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The Sims 4 Mac Legacy Edition thread
There seems to be a lot of confusion and potential issues for some attempting to download and install the Legacy Edition of the Sims 4. This thread aims to answer some common questions and also serve as a help thread for those needing further clarification and assistance. I am merging all current threads into it so as not to clog up the Mac forum with multiple posts on the same issue and also to not drown out those needing help on other issues. @EA_Mai has already posted a very helpful and informative sticky here, please read it together with this post before leaving a comment, your question has probably already been answered. Update 18.04.23 - The Legacy version will no longer launch, users will instead get an unsupported hardware error message. There is no fix for this. In order to play the Sims 4 you must be using a Metal compatible Mac Update 14.11.22 - From 12 December 2022 the Legacy Edition of the game will no longer be available to download. In order to play the Sims 4 you must be using a Metal compatible Mac (source). Q. Do I need to download and install the Legacy Edition of The Sims 4? A. Prior to December 2022 you could download and install the Sims 4 Legacy Edition if you were running a Mac that does not support Metal. The following Macs DO NOT support Metal: MacBook 2010 models and earlier (White MacBooks) MacBook Air - 2011 models and earlier MacBook Pro 2011 models and earlier Mac mini 2011 models and earlier iMac 2011 models and earlier Mac Pro models can vary due to the ability to upgrade the GPU. Please see this Apple support page for more specific information and this thread from a user with a 2008 Mac Pro Q. My Mac supports Metal but still forces me to install the Legacy Edition A. Make sure you are running macOS 10.11.6 El Capitan or later. The current version of the game will not run on previous versions of macOS. Q. Will downloading the Legacy Edition on a Mac which supports Metal fix any game issues I am experiencing? A. No! The Legacy Edition is ONLY for those with Macs that are not Metal compatible. If your Mac supports Metal it will attempt to load the normal version of the game. The Legacy Edition is NOT A FIX for game issues on supported computers. Q. Origin is prompting me to install the Legacy Edition, how do I do that? A. The Legacy Edition is no longer available for download. Q. My Mac is running macOS El Capitan/Sierra/High Sierra, why can't I run the current version of the game? A. Some 2010 - 2011 model Macs can run versions of macOS up to and including macOS High Sierra 10.13 but do not support Metal. This is because the Intel/AMD/NVIDIA video cards Apple used in these machines do not support Metal. Q. Is my Mac 64-bit? A. Yes! The 32-bit instruction for The Sims 4 Legacy Edition is only applicable to Windows users. The Sims 4 has always been 64-bit for Mac. Please disregard any and all comments regarding the 32-bit application of the Sims 4 that you read anywhere on the internet, it does not apply to Mac users. Q. I cannot access the Gallery in the Legacy Edition A. The Legacy Edition does not support any online features. Q. I am not receiving any new game features introduced in new patches such as the hot tub, firemen, Alt window placement, platforms, scenarios, infants etc. A. Patches released for the current version of the game were not applied to the Legacy Edition, although the game did appear to update. Q. I've purchased and installed an Expansion/Game/Stuff Pack/Kits through Origin but it is not showing up in my game. A. Packs released since November 2019 were not compatible with the Legacy Edition. Realm of Magic was the last legacy compatible Pack. Q. Will my Mods and CC work in the Legacy Edition? A. No idea, you need to check with the creator that they are Legacy Edition compatible. EA are not responsible for 3rd party content working in the game.Solved80KViews11likes850Comments[Info] The Sims 4 macOS Catalina Troubleshooting
Edited: Check the solution in the comment below!SolvedEA_Mai6 years agoEA Staff180KViews62likes729Comments❗️ [NEEDS SAVES] [WORKAROUND] game/Mac freezes on Mac with M1 chip
Apple just released their new M1 Apple Silicon chip. Will we be able to play the Sims 4 on this new processor? Maybe I don't know that much about computers, but will this affect game play? My laptop is so old and I desperately need a new one, but they're discontinuing the Intel processor. (edited title to better reflect the issue reported in this thread and the solution - Bluebellflora)Solved58KViews7likes699Comments[WORKAROUND] 11.17.20 patch - game won't stop loading
I play on a Mac - My game did today’s update to fix the crashing and now it won’t load at all! Was waiting up to 10 mins and it was just stuck on the loading screen. I took off all my mods and still would not work. Any tips would be helpful, thank you! (Merged all posts into this thread for the infinite loading issue since the 17.11 patch and edited title, Bluebellflora)Solved13KViews41likes615Comments[FIXED] Problems playing Sims 4 on the 16" MacBook Pro
The 2019 16" MacBook Pros are currently having a few issues playing The Sims 4. Typical problems reported by players are: Screen tearing Game crashing, especially when trying to load a household Flooring disappears and the terrain is visible Black lines and patches in the game window San Myshuno seems to be a particularly problematic world to play in causing frequent crashes Batuu is virtually unplayable and has the same issues as San Myshuno Workarounds which have sometimes worked are: Disable iCloud Drive in System Preferences Disable Retina display in the in-game graphics options Try toggling Laptop Mode on/off Enable Vertical Sync in the in-game graphics options Resetting NVRAM Disabling Automatic Graphics Switching in System Preferences > Energy Saver Summerskiin has reported here that updating to Big Sur (beta) has fixed the issues RouenSims has reported here that changing the resolution can help You could also try toggling between fullscreen and windowed mode by holding down CMD, CTRL and F, a game repair is also worth trying as standard troubleshooting. If you are experiencing any of these issues please post in this thread so we can consolidate the problems related to these specific Macs. Your Mac will have one of these graphics card options with either 4 GB VRAM or 8GB VRAM: AMD Radeon Pro 5300M AMD Radeon Pro 5500M AMD Radeon Pro 5600M Please specify which one you have. Confirming your version of macOS would also help. Screenshots would also be helpful and a brief, concise description of the issues you are experiencing and what workaround, if any, you have found makes your game playable.Solved29KViews10likes613CommentsGame Data Incomplete, grey llamas, red and white sims, broken textures
Hello, I haven't really had any issues with my Sims 4 game before so I haven't used these message boards very much, but I've had a problem show up that I can't seem to find a solution for. I've checked various other posts with a similar problem but none of those fixes helped. I updated the game yesterday and when I went to load my save (right before you choose a world to play), a message popped up that said: Game Data Incomplete Not all game data could be loaded. The save game references neighbourhoods that have been uninstalled or otherwise are no longer available. If you continue playing, you will encounter missing data and may have unexpected results. If you save the game, there will be no way to recover the missing data. What I thought was weird was after updating the game and before starting it, I decided to buy two stuff packs (because 50% off) and installed those. When I was scrolling through all the packs I had, I realized none of them were installed, literally NONE, and I had to go through and re-download every single pack. Once they were all redownloaded, I started the Sims and that's when I saw the error message. After googling for hours trying to fix the problem and I had felt like I exhausted all options, I decided I was just going to go through my save file and save every household and lot I created to my library and then completely start over because I was so fed up. However, when I went into the worlds to start saving lots, I saw all those weird grey llamas. They weren't in every world, only Del Sol Valley, Sulani, and Willow Creek, all the rest (from what I recall) had no llamas. In the worlds with the llamas, all my created lots were gone and only base game lots remained. I have tried to repair the game in Origin (three times now), restarted my computer (twice), uninstalled and reinstalled Origin, moved folders around in my Sims 4 folder (taking out folders one by one to see which one is the issue), and then finally completely removed my Sims 4 folder and placed it on desktop so it would regenerate upon opening again. When I took out my Sims 4 folder, I opened the Sims, started a new game, made a random sim, and when I went to choose a world the llama thumbnails were still there. I play with mods and cc, but removed the folder while trying to fix this issue. I'm not really sure what to do next, I was set on just starting a new save file and restarting, but once I saw that the llamas were still there even after the Sims 4 folder regenerated I feel kind of stuck. If you have any ideas on how to fix please respond! Also sorry if this seems super jumbled and all over the place, I wanted to add as much detail as possible and I'm also typing this at 4:30am LOL. (edit - changed thread title to cover all related issues with this problem, Bluebellflora)Solved26KViews1like605Comments[READ FIRST] Saves, CC/Mods or Library items disappeared? iCloud issues
ISSUE Saves One minute your game is working fine. The next you go to play and the Load Game button has disappeared, there seems to be no way to play an existing save. CC/Mods Newly added CC/Mods do not show up in your game despite being properly installed (for help with installing 3rd party content see here) or CC randomly starts disappearing from your game. Library items Saving Lots, Rooms and Households to your in-game Library doesn't work CAUSE Most likely the internal storage on your Mac is too full and iCloud is pushing any newly added files to your Documents folder in the cloud. This can happen at anytime. You can check the storage level by clicking on the Apple in the top left corner of the menu bar then About This Mac, then the Storage tab. By default, the game stores your Saves, Mods, Tray (where your Library items are saved) and all your user game data in a folder called The Sims 4 in Documents > Electronic Arts. If there is no Sims 4 folder in this location the game will recreate a new one each time it is launched. If you have iCloud Drive enabled and set to store your Desktop & Documents folder in the cloud it may be moving your existing Sims 4 folder to the cloud, hence the need to create a new Sims 4 folder every time you launch the game. You can check the status of various files and folders, and what the little cloud icons mean, here. FIX Firstly, you MUST free up some space on your Mac otherwise doing this is pointless. Empty the Downloads folder, go through your data and see what you no longer need, empty the Bin. If you have large Photos, Music and TV libraries consider storing them on an external drive. Instructions here on how to do this for your Photos library, the principle is the same for the Music and TV apps. Open System Preferences and then your iCloud settings. What you click on can vary by macOS, check Apple's help page here if you can't immediately find where to look. This is where you can choose what gets stored in the cloud. We are only interested in two settings, iCloud Drive and Optimise Mac Storage Click on Options... in the iCloud Drive setting and make sure Desktop & Documents Folders is unchecked. Scroll down to the bottom of this Apple help page to understand what happens to your data when you turn off the setting. Back at the iCloud settings window, Uncheck Optimise Mac Storage below the list of apps using iCloud. This means that your Mac will stop pushing files to the cloud when the internal storage is getting full. For more info on this setting read this help page. Once you have successfully stopped iCloud from moving the contents of your Documents folder to the cloud you need to move the Sims 4 folder back into the default location - Macintosh HD > Users > [User] > Documents > Electronic Arts Apple explain here what the status of the little cloud icons mean. If you're feeling brave you could consider creating a symlink and storing your Sims 4 folder on an external drive. Or maybe change your Origin Games Library location to an external Drive.38KViews17likes604Comments🛠️ Creating a symlink in macOS to store the Sims 4 folder on an external drive
This is not to be confused with installing the actual Sims 4 game on an external drive. The game installation location is determined in Origin/EA App. As internal storage gets smaller we're forced to use cloud based solutions to store files and folders or resort to a trusty external drive. Cloud based only storage is not an option for the Sims 4 folder that contains all your saves, Mods, Library items and other user data because the game only looks in one place for your data: [Your User account] > Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 If there is no Sims 4 folder in that location the game will create a new one. There is no way around this default Sims 4 folder location unfortunately, it is hard coded into the game. Because of this the only option to store the Sims 4 folder on an external drive is to create a symbolic link, otherwise known as a symlink. Creating the symlink is relatively easy provided you understand the concept of what a symlink is and why you are creating it. You should also be familiar with Terminal on your Mac and the security and permission systems in place in whichever version of macOS you are running as these dictate the ability for the game to access the external drive and whether your Mac user account has permission to grant the necessary access. You should also make sure you are using a good quality, fast external drive. You get what you pay for and if you bought a cheap drive, with low quality cables, you will most likely struggle to get the symlink to work because it will be too slow. For help buying an external drive and what to look out for read this guide. I am not going to write step by step instructions here, the post will be far too long. Instead, you can read the detailed and comprehensive guide I wrote several years ago here If your symlink is not working it is down to user error. It really is that simple. macOS is a Unix based operating system and as such uses Unix commands which are all provided in the above linked guide. This thread is for consolidating all posts related to the Mac symlink process here at Answers HQ. If you're a Windows user read Crinrict's excellent guide here What I have provided below are a few of the common issues people face as a result of not entering the commands correctly or having the correct permissions in place. Common issues reported and the solution: Always check your external drive has the correct name in Disk Utility: open Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities) change View to Show All Devices then click on the drive in the left sidebar the Mount Point shows the name of your drive. If there is a number added to the drive name it means the drive has not been properly ejected multiple times Close Disk Utility and eject the drive In Finder click on Go in the menu bar then Go To Folder. Enter /Volumes in the input field and hit return in the /Volumes location, trash the folder(s) that has the same name as the external drive Close Finder, plug the drive back in, open Disk Utility again to check the drive name in the Mount Point. If it matches try to create the symlink In addition to checking the external drive mount point above, the following may also be helpful: Terminal states my access/permission is denied check your Mac user account is an Administrator account and not a Standard account. check that Terminal has access to external drives, also known as Removable Volumes, and your Documents folder. I'm constantly getting "Unable to start... Cannot start because the below file appears to be corrupted" error message make sure the external drive is correctly formatted as either APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled). If it isn't, reverse the symlink, reformat the drive in Disk Utility and start again. check your Mods actually aren't corrupted by downloading a compatible version from the creator. I keep getting the error message "Unable to start... The Sims 4 is already running" make sure the external drive is correctly plugged in and mounted. check Origin/EA App has access to the external drive. disable iCloud Drive if the symlink folder in Documents is a white page instead of a folder with the little arrow the symlink has broken. Trash it and attempt to recreate the symlink. Check the Mount Point in Disk Utility shows your exact external drive name and doesn’t have a number added to the drive name. If it does this means your drive has not been properly ejected multiple times. To fix it: eject the drive in Finder click on Go in the menu bar then Go To Folder enter /Volumes in the text field and hit Enter/Return in the Finder window that appears you should see a folder, not a drive icon, with the same name as your external drive. Trash it. plug the drive back in, check the mount point in Disk Utility is the exact drive name with no appended numbers, then try to create the symlink again. if the mount point is still showing a number you have problems with your drive. Consider reformatting it, trying different connector cables, or getting a better drive. Terminal tells me No such file or directory did you copy and paste the command from the guide and correctly substitute the name of your external drive? If you didn't copy and paste you may have used the wrong letters in the command. Copy and paste from the guide. Terminal tells me Directory not empty in Step 1 Is there already a folder on the external with the same name as the folder you're moving? i.e. have you already copied over the Electronic Arts folder? If there is already a folder with the same name as the folder you're moving, Terminal will return this result. Terminal tells me File already exists in Step 2 of the guide Did you correctly complete step 1 or is there still an Electronic Arts or Sims 4 folder in your Documents folder? If the folder is still there you have not correctly moved it in Step 1. If you have iCloud Drive enabled to store your Documents folder in the cloud and Optimise Storage enabled, it will cause issues with the symlink. I strongly advise to disable this iCloud feature otherwise you will have issues, especially if you use Mods. As a reminder, creating this symlink is aimed at people storing their Electronic Arts/Sims 4 folder locally. Using iCloud Drive stores your folder in the cloud and locally. For help with iCloud see this thread❗️ [CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 does not launch in macOS Sierra
After the November 12 update, I cannot get Sims 4 to launch on my Mac. Specs: MacBook Pro 14,3 (15-inch, 2017) macOS Sierra (version 10.12.6) 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-7820HQ) 16 GB RAM 2133 MHz LPDDR3 Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB AMD Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB 512 GB SSD; 67.5 GB available With a clean game folder or otherwise fresh options.ini in place, the right half of my screen would go dark, and the left half would show an enlarged version of what the right half of the desktop would normally look like. With options.ini set to open the game in windowed mode, the TS4 window hung on a white screen indefinitely. In either case, the computer did not respond to cmd-optn-esc, and if I tried to tab or click on something else, it eventually restarted itself. When I once left my laptop alone for 12 minutes, it was still frozen trying to load TS4, and I had to hold down the power button to shut down. I tried these troubleshooting steps, none of which worked: Removing the Sims 4 game folder from Documents\Electronic Arts Running the Origin reset tool Doing a clean uninstall/reinstall of Origin Disabling Origin in-game both globally and for TS4 Turning off every single accessible option in Origin (various notifications, web helper, etc.) Launching while the laptop was not connected to the internet Editing options.ini to match the settings from when TS4 worked last week Resetting NVRAM via key command during startup (not convinced it worked) Resetting NVRAM via Terminal command Forcing the laptop to only use the AMD card via energy settings (thanks to @Bluebellflora for this and the NVRAM suggestions) Installing into a new admin user account that had never seen the game I also booted into safe mode, which produced this fun error: That was probably just because the Metal driver didn't load in safe mode, but still not what I wanted to see. Every time I checked, the game did spawn a clean folder, but the Origin last played date never updated to reflect my attempts to load the game. For what it's worth, my graphics card itself is likely not defective: This Mac is Bootcamped, the game loaded normally in Windows, and GPU-Z says the card performed as expected.Solved31KViews10likes518CommentsSims 4 is already running mac
I bought the game june 2016 and I've never been able to open it, since origin keeps telling me that "the sims 4 is already running" with the errorcode: [ed35e0ea:29f00e76:00000000:18a1dd51] I've already tried reinstalling origin and resetting it. I've checked my task manager and it is not running. I've gotten a new macbook (the touchbar one) and it still tells me that the sims 4 is already running. Help me, please (Edited title showing as added to the compiled list - Bluebellflora)SolvedAnonymous8 years ago78KViews11likes411Comments❗️ Sims 4 keeps crashing when accessing the Gallery
This issue is also happening to me after this most recent patch. I owe a Mac Pro and every time I try to load the gallery it crashes and asks to restart. Little bummed since I was really looking forward to this update.Solved33KViews7likes355Comments[FIXED] Zoom and rotate Trackpad controls not working since June patch
Issue: Since the 18 June 2019 patch,, Sims 4 players are reporting that certain Trackpad controls are not working properly in game, specifically the pinch zoom gesture and the two finger rotate. One or other of the controls will work depending on which one you first use after launching your game. Players affected: All Mac users patched to Workaround: Thankfully this isn't a game breaker and is easy to work around. Use the following alternative controls to zoom and pinch: Zoom option 1 - two finger swipe, as if you are scrolling up and down a page Zoom option 2 - use the + and - keys Rotate - use the < and > keys or mapped equivalent on your keyboard If you feel using the < and > keys is not helpful when building simply make sure you use these in game before using pinch to zoom. This will render the pinch to zoom function useless but still allow you to use two finger rotate. For more explanation of Trackpad controls go into System Preferences > Trackpad and watch the little animated explanations. Apple also have a support page here - Bug reports will be merged in this thread. If you are experiencing this issue please click the little Me Too button below 🙂Solved41KViews27likes301CommentsmacOS thread - updated to include 10.15 Catalina
This thread concentrates on the latest version of macOS, including beta versions, and how Sims 3 and Sims 4 run. If you are running the latest version please take a minute to post your experiences. For an up to date list of current issues in Mojave please see the posts below under Sims 3 or Sims 4. Bear in mind that if you install the beta versions you will most likely have some sort of issues along the way. Operating systems are not supported in any form of beta by Maxis/EA. Please provide the following: Mac specs. Please provide ALL of the information listed here. Have you upgraded from a previous version of macOS or have you done a fresh install? Which game - Sims 3, Sims 4 or both A detailed description of the issue(s) Which Expansion/Game/Stuff Packs you have installed 10.12 Sierra posts start here. 10.13 High Sierra posts start here. 10.14 Mojave posts start here. 10.15 Catalina posts start here.53KViews3likes278Comments[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 crashing since November 2020 update, NOT CC/Mod related
I updated my game today with the new November 2020 update. It let me play for a little while (10-20) minutes before crashing. Nothing popped up on my screen and no error code either. The game just closed itself basically. I play on Mac. Edit - edited title to reflect issue since the 10 November patch, 1.68. (Bluebellflora)Solved77KViews93likes267Comments[CURRENT ISSUE] Freezing, possible system lockup on Macs with AMD Vega GPUs
Since the September patch,, Mac users with AMD Vega graphics cards have reported game crashing/freezing, eternal beach balling and complete system lockup when playing the Sims 4. This is very specific to these GPUs although there are currently widespread issues with other AMD GPUs as well. To find out which Mac you have click on the Apple in the menu bar then About This Mac. If you have a 15" MacBook Pro please click System Report > Graphics & Displays in the Info window to get further information on the discrete GPU your Mac has. The models affected: iMac Pro, all models (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 56 or 64) 2018 15" MacBook Pro (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 16 or 20, only models upgraded to Vega at point of sale) 2019 15" MacBook Pro (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 16 or 20, only models upgraded to Vega at point of sale) 2019 21" iMac (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 20, only models upgraded to Vega at point of sale) 2020 21" iMac (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 20, only models upgraded to Vega at point of sale) 2019 27" iMac (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 48, only models upgraded to Vega at point of sale) This post from @twice_twotimes clearly explains what seems to be happening right before the game or system freezes. At the moment there is no definitely fix or workaround but users have reported the following can help mitigate the issue: Disable Origin in-game Lower graphics settings in-game Close any other apps that use significant graphics power such as video/screen recording, streaming apps Use the Sims 3 camera in-game Please consider providing EA with your save files and the lastCrash files in your Sims 4 folder. Instructions on how to upload these can be found here or please PM @SimQARobo or myself with the files. If you do not have a Vega GPU in your Mac but are having performance issues, please create a new thread with the full details of your Mac included in your opening post.Solved6KViews1like228CommentsMy Sims 4 game won't open
Whenever I click the Sims 4 icon it takes me to Origin, but when I click the Plau button on Origin it thinks about it for a moment and then does nothing. The Sims 4 will not load, it works fine with my other game but not with Sims 4. I tried restarting my computer but had the same issue, Origin will not load the Sims 4, although it did so earlier in the day.Solved327KViews52likes215Comments[FIXED] Upgraded to macOS Ventura - can only Force Quit the game
I have upgraded to Ventura and I can only exit the Sims 4 via Force Quitting. I saw the other thread about disabling origin in game, but it has still not fixed my issue. Is there any other possible fix? Here are my specs: MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports Processor: 1.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 Graphic: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 1536 MB Memory: 8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 macOS: Ventura Storage: 25.23GB available of 121.02BG Could my storage space be the problem? I dont have any other apps running in the background and I do not have iCloud Storage or Optimize Mac Storage. If you have any questions for me, please let me know. Edit - Changed title (Bluebellflora)Solved11KViews9likes195Comments[POSSIBLE BUG] UI glitches and greyed out menus after April patch
Since the 16 April patch some Mac users have reported glitchy and pixelated menus, notification walls, pack logos, greyed out menus and general UI weirdness. This is normally as a result of an outdated Mod, usually a UI Mod, but not all users reporting the issue use CC/Mods so it is possible that this may be a new Mac bug. Affected users have posted the following pictures: (thanks to @KattSimms @alexkostova1 @Ninjaaaahh for uploading the pictures which I've cropped for this post) All the users reporting the issue so far have integrated Intel graphics. Some users have reported that doing one of the following fixed the issue for them: Running the Origin reset tool Repairing the game Enabling/Disabling Origin in-game for both Origin and the game Resetting the Sims 4 folder Toggling between fullscreen and windowed mode Do not skip through the intro screens (EA, Maxis and Sims 4 logos) when launching, let the game play through to the Play screen If you are also experiencing this problem, and can discount CC/Mods as the culprit by removing your Mods folder and trashing the localthumbnailcache.package file, please post your Mac specs (instructions on how and what to provide here - ).Solved54KViews9likes187Comments