (diamond) The processor has a fixed primary: defense. Use it for good secondaries. Pos. 4: Holo-Array (triangle) This is a very important slot. You can get 36%CD from it or 23,5% protection. Pos. 5: Data-Bus (circle) Usually, you want a protection primary, speed secondary circle. Pos. 6: Multiplexer (cross) While in many cases, protection primary is very good, you can also use offense for attackers that do physical damage or potency for attackers that need to land a debuff (combined with potency sets). If you see a 5-dot-mod in the mod store, only buy it if it has a speed secondary (or if it's a speed arrow). Green mods will get one upgrade so a +5 speed can get additional +6 = +11 speed. Blue get two upgrades so they can be 5 speed, +6, +6 = +17 speed. Purple get three upgrades so they can get 5 speed + 6 +6 +6 = 23 speed and gold get 4 upgrades with a maximum of 28 speed. That's very unlikely so also green and blue mods are a good buy with a speed sec. Upgrades happen at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. Don't upgrade more than 12 other that you need the set bonus. Squad Arena Strategy Find out what the payout of your daily opponents is. Find your shardmates in reddit, EA forum (pvp) or via / contact data. Try to fight not before 2 hours (for 10 fights) or 1 hour (for 5 fights) before your payout. Avoid those guys with a similar payout/payout right before you (if you fight 2 hours, fighting after their payout is okay). Once you are a little advanced (lvl70+ maybe), you should be able to react with different setups to different enemy teams. E.G. use Rex lead if the opponent crits a lot. AoE crits like Lando's give your team a lot of turnmeter. Vice versa, don't use Lando against Rex lead enemies. If the enemy uses a lot of dispel (Rex, Chirrut, GK), debuffers are probably useless. Counter it with sheer damage (Wiggs Chaze R2Z2). Vice versa, use triple cleanse (Rex Chaze GK DN/CLS) against teams with a lot of debuffers. Glossary GK - General Kenobi, DN - Darth Nihilus, TFP - TIE Fighter Pilot, FOTP - First Order TIE Pilot, SF - Sun Fac, STH - Stormtrooper Han, Chewie - Clone Wars Chewbacca, Chaze - Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus, Wiggs - Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter, R2Z2- R2D2 with zeta on numer crunsh, Z2Z2 - R2D2 with both zetas, CLS - Commander Luke Slywalker, RG - Royal Guard, JC - Jedi Consular, JE - Jawa Engineer, Windu - Mace Windu, IGD - Ima-Gun Di, QGJ - Qui-Gon Jinn, RT - Resistance Trooper, RP - Resistance Pilot, CD - critical damage, CC - critical chance, GW - Galactic War224KViews1like1037CommentsPC Early Access is now available on EA App!
Hello Holotable Heroes, Today marks a big day on the holotable in STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes as we open up Early Access on EA App for PC to all players! We wanted to extend a big thank you to those who joined us during the Closed Beta and shared their feedback to make the galaxy a better place to engage in battles with some of our favorite Star Wars™ heroes! To those of you who have shown interest in joining the PC Client, now is your time! We look forward to more of you experiencing the PC Client and can’t wait to hear what you think. Thanks for being on this journey with us! Enjoy this trailer, and see you on the holotables. TRAILER - STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes Dev TeamCG_MeatheadPlace SWGOH Game Info HubSWGOH Game Info HubCapital Games Team219KViews16likes32CommentsAdaptive F2P Guide 2.0
This is the second iteration of Adaptive f2p guide. We created previous one, because all other were outdated and since @Raw stopped playing it’s time to refresh it a bit. You can find original one here: Guide focuses on most effective way of being competitive in both arenas as well as presents the fastest way of unlocking end game content while still remaining f2p. Before we start I want to strongly insist for every player to be focused on farming, gearing and leveling a very limited amount of characters. Biggest drawbacks of being f2p are limited resources: crystals and credits. Best way to use them: - Crystals – daily energy refresh (3x 50 crystals, always), daily cantina energy refresh (3x 100 crystals, preferably 2-3 daily), arena refreshes (it’s always beneficial to invest 50 or more crystals to get better rewards), gear (spend only in late game) - Credits – keep squad arena and fleet arena heroes maxed out, only invest in best mods (don’t upgrade mods past 12lvl unless you got stats you wanted), increase star lvl only on heroes you’re currently using. Now to the proper segment of this guide – how to start off: 1. Many events in game have set timers during a day, so it might be best to change your device timezone before starting the game – it will move every daily reset or payout accordingly, read more about it here ( 2. Every new player will unlock a random hero from his first Chromium pack (350 crystals). Collect them from unlocking achievements. Repeat this process to get a head start (rerolling account, read about it in previous link). Heroes to aim for – TIER 1: Lando, Rex, Baze; TIER 2: Jyn, Chirrut, Ackbar, Old Ben. 3. Community created a list of unlocks per player lvl - . It will help you create a plan for upcoming months and put into context elements of this guide. The best team to aim for from the begining is Phoenix Squadron. Reasons: - easy to farm with great survivability and synergy, - great for early and mid game in squad arena, - help immensely in finishing galactic war on a daily basis, - provide access to mod challenges and legendary characters: Emperor Palpatine, Grand Admiral Thrawn, - can finish one battle in each phase up to phase 5 in Territory Battles (with good mods and gear lvl 8), - are one of the best teams on defense in Territory Wars, - can get decent scores in normal raids (not heroic). Overall they aren’t powerful, but present great survivability and flexibility. You will need them from start to finish. You can farm unit shards from: Hard nodes, Cantina nodes, Squad arena store, Galactic War store, Guild store, Fleet Arena store, Guild Events store and Shipments. Most will be inaccessible for beginners, but will unlock as you progress. Merchandise in each store will change as you lvl up – most notably after 60 and 80 lvl. If what is described here isn't available for you, then it's probably best to save up currency and spend once it becomes accessible. I suggest you farm every character described in guide to 7*, however you don't need to do it right away. Key: 4* - it's fast and cheap (80 shards), 5* - minimal requirement for specific events or game modes, 5-7* - minimum 5* with intent of going to 7* asap, can be postponed until you get info about specific events or farm up another important unit. Farm schedule: - Cantina nodes: Hera Syndulla (4*), Ezra Bridger (7*), Hera (5-7*), Lando Calrissian (min. 5*)/TIE Fighter Pilot (5*)/3-5* health mods, Wedge (7*) Hera is necessary as she has leader ability, but she doesn’t have to be at a high star lvl now. Focus hard on Ezra after 4* Hera. You need at least one 7* for Heroic raid and Ezra is strongest phoenix member. At 69lvl you have to start farming Wedge Antilles. Before that you need to get Lando at least to 5* and farm enough 5* health mods to gear your main arena team (and some for pilots). It would be great if you could farm TFP to 4-5* as well. After Wedge is done get all previous units to 7*. - Cantina store: Chopper (7*), Ahsoka Tano (5*), Boba Fett (5*), Hoth Rebel Scout (5*)/Fives (4*), Stormtrooper (5*) It’s straightforward here – get units in this order. After Boba and Ahsoka are 5*, you can choose what to do next. Farm Boba to 7* if you want to include him in arena team. HRS isn't necessary early on, but is needed to fully participate in Light side Terrritory Battles. Fives is necessary if you want ot run a Mace Windu lead fleet, he also is awesome in a Target Lock fleet, but you can skip him wholeheartedly if you aim for a different fleet setup. Stormtrooper is needed for DS Territory Battles as well as R2 event as 5th Empire unit (if you missed Thrawn event). - Squad Arena store: Kanan Jarrus (7*), Stormtrooper Han (5-7*), IG-88 (5* - farm only if you can’t get Raid Han in time for CH), Admiral Ackbar (7*), Mace Windu (5*)/Princess Leia (7*)/Grand Moff Tarkin (5-7*) You need STH and IG88 for Credit Heist. If you manage to get into Heroic Rancor guild early on then you could skip IG88 and get Raid Han instead. Ackbar is your main fleet commander so farm him first. Afterwards you can choose who to farm: Windu - if you want to unlock defense mod challenge, Leia - if you want to include her in your second arena team and raid team, Tarkin - he is necessary for future fleet challenges as well as Empire unit for R2D2 legendary event. - GW store: Zeb Orellios (5-7*), Biggs Darklighter (4*), ship shards: Biggs, TFP, FOTP, Consular, Ahsoka. Other ships shards worth getting: Wedge, Sun Fac, Fives. Farm Zeb to 5* and get Biggs to at least 4* before 60lvl. Finish Zeb and continue with Biggs/ships. You don’t need Biggs 7* right away, so you can focus on ships – Biggs, JC, Ahsoka will be the core of your early fleet. Get TFP and FOTP ship shards fast since they are end game and rarely drop in shop. You will need Wedge, Sun Fac and Fives ships for different challenges. They need to be at 5*. Fives doesn’t need to be rushed. - Fleet store: Slave I/TIE Advanced/Scimitar (5*), Ghost (5*), Wedge(max 4*), Vader Focus on getting all 3 ships and Vader shards when they pop up - they are rare. You will also need to get Ghost ship from here - he is great for fleet arena. After he is 5* and you fare well in arena you can choose to get Phantom II to 5*, since he is needed for a legendary event. Otherwise stick to Ghost and max him out. Spare currency invest in FOTP and Wedge shards. If you started off with Baze from chromium getting Chirrut from here is a priority. - Guild store: Old Ben (7*), Farmboy Luke (5*), Rex (7*), Darth Maul (5*) After latest update this store is probably the best one out there. You'll get best return on your investment buying green and blue gear pieces, because they are fully crafted ones (ex. Mk3 Detonators, Mk2 Holo projectors, Mk 5 Blastech weapon mod and many more). It will let you allocate more energy into hard node farm. Mk 3 Stun cuffs and Carbanti's are another thing worth investing in, but in end game. Pre 60lvl focus on Old Ben and Luke – try to get first to 7* and second to 5-6* (you can resume his farm when Luke Hero Journey will be announced, he can be farmed from cheap cantina node as well). If you got a lot of whales in arena, best would be to farm Rex to 7* - he will be your next leader after Phoenix. You will also need Sun Fac and Darth Maul for fleet challenge (4-5*). At later stages of the game you need to get Colonel Starck (4-5* - for DS TB). Units worth farming - Resistance Trooper and Finn - if you decided to farm a Resistance team, Rey (if you know her Hero Journey will be coming), Sith Assasin (great unit for any DS team), Kylo Ren. - Hard nodes: Jedi Consular (7*), First Order Stormtrooper (7*), Hoth Rebel Soldier (7*), Chewbacca (5*) Consular is a must for fleet so best to get him running before 60lvl. Chewbacca can wait – you need him for Credit Heist only. Additionally you can support your progress farming Boba, Ahsoka or Biggs. Farm FOST and HRS since they can only be aquired from hard nodes (or bronziums). Other units worth farming after you finish some of these are: First Order TIE Pilot (7*), Resistance Trooper (7*),Barriss Offe (7*), Veers (7*), Stormtrooper (7*). All of them can be also farmed from other shops. Remember not to overfarm units. You don’t have to sim all 5 battles on a node. First and foremost focus on getting your main units geared. - Guild Events store: Scimitar, Veers (4-5*), Krennic/Gar Saxon(5*), gear It’s an end game store – currency should be spent on g12 gear and Hermit Yoda/Wampa shards. For beginers focus on speeding up your progress by buying Scimitar shards and guns/cuffs/carbanti gear. In time farm Veers for Dark Side Territory Battles - he is also available in hard nodes and bronziums, so 4-5* is max what you should do. Krennic and Gar Saxon are great farms (DS TB leaders), but aren't needed at this part of the game - should be farmed later on (focus on one). You can consider buying Hoth Rebel soldier shards if you desperately need them. Currency in this shop is scarce, so I would suggest saving it up until you have a clear path what you want to farm. - Shipments In early game always buy items for credits. As you progress you can buy gear such as Mk3 Holo projectors or gold gear in end game. Here is a useful link: This guide will let you start off with a Phoenix squad. However don’t overinvest in them. They are great in early and mid game, but fall off a cliff going forward. Get them max to gear lvl8-9. You can invest in g11 for Ezra, he’s worth it. This guide let’s you transition from phoenix squad into traditional Rebels lead by Wiggs (Wedge and Biggs) or Rex. Ezra, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper Han, Lando, Leia or Chaze (Chirrut + Baze) can beat any team in arena. How to effectively play phoenix squad. Chopper – usually fastest, so he can dispel any pretaunt. Adjust his speed if opponent has manual taunters to deal with them as well. Hera and Ezra assists should call Zeb. He can stun 2 ppl in opening round (2 assists + his attack + retaliation if opponent uses aoe). For survivability play around Kanan’s and Chopper taunts, using Zeb and Kanan protection up. Early on you can drop Zeb from squad if you got a good damage dealer from chromium – before g7 units don’t have protection so his unique doesn’t boost you at all. Phoenix are vulnerable to debuffs since they lack a reliable cleanser. Plan accordingly. Teams with greatest potential, transitioning from phoenix squadron, are: 1. Rex (L), STH, Boba, Wiggs - best overall team and accessible fairly quick (apart from Wedge, but you can use Ezra) - it has mediocre dps output, but can deal with any team you encounter in mid game. In nullifies whale opponent advantage when it comes to unit strength and better speed mods. Ideally STH or Boba should go first. It's a tactical team so it's not as good on defense. 2. Ackbar (L), STH, Ezra, Leia, Chirrut - a team with high speed and a lot of assists from Ackbar leader ability. Ezra + Leia are a great combo together. Chirrut provides survivability and most importantly tenacity up. This is a high dps team. As mentioned above, best if STH taunts first. Team is harder to get, because Chirrut is a late farm (or first chromium pull) and both - Leia, STH - are in same store. 3. Wedge (L), Biggs, STH, Ezra, Chirrut/Lando/Boba - All characters are easily obtainable and very strong on offense, however highly dependable on crit chance. If opponent doesn't have countering units (Sun Fac, Phoenix sq.) then it's good to use Lando (L), Boba, STH, Biggs, Wedge/Chirrut/Ezra - this team can help you kill units hiding behind pretaunters or in steath (Nightsisters). Fleet arena You aren’t limited to any capital ship in this guide. Core team of Biggs, TFP, FOTP, JC, Ahsoka, Ghost can thrive under any lead. For Mace lead you should farm Rex’s ship as well and prioritize Fives. Half ship power comes from it's pilot, so pls try to have pilots leveled and geared if resources allow it. Also put mods on them - stats don't matter, only rarity and lvl (the higher, the better). All pilots in this guide will be needed in end-game, so your investment won't go to waste. Pls refer to this guide for more info on ships - . To fully unlock fleet content you need 5x 5* dark side ships and 5x 5* light side ships. Minimal requirements to be successful are: 5x 4* dark side ships (TFP, FOTP, Sun Fac, Scimitar/Slave/TIE Advance) and 8x 5* ships (no restriction) – Biggs, Wedge, Ahsoka, TFP, FOTP, Ghost, JC, Sun Fac. This is the shortest route. Premium content requirements: - Yoda event – 5x 7* Jedi: Mace Windu, JC, Ezra, Kanan, Ahsoka - Palpatine event – 5x 7* Rebels: Phoenix Squadron - Thrawn event – 5x 7* Phoenix Rebels: Phoenix Squadron - R2D2 event – 5x 7* Empire: Emperor Palpatine, Tarkin, Darth Vader, TFP, Thrawn - BB8 event – 5x 7* First Order: Captain Phasma, FOST, FOTP, Kylo Ren, FO Officer - Chimaera Capital ship - 5x 7* Rebel ships: Biggs, Wedge, Ghost, Phantom II, any U-Wing and 7* Home One (Ackbar's capital ship) - Luke’s Hero Journey – 7* LS units: Old Ben, Farmboy Luke, R2D2, STH, Princess Leia - Rey’s Hero Journey – 7* LS units: Rey, Finn, BB8, Veteran Han, Veteran Chewbacca As you can see this guide covers every event outside BB8 and Rey’s. Please do notice that I listed Thrawn in R2D2 event. This can be problematic with bad timing. A solution to that is farming Veers or Stormtrooper from hard nodes (they also can be aquired from other shops and bronziums). Legendary events rerun every 3-4 months, so you can roughly estimate and plan which units and when to farm. Yoda/Palpatine events run interchangeably every month. Following this guide you will easily unlock most mod challenges: health, defense, critical chance, tenacity and potency. How you approach rest is up to you. Next do: - Offense mods challenge – if FOST is at 4* farm FO officer from cantina store, Phasma from GW store, Kylo Ren from cantina node – adjust timing to BB8 event - Critical Damage mods challenge – if you got Jawa at 4* from bronzium packs then you should focus on this challenge, farm Chief Nebit from Squad store, Jawa Engineer from Guild store, Jawa Scavenger from cantina store, Datcha from GW store. You can farm Jawa and Datcha from cantina node and hard nodes. - Speed mod challenge – farm Finn from cantina node, farm Poe Dameron from cantina store, farm Resistance Trooper from hard nodes and guild store, farm Resistance Pilot from GW store. You can skip Resistance Pilot if you have R2D2 or BB8. If you have trouble in arena with “whales” I would suggest getting Critical Damage mod challenge done first. It boosts rebels power, but it’s mainly intended for end game arena. If you know BB8 will come next month I would go for Offense mods challenge – you already have quite a few FO units farmed and BB8 is considered Resistance, so you would have 1 less unit to farm for speed mod challenge. Overall you will get best return from farming resistance team. Even at lower gear lvl (g8-g9) they can easily finish end game GW. They are currently the best PVE team in game. They’re also considered the best Territory Battle team and can score very high in heroic raids. However they are good only with zeta leader ability from Finn, so they won't be much help before you reach 85lvl (since your main focus for zeta's should be in arena squad). Finishing Defense mod challenge TIER 2 unlocks 5* mods in Mod store, TIER 3 increases their rate. It's worth having 4m credits saved up at all times in case a very good 5* gold mod with speed secondary shows up. If you're in need of good mods, have a lot of credits saved up and same crystals to spend, then you can refresh mod store. It costs only 15 crystals and can net you some good mods. Take into account that it's a very costly procedure and you should do it at end game. For more on mod challenges, watch - For more on mods, watch - In early game focus on getting any mods with speed secondaries and good primaries (speed arrow for all). When you unlock 5* health mods - farm them. Try to get best stats for your arena team - same as before speed secondaries and good primary stats. Each unit has a specific mod set that benefits them the most, but don't worry about it until you reach end game stage and have enough spare credits to invest in it. For info on how to mod units, use - Guild I suggest to join guild as soon as possible – the sooner you will start raids, the faster you’ll finish gearing your units – a lot of gear can be obtained only from raids. By spending energy daily you generate raid tickets. Every 6min you get 1 energy point, every 12min you get 1 cantina energy point. A guild can generate 30k raid tickets daily, so try to generate your max of 600 – most guilds require that from everyone. By generating as much as possible, you can raid more often. Daily you can get: 240 normal energy, 120 cantina energy, bonus 45 cantina energy and bonus 3x 45 noemal energy for a total of 540 energy. Each day of the week there is a different daily guild activity – which rewards every guildmember with currency, here’s that list - Raids As mentioned above - most important is to join a guild generating as close to 30k raid tickets daily, as possible. Raiding regularly is more important than scoring high in every raid. This guide provides you with necessary units to score well in raids. Here you can find a current, dynamic list of best teams for every raid - Take it with a grain of salt though. Some teams might not be viable anymore once you reach end game. Territory Battles and Territory Wars These become available once you reach 65lvl. First is a PvE raid-like guild event and the second is a straight up guild versus guild battle. Both are end game content, so don't be too concerned about it early on. Following this guide you should be able to field enough good Light side teams (phoenix, rebels) to complete quite a few missions early on. For DS TB you need Imperial Troopers, Empire and Bounty Hunter teams to be competitive. Most of which are included in this guide. You will get a lot of them from bronzium pulls, so there is no need to extensively farm them early on. To get info on minimal unit requirements to complete TB visit ( - I can atest that with good mods these teams can do missions with some good RNG. Here is an infographic on opponent skills ( Use daze to your advantage and be wary of snowtroopers counters and assists - it can decimate your team in mere seconds. As you can see there are some gray areas in this guide as to who to farm and how fast should they be taken to 7 stars. It's premeditated. Almost all units mentioned in this guide should be farmed to 7*. However the order in which you should do it depends on your preference, in game event shcedule and your squad/fleet arena needs. All in all, please refrain from overpreparing. Game is changing and evolving all the time. Teams I read were good in raids 9 months ago aren’t viable anymore, so when you get to the point I finished this guide, you probably will have more options than I did. Key notes: - Stay focused and diligent in farming and gearing units, - Focus on a limited number of units, - Always keep level, abilities and most important gear of your arena team to maximum, - There is no need to hoard crystals in early and mid game - use everything you got on cheap refreshes (3x50 and 3x100), - If you want to farm 330 shards from cantina, you need about 1000 cantina fights, so at 8 energy a piece that’s 8k energy. That’s an equivalent of 500 mods (5*). Farming a unit from 12 energy cantina node is equivalent of 750 mods, so don’t farm a unit if you lack good mods on your arena team (assuming you got credits to level them up), - After joining squad arena try to find your shardmates through reddit or forum, - Try to stick to your payout in arena, be active max 2h before and get info on other shardmate payouts, so you can avoid unnecessary trouble, - Don't be shy to refresh any store or hard node if you desperatelly need shards of specific unit, it's better to invest some crystals early on than miss on legendary event, - Join a Heroic Rancor guild as soon as possible, both heroic raids on farm will speed up your progress immensely, - Get a 7* unit as soon as possible - it will enable you to take part in Heroic raid, blanking that raid is much more profitable than doing normal ones, - Although gear is most important, try to always have at least 2-3 units on farm from hard nodes, especially in early game. Your progress is limited by lvl, so you won't encounter a huge gear crunch. Use that time to farm necessary units unlocking future content, - Previous edition of Rey and Luke's Hero Journey was in December, so next one won't be until April - plan accordingly, - For anything regarding numbers and info about this game refer to:, - For interactive help visit - or, - For info on upcoming events -, - Youtubers worth watching: Ahnald (, MobileGamer (, Nukin (, CubsFan Han ( There are a lot of them out there (McMole2, CrazyExcuses.) so choose to your liking.196KViews1like386CommentsRey’s Hero Journey [Mega]
"CG_Kozispoon;d-141920" wrote: Earlier this year, Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes introduced the very first Hero’s Journey event, featuring Luke Skywalker as he first appeared on Tatooine in Star Wars™: A New Hope. Players could experience iconic events from the film and eventually unlock the next evolution of his character, Commander Luke Skywalker. It wasn’t a long time ago that we were introduced to Rey in Star Wars™: The Force Awakens. On the desert planet of Jakku, a series of events set into motion a journey that would change her life forever. Coming soon to Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes, you’ll be able to live Rey’s adventures through the Hero’s Journey special event. Experience some of her most thrilling moments as she progresses from a humble scavenger to making new allies to finding the legendary Luke Skywalker. Complete the event to unlock the next evolution of Rey and add her to your collection. To participate, players will need the scavenger version of Rey, currently available in the game. You can look forward to playing as Rey (Scavenger) in her Hero’s Journey event, in support of the worldwide theatrical release of Star Wars™: The Last Jedi this December. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes players on Android that are looking to unlock or upgrade Rey (Scavenger) can do so now by purchasing Google Play gift cards available at retail locations around the world online < >195KViews0likes1600CommentsGrand Arena Megathread
Hi Holotable Heroes, Grand Arena was recently announced in the Road Ahead and we will be posting a ton more information about it in the future. Similar to the Mods 2.0 Megathread, follow this thread for all posts and details related to the Grand Arena What is Grand Arena At the beginning of the Grand Arena Event, you’ll be matched with 7 other players from across the game who have a Galactic Power score very similar to your own. In the first round, you’ll be matched up against a random player from your group to essentially fight a mini-Territory War. You’ll then set up defenses to defend your own territories, as well as attack your opponent's territories in an attempt to overcome their defenses. You’ll earn banners for successfully attacking and defeating an opponent’s territory, as well as defending your own territory. At the end of the battle, whoever has earned the most banners will be the winner. Each round, you’ll be matched with other players who have the same win/loss record as you, and you’ll never fight the same opponent twice in a Grand Arena event. You’ll earn special rewards after each offensive battle you complete, at the end of each of the 3 rounds, and a final set of rewards at the end of the event based on your standing in the 8-player group. Latest Info: 12/4 - Title Update 14: Grand Arena Previous Posts: 11/9 - Road Ahead Feature Announcement189KViews1like2811Comments***Game login issues*** (Merged Threads)
We’re aware that there’s some issues with players who are on android devices when trying to log into Googleplay. Namely, they can't log in at all (i.e receiving a connection error) so posting your device info and ally code will not help in this case..We’re investigating this and will report back once we have more info. * This issue is affecting iOS as well. Our team is looking into it and I've updated the title of this thread @_@ "EA_Jesse;661315" wrote: This is not server maintenance, there is an issue where players are unable to login and ours server engineers are still working to resolve this. You may see a notification when trying to log in that says there is Server Maintenance, this is due to the engineers trying to track down the cause of the login issue. UPDATE - There are incoming reports of players who have been able to access the game, but please note that work is still being done and there is a chance you will still be kicked out of the game and start receiving error codes again. We will post an additional update once permanent fixes are in place. UPDATE 02- Most players should be able to log in and have normal access to the game. Our team is working on the servers and monitoring them to ensure everything is running smoothly. We will provide additional details once we have determined what will be sent out to players due to this outage. We appreciate your patience while this is being reviewed.186KViews0likes1575CommentsMassive Mods Guide
NOTE: THIS THREAD IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Please post comments only related to providing information about mods, and refrain from posting any opinions, strategies, or other commentary about mods in this thread. If you want to talk strat or complain or otherwise share opinions about mods, please put it in a different thread. I'm really just compiling a lot of things that are probably already posted elsewhere, but I felt like there isn't really a single, comprehensive guide to mods on the forums yet. So, not that we need another mods guide, I figured I would at least take as much as I could find about mods and combine it all together into a single guide. I'm sure I'm probably leaving things out here, or that someone else already has a much better guide, but feel free to add to it in the comments or dispute anything I've written, and I'll try to come back and update occassionally as new info is made available. Also, all of this is accurate as of the time I'm writing this post. As we already know, everything is subject to change, including the level cap, quality levels, stats, set bonuses, etc. Enjoy! >>Basics<< All mods have the following attributes: Tier, Quality/Color, Level, Shape/Slot, Set-Bonus, Primary Stat, and Secondary Stat(s). Mods come in Tiers 1-5, Quality A-E, Level 1-15. All mods use the following methods to improve stats: Primary Stat, Secondary Stat(s), and Set Bonus. These improvements either come in the form of a flat increase or a % increase. Note: I'm a bit confused about which primary stats can still have flat values. This is because other than speed, I never really see any flat values on mod primary stats anymore, even though the devs stated in their update that it was only Offense, Defense, Health, and Protection that had the flat values removed. If anyone knows of any additional primary stat flat values other than speed, please let me know and I will update this guide to include them. >>Obtaining Mods<< Mods unlock at player level 50 and can be assigned to any character level 50 or higher. Currently, mods can be obtained by completing mod battles for Tier 1 & 2 mods, by completing mod challenges for Tier 3, 4, & 5 mods, and by purchasing them from the Mod Shop. Mod Battles Mod battles unlock at player level 50, have no character restrictions, and require cantina energy to complete. Sim tickets may be used after the battle has been completed at 3 stars, just like cantina battles. There are 8 stages, each corresponding to a particular set-bonus, and each stage contains 7 battles, one for each shape and a 7th battle that rewards a random shape. In addition to rewarding tier 1 and 2 mods, mod battles will also reward ability mats, training droids, sim tickets, credits, cantina currency, and XP. Mod Challenge Battles Mod challenge battles unlock when Stage 3 of Mod Battles is complete, and each set of challenge battles unlocks when a corresponding stage of Mod Battles has been completed. Each challenge requires a specific squad of characters, as follows: Health Set-Bonus Mods – All characters allowed Defense Set-Bonus Mods – Only Jedi Allowed Critical Damage Set-Bonus Mods – Only Jawas Allowed Critical Chance Set-Bonus Mods – Only Scoundrels Allowed Tenacity Set-Bonus Mods – Only Rebels Allowed Offense Set-Bonus Mods – Only First Order Allowed Potency Set-Bonus Mods – Only Empire Allowed Speed Set-Bonus Mods – Only Resistance Allowed Mod challenge battles require at least 3 3-star characters for the tier-3 challenge battles, at least 4 4-star characters for the tier-4 challenge battles, and at least 5 5-star characters for the tier-5 challenge battles. In addition to rewarding tier 3, 4, and 5 mods, mod battles will also reward ability mats, training droids, sim tickets, credits, cantina currency, and XP. Mod Challenge Battles also require cantina energy to complete. CG_NotReallyAJedi writes: “The Energy-to-Currency ratio is as follows: 1- 2* Mods Battles: 10 Energy, 17 Cantina Currency 3* Mods Battles: 10 Energy, 17 Cantina Currency 4* Mods Battles: 12 Energy, 21 Cantina Currency 5* Mods Battles: 16 Energy, 28 Cantina Currency” Mod Shop You may also purchase mods in the Mod Shop for either credits or crystals. The Mod Shop unlocks when Mod Battles is unlocked at player level 50. EA_Jesse writes: “Prior to unlocking Mod Challenges only 1, 2 and 3 star Mods will be available in Mod Shipments. Upon completion of ALL Tier 1 Mod Challenges 4 star Mods will start to appear in Mod Shipments. Upon completion of ALL Tier 2 Mod Challenges 5 star Mods will start to appear in Mod shipments.” It is rumored that mods may also be a reward provided by the upcoming AAT raid, and that Tier 6 and 7 mods will become available at that time. However, as of the time of this post, Tier 6 and 7 mods are currently unavailable. Edit (10/23/2016): Mods are not available as a reward for the AAT Tank Takedown raid, and Tier 5 remains the highest tier mod you can obtain. No new updates/news as to when Tier 6 and/or 7 mods will become available, but I will update this guide if/when they become available. >>Mod Stat Increases<< Mods can improve the following stats: Health, Defense, Critical Damage, Critical Chance, Tenacity, Offense, Potency, Speed, Accuracy, Protection, and Critical Avoidance. These stats are improvements based on a character's stats obtained through other progression prior to any mods, rather than after mods have been added. So, if your character has 100 speed prior to adding any mods, you add +10 speed with a primary stat, and then get a 5% speed-set bonus, the 2 bonuses are applied as (5% x 100) + 10 = 15 rather than + 10 = 15.5 (stats don't typically have decimals, but you get the idea). Stats can be increased using set-bonuses, primary stats, and secondary stats. >>Mod Shapes<< All mods correspond with one of 6 pre-defined, unique slots: Square, Arrow, Diamond, Triangle, Circle, and Plus. Each mod will correspond with one of these slots, and can only be equipped in its corresponding slot. Each shape can have any set bonus, and any secondary stat(s). However, specific shapes will correspond with specific primary stats. These are as follows: Square - Offense (%) Arrow - Speed (flat), Accuracy (%), Offense (%), Defense (%), Health (%), Protection (%), Critical Avoidance (%) Diamond - Defense (%) Triangle - Critical Chance (%), Critical Damage (%), Offense (%), Defense (%), Health (%), Protection (%) Circle - Health (%), Protection (%) Plus - Potency (%), Tenacity (%), Offense (%), Defense (%), Health (%), Protection (%) Here's another view of the same data that you might find helpful: Offense (%) - Square, Arrow, Triangle, Plus Speed (flat) – Arrow Accuracy (%) - Arrow Defense (%) - Arrow, Diamond, Triangle, Plus Health (%) - Arrow, Triangle, Circle, Plus Protection (%) - Arrow, Triangle, Circle, Plus Critical Avoidance (%) - Arrow Critical Chance (%) - Triangle Critical Damage (%) - Triangle Potency (%) - Plus Tenacity (%) - Plus >>Upgrading Mods<< Tier 1 mods have the lowest starting and max stats, whereas Tier 5 mods have the highest starting and max stats. However, Tier 1 mods have the lowest cost to increase level, whereas Tier 5 mods have the highest cost to increase level. Tier 1 is also cheapest to swap between characters, whereas Tier 5 is the most expensive. However, Tier 5 mods will sell for the highest value (since they are the most valuable), but you won't get many credits back from a Tier 1 mod. This means that lower-tier mods will upgrade quicker and much more cheaply, but higher-tier mods have a greater upside and will ultimately be more valuable in the long-run. Mk 1-A mod means tier 1, quality A. Mk 5-C means tier 5, quality C. Etc. Here are the costs to upgrade or remove mods (thanks to @IdobaFett): Tier 1 Upgrade: 375 (3,750 x 10) Remove: 550 Tier 2 Upgrade: 750 (7,500 x 10) Remove: 1,050 Tier 3 Upgrade: 1,250 (12,500 x 10) Remove: 1,900 Tier 4 Upgrade: 1,750 (17,500 x 10) Remove: 3,000 Tier 5 Upgrade: 2,250 (22,500 x 10) Remove: 4,750 Here are the total costs to upgrade mods from level 1-15 (thanks to @scuba): Tier 1: 28,875 credits Tier 2: 57,750 credits Tier 3: 152,500 credits Tier 4: 250,250 credits Tier 5: 474,750 credits >>Mod Tiers<< All mods come in Tiers 1-5. A mod's tier (number of "dots") is permanently set from the beginning, and cannot be changed (unless the devs change it, of course). Higher-tier mods have higher starting and ending values for each stat. So, for example, a Tier 1 mod will max-out at 17 speed as the primary stat, whereas a Tier 5 mod will max-out at 30 speed for the primary stat. Tiers typically determine that the mod has a higher starting or ending value for the primary and secondary stats, whereas the mod quality/color determines the number of secondary stats the mod has, and how many times it gets upgraded. >>Mod Quality/Color<< All mods come in quality A-E, which corresponds with the following colors: A - Gold, B - Purple, C - Blue, D - Green, E - Grey Mod quality can start at anywhere from quality A-E at level 1, but as the mod's level increases, the quality improves. Therefore, ALL MODS will eventually reach quality A (Gold) once upgraded to level 15. The difference is, mods that start with quality A at level 1 will typically have higher "final" secondary stats (due to existing stats increasing as the mod levels increase), whereas mods that start at quality E will typically have lower "final" secondary stats since instead of upgrading the stats on existing secondary stats, the quality increase will simply add a new stat. This can all be very confusing, but in other words, starting at a higher quality is sort of like having "more" increases applied to each stat on the mod, whereas having a higher tier is sort of like having "larger" increases applied to each stat on the mod. See Mod Levels below for further details. Most quality A (Gold) mods have 4 secondary stats, but higher-tier versions usually end up with higher stats. >>Mod Levels<< EA_Jesse writes: “Mods can reach up to level 15 Each level up increases the primary stat on the Mod At levels 3, 6, 9, and 12, a secondary stat will be added or an existing secondary stat will be increased Mods are upgraded by spending credits to increase the XP of the Mod. It is possible to receive a large XP boost immediately upgrading the Mod's level.” Note that secondary stats are only added or upgraded at levels 3,6,9, and 12. This means that the rest of the time, only the primary stat will be upgraded when a new mod-level is achieved. >>Mod Set-Bonuses<< Each mod corresponds with a specific, pre-defined set-bonus that cannot be changed (unless the devs change it, of course). Set-bonuses are earned when a character has equipped a certain number of mods (either 2 or 4 mods) that all have the same set-bonus. A Max set-Bonus can also be earned when that same group of mods (again, either 2 or 4 mods) have all been upgraded to level 15. Max set-bonuses replace the basic set-bonuses once applied. Set-bonuses and Max set-bonuses are as follows: Equip 2 Health Mods: +2.5% Health Equip 2 L15 Health Mods: +5% Health Equip 2 Defense Mods: +2.5% Defense Equip 2 L15 Defense Mods: +5% Defense Equip 4 Critical Damage Mods: +15% Critical Damage Equip 4 L15 Critical Damage Mods: +30% Critical Damage Equip 2 Critical Chance Mods: +2.5% Critical Chance Equip 2 L15 Critical Chance Mods: +5% Critical Chance Equip 2 Tenacity Mods: +5% Tenacity Equip 2 L15 Tenacity Mods: +10% Tenacity Equip 4 Offense Mods: +5% Offense Equip 4 L15 Offense Mods: +10% Offense Equip 2 Potency Mods: +5% Potency Equip 2 L15 Potency Mods: +10% Potency Equip 4 Speed Mods: +5% Speed Equip 4 L15 Speed Mods: +10% Speed >>Managing Mods<< Mods can be equipped, upgraded, removed, sold, or destroyed. Upgrading and removing costs credits. Selling a mod will return credits to the user, and equipping or destroying a mod will neither cost nor return credits. The higher the mod's tier, the more credits it costs or returns. If a mod has already been equipped, it must be unequipped first before it can be sold. Mods can be locked/unlocked to prevent them from being removed or sold until you're ready to do so. Up to 500 mods can be stored in the Mod Inventory before the UI will force you to sell or destroy mods to make room for new mods. You can search for mods using various filters and search criteria in the inventory screen to make finding the mods you're looking for easier. >>Mod Achievements<< There are tier 1, 2, and 3 achievements for mod challenges for each set-bonus type. Tier 1 Challenge Completion: 10k credits, 10 crystals, 30 ally points Tier 2 Challenge Completion: 20k credits, 20 crystals, 60 ally points Tier 3 Challenge Completion: 40k credits, 40 crystals, 120 ally points If anyone has the data on what all of the achievement rewards are for equipping mods, I would be happy to add it to this guide. I hope you've enjoyed this guide, and are (hopefully) a little less-confused by mods now; I know I was completely overwhelmed by mods when they first got implemented. Again, let me know in the comments below if you have any additions or changes you would like to see and I would be happy to edit to incorporate them, assuming that someone has validated that your information is correct. ;^]182KViews2likes36CommentsCheater & hacker update 11/18
Greetings Heroes, We take cheating at Galaxy of Heroes very seriously and are tirelessly working to identify and remove cheaters from the game. You may have noticed or have heard that one of our investigations resulted in a mass banning. Well sit tight, cause this purge is just beginning (insert sinister laugh here.) After countless reports and over a year of investigation, we are confidently taking action on hundreds of accounts engaged in... well let’s just say they ended up on my naughty list. You no doubt are seeing some changes in your arena leader-boards as a result of this ongoing action. We are nowhere near the end of this battle. To quote the greatest rock band of all time... “We’ve only just begun...” And remember heroes, it is a direct violation of the terms of service to purchase in-game currency from third party vendors (aka if it is not in our store, it’s not legit.) Ya know, the Terms of Service bit about “...blah, blah, blah, Sell, buy, trade or otherwise transfer or offer to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA... blah, blah.” That bit. And per usual, if you have any questions or concerns regarding cheating or banned accounts in the game please message me directly on the forums @cg_lucifersdaddy . Carry on, and don’t forget to wash those blasters every day! LD161KViews1like527CommentsCharacter Strategy: Commander Luke Skywalker
Commander Luke Skywalker Determined Rebel hero who can ignore debuffs or ignore Taunts Unlocks at: Seven stars Available from: Hero's Journey Event Abilities BASIC Attack – Destined Strike: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Speed Down and Defense Down for 2 turns. If the target already had Speed Down, remove 30% Turn Meter. If the target already had Defense Down, inflict Stun for 1 turn. SPECIAL Attack – Use the Force: Deal Physical damage to target enemy, Dispel all buffs on them, remove 100% Turn Meter, and inflict Buff Immunity and Tenacity Down for 2 turns. Reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1 if the target didn’t have full Health. (Cooldown 4). SPECIAL Ability – Call to Action: Dispel all debuffs on Luke. Luke gains 100% Turn Meter and recovers 40% Health and 40% Protection. If Luke doesn’t have the “Call to Action” unique buff, he gains it until the next time this ability is used. (Cooldown 4) Call to Action: Luke ignores Taunts during his turn and has +50% Accuracy, +50% Critical Chance, and +50% Critical Damage. Can’t be Dispelled or prevented. Leader Ability – Rebel Maneuvers: Rebel allies have +50% Counter Chance, +50% Defense, and +15% Offense. Whenever an enemy Resists a detrimental effect, Rebel allies gain 5% Turn Meter. Unique Ability – Learn Control: While Luke doesn’t have Call to Action, he has +50% Counter Chance, +50% Critical Avoidance, +50% Defense, +100% Tenacity, and gains 10% Turn Meter whenever another Rebel ally takes damage. Unique Ability – It Binds All Things: Luke has +40% Potency. Whenever Luke Resists a detrimental effect he recovers 5% Health and 5% Protection. Whenever Luke inflicts a debuff he gains 10% Turn Meter and other allies gain half that amount. General Strategy Luke’s special “Use the Force” is devastating, stripping all buffs and Turn Meter from the target, and then preventing further buffs from being applied through Buff Immunity. Luke’s Lead grants Counter Chance to the entire Rebel Faction for the first time. With all the high-damage attackers within the Rebels, using an AoE against them becomes an interesting proposition of whether the counterstrike might hurt more than the intended AoE attack. Use Luke’s second special to grant himself the “Call to Action” buff when you need to get through a taunting tank and finish off a wounded enemy. Hero Synergies Pair Luke with allies that can provide Speed Down and/or Defense Down so that Luke’s basic can proc the more powerful secondary effects of Turn Meter Remove and Stun earlier rather than later. Using Rebels with AoE Debuffs such as Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben), Cassian, R2D2, or Scarif Rebel Pathfinder under a Luke lead can help versus enemies that repeatedly apply Tenacity Up. A full 5 enemies resisting an AoE debuff supplies 25% Turn Meter to all Rebel Allies, which would be doubled to 50% when figuring that Obi-Wan’s “Mind Trick” applies two! Luke’s lead and R2 are a match made in heaven, as each Counterattack gives another opportunity to Critical Hit and cleanse all debuffs from the character. Where to Use Luke is one of the most versatile and powerful characters we have released, and can be used in any group in Squad Arena, Raid, Assault Battles, or various other PVE squads.152KViews1like182CommentsSEE definitely needs a buff!
So, SEE in my opinion seems to 100% need a buff done too him, its quite ridiculous how bad he is. Palp teams can kill him, Geo teams can kill him, Sep teams can kill him, vader teams can kill him, Imperial Troopers absolutely destroy him, and Kylo can 1 v 5 him. This doesn't feel like a galactic legend at all, specially no where near the power level of Rey and Kylo. Its arguable that even JML who definitely needs some tweaks also, is actually better off than SEE. Sure SEE does massive damage once you get the ultimate out but, that's IF you can get the ultimate out and you definitely need him for offense if you want too use it. When placed on defence, he doesn't get a chance, his entire team get wiped out almost instantly by so so many different teams. Im sure over the next week we'll see even more silly counters come to light. And despite what the videos say, you can not solo GAS with him, myself and 2 other people have tried now multiple times and clones just rip through him, so that video was clearly faked an had their mods removed on the 501st. Again, this is just me voicing my opinion, and im sure it'll trigger many people as what doesnt on the forums but, im thinking maybe give him some leadership defensive bonuses for his team at least and maybe some damage bonuses like Kylo has. Specially considering hes meant to be used with Tanks. And his ability where all Sith recover 50% protection is a bit silly considering Sith rely on Health in the game. Just my two cense on it. Please buff "both" GL's.146KViews1like4384CommentsGoogle Gift Card Promotion?
Full Rey + 3000 crystals with 50$ google from Walmart DEV Response "CG_Kozispoon;c-1298621" wrote: Hiya! In the above post, we mentioned that we’ve partnered with Google to offer a special in-game bonus to Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes players who purchase a Google Play gift card in select countries for a limited time this holiday season. There’s been some confusion on the offer details and availability by country and retailer, so we're providing Google’s official retailer list and schedule below. Retailers may post differing dates based on when their signage is displayed in-store. However, even if the retailer stops displaying signage, the promotion is still programmed in that country according to the dates listed < > , but for posterity! In the above post, we mentioned that we’ve partnered with Google to offer a special in-game bonus to Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes players who purchase a Google Play gift card in select countries for a limited time this holiday season. There’s been some confusion on the offer details and availability by country and retailer, so we're providing Google’s official retailer list and schedule below. This list is subject to change and please contact Google if you have any specific questions related to the list or your particular purchase. =================================================== Confirmed Retailers currently participating (by Country): COUNTRY START DATE PARTICIPATING RETAILERS Austria 10/23/17 Spar Austria Austria 12/1/17 Tobaccoland Australia 12/1/17 7-11, AU Post, Coles, EB Games, PC Games Supply, Reject Shop Belgium 10/30/17 Digital Only Belgium 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Brazil 12/1/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Canada 11/1/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Switzerland 10/16/17 Lekkerland, Migros, Post Finance, Valora Germany 10/30/17 Digital Only Germany 11/20/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Denmark 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Spain 10/30/17 Digital Only Spain 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Finland 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold France 10/30/17 Digital + Carrefour FR France 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold United Kingdom 10/30/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Ireland 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold India 12/8/17 Croma, Hotpost, ICICI, Paytm, PhoneRe, Reliance Digital Japan 11/21/17 Circle K, Family Mart, Lawson, Ministop Mexico 12/8/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Netherlands 10/30/17 Digital Only Netherlands 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Norway 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold New Zealand 12/1/17 COUNTDOWN NZ Poland 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Portugal 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Sweden 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold Singapore 11/15/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold United States of America 10/30/17 Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold except Kroger and Target United States of America 11/12/17 Kroger United States of America 11/21/17 Target South Africa 11/13/17 Digital + Everywhere Google Play Gift Cards are sold =================================================== What’s the offer? The offer varies by territory, but in most countries, there are 3 different reward tiers which depending on the value of gift cards offered in that country and the reward is Rey (Scavenger) of varying star level plus some crystals. Please refer to the signage at physical retailers or the Terms and Conditions found on the product page for online offers for the specific rewards in your country. Is this only available from physical retail locations? Can I purchase this offer online? You can purchase Google Play gift cards from participating physical retailers or purchase from many retailers online (see Google’s official list and refer to the signage at physical retailers or the Terms and Conditions found on the product page for online offers). I bought a gift card, how do I claim the reward? Most importantly, make sure you’re logged into the same account on your Android device AND inside Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes. Go to the Google Play Store on your Android device. Open the Menu and tap Redeem. Enter your gift card code. Tap Add Item on the Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes pop-up. Tap on Open when instructed by your device. When the game opens, you’ll see a text pop-up confirming that you redeemed your code. You’ll also receive a message in your game inbox that confirms you’ve received the reward and Rey will be in your Characters area, ready for you to activate. What can I do if I’ve already purchased a Gift Card from Target or Kroger? We’ve discovered an issue with cards purchased at Target and Kroger, and unfortunately it’s not allowing us to validate the code redemptions. What does this mean? It means the cards won’t work as designed. Which is not cool, and we apologize. We’re working with Google on this, and if you have one of these cards, you should pursue a refund with the original retailer. If you encounter any problems receiving a refund from the retailer, then please contact us. I was supposed to receive a 7* Rey, but I only got a 4*. What should I do? Rey unlocks at 4*. If your reward was for a higher star version of Rey, we’ve also given you the additional character shards and credits needed to promote her up to that star level. Go to your Character Selection screen, find Rey and tap the PROMOTE button in the bottom right to increase her star level. I already had Rey at 7*. What am I supposed to do with these extra shards? Excess character shards can be converted to Shard Shop currency which can be used to purchase character shards or gear. I redeemed my code, but Rey hasn’t shown up in-game. What should I do? Ensure that you’re logged into the same account on both your device and in-game. Restart the game - fully close the app and relaunch Double-check to ensure your retailer is participating (see the official list above). If your retailer is not participating, you may not get the reward. Is this only available from physical retail locations? Can I purchase this offer online? You can purchase Google Play gift cards from participating physical retailers or purchase from many retailers online (see the official list above) I purchased a gift card from a retailer online, but I haven’t received my code. What can I do? Many retailers deliver the online gift card purchases to you via email after a brief delay (sometimes up to 4 hours). Please refer to information on the retailer website, purchase confirmation or other email regarding how long to expect between purchase and delivery. Contact your retailer if you continue to have issues. How many times can I purchase this offer? Most countries have 3 different offers tiers available. You can purchase each tier a maximum of 3 times. Refer to the in-store signage or Terms and Conditions for online offers in your specific country. Can I move my reward to another account? No, the reward is tied to the account at the point you redeemed the offer.145KViews0likes1000Comments
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