12 days agoHero+
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [CL] [SE] City Native: Introduction task not working (Respectful)
- [REVIEWED] [W] Cure Seeker: Collecting Wolfsbane doesn't tick
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [HSY] Live fast aspiration: Start a fight not working
- [REVIEWED] [PH] Polite introduction not counting for tasks/aspiration
- [NEEDS INFO] Fear of Swimming triggered without apparent cause
- [NEEDS INFO] Sim Gets Fear of the Dark After Being Cured (Patch 1.97.42)
- [REVIEWED] [LD] Constant Supernaturally Skilled Moodlet
- [REVIEWED] [PSP] Haunted House Moodlet on normal residential
- [REVIEWED] Married Poly Sims considered cheating when having another relationship
- [NEEDS INFO] Moodlets/Quirk Notifications for infants after Infant has aged up (Patch 1.100)
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Mourning/Grief moodlet although Sim was spared/resurrected
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [LD] Sim still has ghost moodlets and ability from Out of Body Experience
- [REVIEWED] [CD] Hygiene when cleaning LitterBox
- [REVIEWED] Sims won't stay in bed
- [REVIEWED] [LD] Children with Macabre trait get non-child wants/stretch for idle animation
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [CL] [SE] City Native: Introduction task not working (Respectful)
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Jealous trait: Getting upset when partner interacts with their children
- [NEEDS INFO] Teenager don't get third trait on aging/no Graduation
Lot Traits
- [NEEDS INFO] [LD] Hallow Grounds: Lights get stuck very bright after flickering
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [COL] [LS] Missing Foods on Simple Living Lot Challenge
Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [COL] [LS] Missing Foods on Simple Living Lot Challenge
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [DO] [DU] [IL] [S] [SE] Several Food Items Missing From Restaurant Menu Options
- [REVIEWED] Sims don't use fresh ingredients when cooking autonomously
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [COL] [ECO] [HR] Cannot Plant in Off-Lot Planters in Some Worlds
- [REVIEWED] Invisible Plants and mid air floating harvestables (on-Lot)
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Plants revert to dirt pile (Patch 1.101.290) - Inconclusive Cause
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Plants reverting to Dirt Piles
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Household receives positive bill they can't pay
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] [FR] No/ too low rent when playing as tenant
Break/Fire/Repair/ Upgrade
- [NEEDS INFO] Appliances break very easily
- [NEEDS INFO] Upgraded fire-proof objects catching fire a lot
- [REVIEWED] [LD] Tarot cards can't be moved between inventories
- [REVIEWED] Queue stretches/Game Crash (Unknown Cause)
- [REVIEWED] [PSP] Specter sprinkles canceling entire action queue
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills
- [UNDER INVESTIGATION] 'Keep Furniture' not working when moving
- [REVIEWED] [HSY] [SE] Skipping Prom together causes festering bitterness Sentiment
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 3 months ago